I'll call you back: Your main mistakes when searching for new work


You have not been a student for a long time, but for some reason you are again looking for work. Dozens of interviews per week, but every time you hear to pain an unpleasant phrase "we will call you back." Naturally, over time, we tend to forget even the most elementary things, the same thing happens when the time comes to look for a new job. We will tell what moments block the path to the position of dreams.

Summary requires updating

Suppose you were looking for work five years ago, saved a copy and left in the folder on your computer. Do not think that the former resume can be used only by adding the last place of work. Not. The situation in the labor market is changing almost every six months: those requirements for the compilation of the summary that were relevant for a couple more years ago, have no power now. The ideal option will be the development of a new summary, taking into account all changes. Do not be afraid to contact the company that will help you draw up almost perfect resume.

You ignore the job search sites

It is now quite difficult to do without the participation of the Internet when searching for a new company. All you need to do is to create an electronic copy of the resume for this site. Ready, companies themselves will send you requests. However, this does not mean that you should sit back: actively explore the sites of companies that attract you most, do not be afraid to write the first to the personnel department - who knows, perhaps your candidacy will be interested in a potential employer.

Do not be afraid to show activity

Do not be afraid to show activity

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

You pretend to someone else

Of course, each of us wants to look better than we really are. There is nothing wrong with that, but it is not necessary to invent unrealist stories already on the first interview, the likelihood you will be brought to the second meeting, you can simply get confused about what they said, but what is not, thereby call doubts from a potential employer. Start working relationships, like family, is not worth the lies.

You do not show the initiative

The absolute majority encourages the activity of their own employees. During the interview, not only your competence check, but also look at your manner to communicate. If you just answer the questions, without asking your own, Eichar might think that you are not too interested in this position, and, with great probability, the choice will not be in your favor. Show a little more interest and be a full-fledged conversation, you will be surprised, as far as it will inspire a potential employer.

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