You are accepted: skills that increase your chances when working to work


Each of us in different life stages had to be summarized. Naturally, the very first options left much to be desired: the novice specialist still does not know which requirements are key. Psychologists have studied hundreds of resumes of potential employees of large companies and talked to employers who occasionally face the problem of finding employees. As a result, it turned out a capacious list of requirements to which the manual draws attention primarily, but the importance of which applicants often do not suspect.

Flexibility of thinking

In the modern world, changes occur every minute, therefore the ability to change tactics, the approach to the workflow is now incredibly appreciated. From how quickly you can adapt to changes, the success of a common cause depends, so do not miss this moment by constituting the perfect summary.

Negotiating skills

In order to successfully hold a business meeting, it is important to take into account the following points: how communicating you can, you know how to pick up intonation and the right vocabulary, to all of the time, no one has canceled business etiquette. By taking you to negotiate, the company wants to be sure that you will keep the level set by the company. If you are not still confident in your abilities, "pump out" this skill and boldly point it into a resume: your chances will rise several times.

Try to think nonsense

Try to think nonsense


You are oriented to the client

If your profession provides for active work with people, you must be a good psychologist to at least do not break the deal. "Customer is always right" - you can't argue with this, the ability to find a way out of a communications deadlock, repay the conflict in the root and help a person solve the problem with which he turned to your company - what you need to master in order for any interview confidently Stress your skill.

You can independently make decisions.

One of the most important skills. The world requires perseverance and even keenness to a certain extent. It is not always possible to ask a question to the chief, and the situation requires an immediate decision. If you can find the strength to take responsibility for your own actions, you already have several points ahead of your competitors when taking to work.


The skill is valued not only in creative areas. Working in a serious company, nothing prevents you from finding a non-standard approach to solving the problem that could not decide before you dedicated you to it. Be sure the guide will highly appreciate your ability to think non-standard. To train creativity, try to solve even domestic issues every time differently, do not go along the "dear road".

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