Beauty secrets from Darya Chick


Actress Daria Tickleeva was filmed in several high-profile projects on TV, among which, for example, the series "The Reverse Side of the Moon". But still, she considers themselves primarily the theatrical actress. Daria serves in the Moscow Theater of the Moon, where she has a lot of major roles.

- Daria, you look great! What do to keep yourself in such a good form?

- Thank you! The actress should always follow themselves and always be in excellent shape. We are public persons, we go out every day to the audience I am now on a special royal diet - I am preparing for the premiere of the play "Queen". This diet advised me to Daria Nikolaevna Popova, director of production: in the morning coffee, there is nothing during the day, only drinking a lot of water, and in the evening - a little fish or birds with vegetables. And still you need to be in love. No matter who or what. Just in love with your role, in itself, in the director. The main thing is to learn to love, and you will always emit a special inner light! Sergey Borisovich Prokhanov, the artistic director of the Luna Theater, the artistic director of the Luna Theater, was shared by another secret of beauty and a quick way of losing weight, the artistic director of the Moon Theater is a cocktail from kefir and greenery. Connect the ingredients in a blender and drink for three days for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The effect is instant! Lose in front of the eyes. Important Council - It is necessary to completely exclude alcohol from the diet, as it negatively affects the skin condition. Previously, I really loved drinking a glass of good red wine for dinner, but now there is no woman, since it is not only aging, but also get fat. During my acting work, I had to try a lot of different diets, despite this, I survived and kept my optimism.

- How do the actors feed on rehearsals? Do you bring something with you?

- My day begins with a cup of green tea, which helps me to keep yourself in a tone during the day. Before rehearsals and performances, we do not eat anything, just drink water. In our theater on the fifth floor there is a wonderful acting buffet with a wonderful balcony overlooking the Kremlin, where I can eat something diet. After the performance, I will return late and do not eat anything overnight, but if all day is home, I love to make myself a fish or chicken breast with vegetables. In general, I love to cook and do it with pleasure and tasty. Yes, my future husband is very lucky - it will be deliciously dinner, listening to the magnificent poetry of the French medieval Vagants in my performance.

Daria Tickleeva admits that he does not use theatrical grima

Daria Tickleeva admits that he does not use theatrical grima

- You have a lot of work in the theater. Which of the roles were given harder, what is the most interesting?

- I'll tell you about some of my main roles in theatrical productions. In the play of Natalia Cogut "Hamlet - Point G" I played Hamlet. In contrast to the Shakespearean globe, where the men were performed by men, women played all the characters in this project. For me it was a very interesting experience. The task was to transfer Shakespeare's plot in our time and holding a parallel, talk about the problems of modern women. In the works of Prokhanov, I got basically unfortunate girls, starting with Kupava in the "natural extreme" on the "Snow Maiden" and Selia in "Corrida". I generally get roles with unfortunate love, I already understood it and took. (Laughs.) In the performance of Dmitry Bikbaev "Ordalia", I once again play the main character - Vasilis, and by the way, it is also not lucky in love. But now I rehearse the role of Margarita Burgundy, a woman who has been burned by the fatal desires and lust, lost the most beautiful thing that there is a woman - the ability to love. And I can already say that this is the most difficult role in my career. It gives me hard and physically, and morally. Physically - because there are many plastics in the play, the rehearsals go "for survival", and morally - because I dreamed into the life of Margarita that she constantly dreams. Sometimes it seems that I am going crazy, and to distract everything from it, I appeal to the church. In the temple, I rest morally and physically.

- Theatrical makeup negatively affects the skin, what are your rules for care? What means do you prefer?

- As for theatrical makeup, I never use it. I have my own decorative cosmetics from natural components. It is expensive, but it is worth it. Basically I use products from professional lines. After the grima for the night, I definitely make masks from clay to avoid irritation on the skin. Once so tired after the performance that I forgot, and I had to make a mask in the morning, and then in the inertia sat in the car and went to the theater. I remembered that I was mask, only because of the reaction of my colleagues. (Laughs.)

From the funds prefer folk. I was born in the Urals, and in childhood my grandmother told me about herbs that herself collected, brewed, froze and put on her face and body. Every summer I drive a "small homeland", collect these herbs, and then every morning I wipe the face with ice from healing herbs. I also love lotions with calendula. After the performance, I remove the makeup with micellar water. In ordinary life, I do not paint. By the way, Margarita Burgundskaya also did not use cosmetics, she did not need to teach himself, as she was very beautiful from nature. The queen led an active life, loved to unfold, raised balls. In this regard, we look like it.

- How do relax after rehearsals and performances? Maybe there is a special way to quickly come into the form?

"When I get home late, be sure to take a bath with salt." Fifteen minutes "okay" with burning aromatic candles, put relaxing music. I visited the masseur twice a week. Another good way to restore forces is a dream. At least eight hours a day. By the way, do you know that the scene heals? It would seem that you all day at rehearsals, terribly tired, but as soon as you go to the scene, they also forget about fatigue.

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