Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova: "After eight years of marriage, we learned to understand each other"


Igor Nikolaev fans know as singer and composer. His wife Julia Proskuryakova also conquered the scene for a long time. But recently Igor and Julia played in a romantic comedy.

"Igor, Julia, tell me how to tell you a proposal to play?"

Julia: In social networks, I met the producer Gevond Andreasyan, we made friends. After some time, he wrote to me that there is a small role - Katyukh, girlfriends of the bride, and that it seems to them with the director that I can't deal with her! That's how I got into the project called "Happiness! Health! ".

Igor: And then I persuaded me!

- Have you had to go to some sacrifices in order to get into the desired image?

Julia: No. They were picked up by the type, and my type was fitted: a full, combat, bold, but at the same time kindly and believing in love. The costume picked up quickly, for just one fit! Hair, Makeup - Everyone has already thought out stylists and made on the site; That's how my Katya appeared. And Igor played himself! Suit the same: glasses, hair and mustache. (Smiles.) The site was very fun, the atmosphere is light. We were between the oaks and danced, and sang, and they joked, and laughed, especially since most of the actors were from Comedy and the series "Univer", and with a sense of humor they have, as you know, full order, so it was great.

Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova

Igor Nikolaev and Julia Proskuryakova

- What is the spouses on the same platform? This helps or, on the contrary, interferes?

Julia: We never quarreled. And not because of what was. Igor - Professional, I am also a person responsible and executive.

- And in life you often argue with each other?

Julia: After eight years of marriage and thirteen years old, we learned to understand each other perfectly. Therefore, in case of small disagreements, both go to reconciliation! None of us harmful and the lips do not blow!

And the spouse of singer Julia Proskuryakova received the role of girlfriend of the bride

And the spouse of singer Julia Proskuryakova received the role of girlfriend of the bride

- In the movie Weddings pass quite incendial. And what do you remember your wedding?

Julia: We had a very soulful wedding. Cheerful, family, with close friends and relatives. I remember everything, but I especially remember our first wedding dance ... a very touching moment!

- Weddings rarely cost without curiosities. Did you happen something not according to the script?

Julia: Our wedding, thank God, went without special curiosities and adventures, except that there were huge traffic jams and we were waiting for our mommy - Svetlana Mitrophanovna (Mum Igor). She we have such a responsible person and was very worried that he did not have time to the beginning of the ceremony. Waited, waited and decided to declare the output of the bride and groom. And as soon as Andrei Malakhov said: "Meet the bride and groom," our mother entered right on this phrase, everyone was delighted and the holiday was announced open! Danced and having fun until the morning!

- Julia, you play a bride's girlfriend, which did not catch a bridal bouquet. In life ever caught such a bouquet?

Julia: Never caught bouquets, I somehow did not get lucky, but nevertheless I got married, thank God. And the bouquet did not need.

Igor and Julia are pleased to act as a duet, and the audience takes them with delight

Igor and Julia are pleased to act as a duet, and the audience takes them with delight

- Where was your daughter at a time while you were on the set? Who helps to do with it when you, for example, need to leave?

Julia: and nanny, and grandmothers. Everyone helps if possible. My mother is a working grandmother, and Mom Igor, due to age and health, can no longer help so actively, but both are trying to both in the most responsible moments.

- Igor, tell me how your creative life is going now? What new projects please?

Igor: In the near future a very interesting competition will be held on a TV channel, where young performers from different countries of the world will sing my songs! I'm in anticipation and waiting for surprises and discoveries! Moreover, the director of this project is the cult television director of all "Factory" Lina Arifullina!

- You have long been on the scene. How did your fans have changed during this time?

Igor: They became intelligent people, independent personalities, and I am pleased that we are going together for so long in life!

- Julia, are you not jealous of your husband to fans?

Julia: Never jealous and not jealous. We have a wonderful club of fans, they are always very tactful, attentive, always surprised us, and what gifts are incredible give me me, and Igor, and Veronica. Somehow Igor on the tour was given a chocolate sculpture, and in full growth! But after the tour immediately had to fly in Miami, and I was so sorry to leave this chocolate splendor that I took it with me ...

Igor: I warned that she melts, but you insisted on your ...

Julia: In general, we almost brought it away: she did not melted it twelve and before landing at Miami airport suddenly all melted! How it was a shame, because they were almost brought, and did not even eat a piece of chocolate Igor !!! I still remember this story ...

Star parents from childhood try to teach Veronica to music

Star parents from childhood try to teach Veronica to music

- Julia, heard that you are not behind the husband in terms of employment: theatrical career is actively developing ...

Julia: Yes, last year I entered the guitis, now I am a student of the second course of the correspondence directorial and acting faculty, I play etudes, I go to the acting trainings, I study and read a lot of literature and hand over the exams! I also play in the theater center "Delication", before the summer holidays we showed the play "Stars in the morning sky". A very interesting story about Soviet times, when before the beginning of the Olympiad-80 of all "unreliable elements" was taken out for the 101st kilometer, so that the most positive impression is created about our country. I got the role of Anna - prostitutes and alcoholics. Yes, yes, here is such an interesting heroine! (Smiles. So my theatrical life is boil, and I am completely immersed in the creative process!

- What happens in your musical career?

Julia: I first wrote songs myself: "Juan-hooligan", on which we removed the hooligan video, and the lyrical composition "I can not without you", which is dedicated to Igor.

- Surely in your daughter Veronica you see the features of each other. What and from whom did she take in the character, appearance, behavior?

Julia: She is very similar to Igor, but also my traits in it also appear! She is a musical girl, loves to dance and sing, sculpt, draws. From three years we are planning to give it to the kindergarten, because it is incredibly sociable. It's too small about some serious artistic talents about some serious artistic talents.

- Which of you in terms of raising strict, and who goes to the concessions to the child?

Julia: I am a strict parent!

Igor: And I am soft.

Julia: But I try not to scold, but to explain. For example, why it is impossible to scatter toys, what rules of behavior on the site and how to behave on a walk, so that it is fun and safe !!!

Igor and Julia often spend time in Jurmala, where they have an apartment

Igor and Julia often spend time in Jurmala, where they have an apartment

- Igor, what happens in the life of your older daughter of Yulia? What does she do now?

Igor: I am proud that Julia has become a completely independent person and a professional of his work, received a pharmaceutical higher education. But in the soul, she still remained a creative person who writing songs who find their artists, and the most famous - such as Christina Orbakak, Diana Gurzkaya, Nikolay Baskov, Natasha Korolev and many others! Well, the song "You are my happiness" performed by my wife Yulia Proskuryakova became a real folk hit.

- Igor, is there a time in your life for a hobby?

Igor: I collect vinyl records, for me it is a stopped time and the opportunity to return to the music that once listened to, and in the very real analog sound!

- And when the free time appears, how do you like to spend it?

Igor: I adore tennis; If health, situation and time, I try to run to the tennis court. In addition, we spend a lot of time with your family.

Julia: As soon as a free moment appears, be sure to play with the nickname, we walk, read. Nick simply adores children, children of different age loves. Always when on the street sees kids in a wheelchair, says: "Mom! Look what kind of pretty lyuleka! Hello, Lyalechka, I - Nika. " (Smiles.) He loves to communicate and with the older children and very sympathizes when someone cries or upset, - always trying to regret and hug.

The wedding of the composer and singers became a big secular event.

The wedding of the composer and singers became a big secular event.

- Who in your family knows how to cook and what are your corona dishes?

Julia: Of course I. Balua my and cutlets, and borscht can cook, and omelette, and cheesery to do. Complex dishes do not know how, but here is the simplest soups and the second, of course, I can!

- Now it is fashionable to lead a healthy lifestyle. Do you have any family diet?

Julia: Study at Law Institute, I first tried to sit on the so-called Japanese diet. It lasted two weeks, lost seven kilograms, and then almost lost consciousness from weakness and shortage of nutrients; Since then, I do not fond of diet and I do not advise anyone! Just eat correctly and lead a diary eaten the day, control the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats and will always be healthy and tightened!

- I heard that you have a dog ...

Julia: her name is Zyuk. It looks like a fluffy redhead chanterelle with an elongated sharp face. Very nice, kind and smart dog: no one offends and protects us as it can. Breed German Spitz. We all love her, stroit and Bullet, and Nika loves to play with her.

"You have been an official marriage for eight years old, but more familiar even longer." Probably you can already ask about the secrets of stable relationship ...

Julia: Love each other, respect and take care - this is the most important thing!

Igor: Not afraid of anything and take the right decision if the heart suggests that this is your person!

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