Roman Matilda Kshesinskaya and Nikolai II: For the first time, a ballerina diary is published


Balkerina's diaries Matilda Kshesinskaya, in which she described in detail all the episodes of meetings with the future emperor Nikolai II, first published the Moscow Komsomolets. Documents stored in the archives of the museum Bakhrushin shed light on the Roman Ballerina and the heir to the throne.

Matilda Kshesinskaya in 1880

Matilda Kshesinskaya in 1880

In the context of the century, Nicholas II revolution is now discussed as a political figure. But he, like any man, there was a lot of personal weaknesses.

Self-portrait Matilda Kshesinskaya (kept in the funds of the museum Bahrushina)

Self-portrait Matilda Kshesinskaya (kept in the funds of the museum Bahrushina)

The 18-year-old graduate of the Imperial Theater School of Matilda Kshesinskaya was amazed by the charm of 22-year-old Nikolay. She tried his feelings and experiences. First meeting, brief dates, kisses and hugs with the heir of the throne, and just the daily life and entertainment of Beaumd in Tsarist Russia ...

Diary Matilda Kshesinskaya

Diary Matilda Kshesinskaya

It is worth explaining that in 1917 Kshesinskaya emigrated to Paris, where he taught at his school. And, already being in old age, decided to write memoirs and about his life in Russia, and, of course, about the novel with Nikolai.

Emperor Alexander III with family. Zesarevich Nikolai - extreme left

Emperor Alexander III with family. Zesarevich Nikolai - extreme left

The diaries and notes of Matilda Kshesinskaya, made directly in the 1890s, were miraculously saved from the mansion of the ballerina, who defeated the revolutionary crowd (Matilda's "Extra" left from St. Petersburg, saving his life). The records of Kshesinskaya hit the Museum Foundation named after A. A. Bakhrushina.

Zesarevich Nikolai and Alisa Hessian after the engagement

Zesarevich Nikolai and Alisa Hessian after the engagement

Four notebooks memories, testimonies and suffering. Days, months, the years of Matilda described what was worried, saw and felt. Of course, like any woman, she embraced the events somewhere, somewhere did more romantic, - as she really wanted to see them. After reading the ballerina's diary, you can touch the touching history of love, feel the strength of the views and the taste of the first kiss, hear the fooling of the heart and the knock of the hoofs on the street ...

Matilda Kshesinskaya at 22

Matilda Kshesinskaya at 22

And - you can open the veil of secrets and find out what the ballerina Matilda Kshesinsky and the future heir to the throne tied up. The decoded diaries of Kshesinskaya are published with a continuation of the Moscow Komsomolets and the site, in the Special Project "Intimate Diary Matilda Kshesinskaya".

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