Remember everything: 8 simple exercises for memory training


Scientists distinguish three types of memory - emotional, shaped and verbal-logical. At the same time, each of them is also divided into short-term and long-term.

Short-term memory is notable for instant memorization, but minus it is that the stored information is stored for a short time. It is this memory that helps when preparing for school and institute exams: Two days of the abstracts are allowed to give a magnificent result on the exam, but it is worth a student to leave the audience, he completely forgets, about which five minutes ago he was discussed. Nevertheless, this memory is helped in achieving small goals. The memory is long-term, as follows from its name, allows you to save information for a long time.

This is if in a nutshell. Because in fact the classification of memory is much more complicated - it is built by storage time. So, instant memory is a memory for the tenth share of a second, short-term - for twenty seconds, RAM - for several days, long-term - for months and years, unlimited memory - for life, and genetic is generally transmitted by inheritance. And the memory is the auditory, visual, flavor, emotional, tactile, motor.

And none of them is even the one that allows you to remember the incident to dozens of a second, - it does not disappear without a trace, and forever imprinted in the brain. Nothing amazing, because by and large, memory is obtaining and storing life experience. Another thing is that not any person can reproduce the postponement information, and it settles somewhere on the backyards of the subconscious.

However, sometimes even the shortest memory suddenly pops up to the surface, allowing some vital issues to solve. In principle, how much the person uses his memory is depends on his whole life: health, social status, personal life, career growth, intellect, development, taste, profession, and much, much more.

Try and you take the first step towards our own development.

1. In a restaurant Try to focus on conversation For some long-ranking table. Try through the noise and music to hear what people who are far from you say.

2. Put in front of yourself a picture, photo, advertising avenue. Look carefully on the image, try Remember color, number of details, their shape . Then remove the picture and describe on paper what you remember. The first time "hit" will be minimal. But as the exercise is done daily, a written description will be more accurate to coincide with the information you see in the pictures.

3. Always try find any associations With received information. This exercise always helps when learning a foreign language.

4. If you have Poor memory for phones , Try to memorize them as much as possible, conducting associations with each digit.

5. If you need to remember immediately and for a long time any information, focus on it. To correctly reproduce it in the future, you need turn off from everything else And clearly, as if on the camera (tape recorder), secure the necessary information. The better More details You remember her, the greater the chances that you will reproduce it correctly, and not lose on the backyards of consciousness.

6. If you forget where we put things, try to remember before finding When the last time held the thing in the hands What did they do that they saw what heard. Imagine this item in your hands.

7. If you have lost the road, do not play the route in the opposite direction, and remember the path from the zero point - From the place where you went to the road. Remember all the smallest details: turns, signs, traffic lights, sounds, smells. Mentally do all the way to the point where you are now ...

8. If you have a bad memory for names, try on the first acquaintance carefully watch and listen, as a person pronounces his own name.

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