Jasmine: "I do not lie to care for myself"


The singer Jasmine both on stage and in life always looks flawlessly, standing out among the other stars of our variety of bright eastern appearance and inimitable tender voice voice.

And quite recently, the fans of Creativity Jasmine could observe how in a short time the singer literally transformed after the birth of daughter Margarita. The Russian pop star very quickly returned former harness after childbirth and began to actively stick to a healthy lifestyle. Despite the tight schedule and constant tours, the singer willingly agreed to share with Womanhit with its beauty secrets.

"Jasmine, you are not only a popular singer, but also a happy mom." How do you manage to combine the crazy rhythm of life with your family and does it always look flawlessly.

I am in kind of my energetic person, so long to sit idle and is not lazy in my character. And the fact that there are many events in my life, which, like a kaleidoscope, replace each other, just pleases me. This does not mean that I do not get tired, there are days when I don't even want to move from fatigue. But all the affairs and concerns in the end bring me joy. I am a happy man, because I have a favorite husband, the children I adore, and the work that I dreamed about in childhood. For me, family and your favorite people are always in the first place, I try to build all our business so that it is not going to the detriment of our general family time. It is important for me to kiss the daisy before bedtime and tell her a fairy tale or sing a song. Stand in the morning and spend Misha to school, and sometimes talk to him in the evening in souls. As possible to be close to Ilan (singer's husband, approx. The author) and share with it with different news and sensations. All this is the main thing in my life, so I make a schedule so that everyone can hurt and no harm!

- Your numerous fans still interests the question, how did you manage to return the forms after childbirth so quickly?

I have repeatedly told about it and quite detailed. After Margarita was born, my body changed, and in order to bring it to that form to which I was used to and which is comfortable for me, I had to make a lot of effort and to try a variety of ways. As a result, I found my formula! It has several components that are equally important: regular sports, the right diet, a combat mood, supported by the power of the Spirit, and a good mood!

Jasmine prefers natural makeup. .

Jasmine prefers natural makeup. .

- What has changed in your diet?

I began to apply fractional food. Initially, it is difficult to get used to it, since it is necessary to eat almost on the clock, sometimes I forgot, sometimes I really wanted another, previously familiar food, but then I used to be so accustomed to him that now I eat only so. The essence of fractional nutrition is to eat 5-6 times a day in small portions. Imagine that the food you need to eat should fit in your palms. It is advisable to exclude bold, fried, very salty and very sweet. And another important point - you do not need to eat at night,

It is better if the last meal will occur no later than 19-20 hours and dinner will be easy. In my diet, there was less meat, fatty dishes and sweets, and in the rest I remained faithful to my taste preferences.

- Judging by your page in Instagram, you have become actively engaged in sports. How much time do you spend in the gym and what types of classes do you prefer?

In the gym I spend 2-3 hours 3-4 times a week. I have my own fitness instructor that constitutes the program and selects the load. We tried with her different directions - aerobics, pilates, yoga, dancing, just all sorts of complexes on simulators. As a result, several programs have created elements of different directions. First time I was very tired, the muscles were sick so that I was ready to scream at every movement after classes. It was painfully even to go through a few steps. But over time, my body adapted, loved sports, and now I can not without physical exertion. Moreover, I infected my whole family with your example! The first to me joined the daisy, she likes to be with me in class and repeat all the movements that makes her mother. Then Ilan and Misha joined. So now sport is a hobby of our family.

- How do you care for the face? Favorite salon procedure Jasmine?

I do not lie to care for myself, it is only a joy. Apply a mask on the face, make a point massage, moisten the skin of the body or use a delicious smelling scrub. In the morning I first wash it, I wipe the skin with tonic or lotion, wean cream, and then makeup. In the evening I clean my face with special means, also wipe with tonic or lotion, moisturizing with cream and make a light massage with my fingers. A couple of three times a week I make a face mask. In the cabin there are periodically, the procedures of loved ones. One of them is peeling, since after it the skin looks perfectly like a baby!

One of the favorite salon procedures jasmine - peeling, after him the skin of the singer looks just excellent. .

One of the favorite salon procedures jasmine - peeling, after him the skin of the singer looks just excellent. .

- As your day makeup usually looks like, and what makes it more often accent - on lips or in front of the eye - when applying Evening Makeup?

It all depends on the event that I am going to. I love the Makeup in the style of Natural, where minimum cosmetics and maximum natural beauty. If I have to meet, I will make an accent, perhaps on my eyes. If there is a shooting, then I will try to find a golden middleness between accents on the eyes and lips. Sometimes, by the mood, I am paint the lip of bright lipstick, in this case, in my eyes I can tinker only eyelashes, no more. But in general, it all depends on the event to be visited, and on the mood.

- Jasmine, on stage you are always different: and style of clothing, and makeup, and hair, which always look perfect. Your advice to our hair care readers?

- I like it when women have long and well-groomed hair, in my opinion, it is very feminine and beautiful! There is no single secret to care for hair and can not be, because all the hair is different and care is needed unequal. After each head wash, I use air conditioners or rinses to give silkiness hair. I often do different nutrient masks for the whole length of hair and separately by oil feed the tips. And the advice is simple: just love your hair and do not be lazy to care for them.

- What always lies in the cosmetics jasmine?

Mascara, lipstick, powder, pallet with shadows, lip pencil, hygienic lipstick, bottle with favorite spirits, wet wipes.

- What are the bags of perfume especially fascinating?

I love flavors with floral notes and notes of freshness.

- Each star has its own secret of attractiveness. Brand BEAUTY-Council Jasmine?

- Everything is simple, you need not try to become happy, but to be it! Pay attention to any, even if you are familiar and insignificant at first glance, trivia is a beautiful sunrise, singing a little pich tug, the rustling of trees, the possibility of a new day. And always remember that everything is in your power, everything is in your hands. Even if not today, tomorrow you can do what they conceived. Love this life, this world and rejoice every day!

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