Phone - bacteria cluster: how often it is necessary to clean the device screen


We spend huge amounts for the purchase of cosmetics for skin care in the fight against rashes, but forget about banal things. For example, the fact that every day our face concerns the screen of a mobile phone, which accumulates of skin particles, residues of cosmetics, sebum, and other things that, when contacting with clean skin, provokes inflammation. Time magazine has released the thematic material in which he advised to clean the device screen once a month. Tell why I do not agree with the popular edition and how in fact you need to care for the display.

Clothes are not a napkin

How do you usually clean the screen? Surely, like most, slightly delay the sleeve of the sweaters and wipe the display to shine with a circular movement. But only the bacteria from it not only do not disappear, but they are joined by particles of fabric and household dust from the surface of your clothing. Doubtful purity, right? If you have no napkins for cleaning the screen at hand, it is better to moisten a disposable dry or wet napkin by the sanitizer, which lies in the bag of each modern girl. This means contains alcohol - it kills the largest microbes.

Telephone - Intermediary in the exchange of bacteria

You found a funny meme during Lunch and give your phone to a friend - he keeps him in his hands and laughs, and then returns to you. Ready! Bacteria from his fingers already on the phone screen, and they fall into your hands and inside the body. Especially dangerous if you eat a lover with hands, pre-treating them by sanitizer. In this case, from everyone who is a carrier of the virus, you will receive your "portion" of harmful microorganisms. If you have a strong immunity, most of them will die while passing through the esophagus. But if it is weakened with stress - lack of sleep, emotional tension - or recent disease, wait for the first signs of infection.

Clear need not only screen, but also phone case

Clear need not only screen, but also phone case


Do not forget about the covers

Wipe not only the screen, but the whole phone. Protective covers made of silicone and plastic in their structure porous - bacteria easier to penetrate the surface and delay in it. And with the palms you hold the phone, in the same way fall into the body, when you touch the face - wipe your eyes or cover your mouth when yawning. Doctors advise to change the covers about once every six months - during this time, transparent silicone and plastic just time to darken.

Remove the bad habit

During the conversation, it is not necessary to pressed the cheek to the screen. Modern devices installed powerful speakers that are perfectly taken and output sound even if your face is at a distance of 3-5 cm from the screen. To overcome this habit, make a rule to wipe the display every time you attach it to the face. Soon you will get tired of spending these manipulations and the habit will take by itself.

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