Toxic relationships and negative approach: what to do


I unlikely, if I say that each of us came across, and it faces, and regularly, with what you have to hear in someone's address of the word "he / she negatively thinks", "negatively configured", "forms a negative image Future. " The latter, however, already from the arsenal of psychologists.

Yes, and to hear such a thing, I think it's not so big enough ... sometimes there is a feeling that negativism is the basis of our thinking ...

And - Here is a paradox! - This feeling does not deceive us.


Yes, because negative thinking is ... the natural process. Yes Yes exactly. So let's talk about negative thinking, its origin and meaning.

Looking at the smiling mold little face that he understood in the life of the baby, sitting in a wheelchair, it is difficult to believe that he has already been formed and develops negative thinking. But the child when he is bad, crying. And he is bad, or when he has something hurts, or when he is punished, they do not give what he wants ... A person is experiencing two types of pain - spiritual and physical. Children are no exception. And since childhood, we do not want to experience any of them. Therefore, we try to avoid the states bringing to us. Warn them. Children's thoughts, and then words, are aimed at preventing a collision with pain.

Olga Ignatiev

Olga Ignatiev

Life makes us pay attention to the source of pain, stimulates a negative attitude towards it. We strive for physical and spiritual pain to us by side. Therefore, a person most often thinks about what he does not want, rather than what he wishes. Even the terms we determine, negative and positive, differ in varying degrees of specifics. Notice when we are trying to prevent something for us unpleasant, associated with pain, we use verbs to "think", "decide." And if we are talking about positive, then the main verb is to "dream."

The development of negative thinking launches the mechanism of permanent repeat. We tell "trusted" people - close, friends, and sometimes even at all unfamiliar, for example, by random fellow travelers - about what they experienced and what we do not want to survive more. We are emotionally experiencing, leading crucial internal dialogues with yourself. And I really go to bed, often turn yourself inside out, taking off the scores with offenders, releasing Mister Heyda to the will. Well, wake up with feeling that on our shoulders all night devils danced ...

The permanent mental repeat of the "negative image of the future" is enhanced by the emotion of fear. Fear occurs when we feel the danger of losing the usual or desired quality of life. Being in the power of fear, we lose vitality. And fear, alas, is "fuel" reliable. And it will certainly lead to the embodiment of an undesirable scenario ...

So we form and enshrine negative thinking, directed mainly to keep it small that we, as a rule, accumulates to a certain point. Work that is. Wife or husband who is. An apartment that is already there. The car, if it is in general ... Negative thinking is always directed "from something" in contrast to positive thinking, aspiring "to something." We are afraid of change, fearing once again to experience the pain - to lose work, experience unrequited love, etc. So we form a "loser" complex.

Positive thinking is thinking of a mature, sensible person.

Positive thinking is thinking of a mature, sensible person.


Yes, Nature from the very beginning of our life launches an instinctive protective mechanism in us - negative thinking. But she also gave us a highly developed brain. In order to live on negative thinking, quite enough biological instincts.

But the brain suggests us - "You can more": do, achieve, realize ... This thinking is positive. This is the desire "to something." To activate positive thinking, the work of the will is required, that is, it is important to make an effort. We control their attention to the will, we concentrate the work of the brain on the result we needed, leaving the framework of a simple biological need. It was in this desire that the meaning of the appearance of the human type Homo Sapiens on the evolutionary staircase of the human type Homo Sapiens is laid.

So, if a person wants to become reasonable (Sapiens), then he needs to overcome the biologically prevalent alert, fearless, negative attitude towards peace ...

Positive thinking is the thinking of a mature, sensible person.

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