What does modern Roksolana do?


The most famous and mysterious sultanus of the Ottoman Empire, Hurrem, left behind, not only a lot of legends, but also a magnificent heiress, which was even called in honor of the Prapraple ... Prabato-Rocksan.

30-year-old Roxan Kunter - Suliman and Hurrem's relative (grandfather Roxan - Grandson of Sultan Abdul-Hamid II) - one of the most beautiful women in Turkey, popular TV presenter of sports news and the star of Turkish basketball.

Roxan Kunter was born in Istanbul. Apparently, beautiful love stories in this family - the legacy of generations. Rocksan's parents loved each other at first glance. According to their daughter, even after 35 years old, they are "looking at each other with tenderness." Roxan is proud of its unusual origin and family history, although there are no aristocrats in her family. Dad girl - coach of the National Basketball team, mother works in a major cosmetic company, and her husband is not a prince and not even the duke, but a public relations specialist on television.

"The grandfather always taught me to be modest and not to put himself above others because of origin," says Roksan. - The most important for him was to instill good manners, correct values. We lived under normal conditions, and I did not feel any privileges, but I knew my family history and always proud to her. "

In his free time, the girl gladly looks at the "magnificent age," but still does not regret that he did not accept the invitation of producers of the series: "I was invited to a major role, but I could not have been able for many reasons. In my opinion, Merrey Uzerli turned out to be a beautiful Cheerrem ... I know that the "magnificent century" is widely criticized, but I do not share the opinions of critics. I really like this series. "

Roxan Kunter is a relative of Suleiman and Hurrem (grandfather Roxan - grandson of Sultan Abdul-Hamid II) - one of the most beautiful women in Turkey, the popular TV presenter of sports news and the star of Turkish basketball. Photo: facebook.com//roksankunter.

Roxan Kunter is a relative of Suleiman and Hurrem (grandfather Roxan - grandson of Sultan Abdul-Hamid II) - one of the most beautiful women in Turkey, the popular TV presenter of sports news and the star of Turkish basketball. Photo: facebook.com//roksankunter.

And other famous descendants of the Ottoman Empire ...

The life of the Ottoman descendants was in different ways: someone spent many years in exile and acquired new titles, someone achieved success in business, and someone became one of the most famous critics of the "magnificent century."

- Descendant to Hurrem (the grandson of Sultan Abdul-Hamid), Prince Murat Khan, criticized the creators of the series for everything. The image of his grand ancestor of Suleiman, he insufficiently insufficiently militant, the robes of Sultansh are too frank, and the fact of birth at Ibrahim illegitimate child generally called "unthinkable".

- Another famous heir to the Ottoman dynasty, Prince Shehzade Orhan Murad Osmanoglu, lives in England since birth. He has its own investment company, a house in the county of Bakingemshire and his beloved wife, with whom he brings up two children.

- Granddaughter of the last official Ottoman Sultan Mehmed VI, Fatma Nazlishai Osmanoglu Sultan, became the last in the genus the heiress born to the fall of the Ottoman Empire. For her 92 years of life (Fatma died in 2012) she managed to visit the last princess of the Ottoman Empire, to be in exile, marry the Egyptian Prince, become the princess of the Egyptian Empire, survive the establishment of the republic in Egypt and return home. The son of the naslishah retained the title of Prince Egyptian, but not Prince of the Ottoman Empire.

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