Star Tips: how to return to the form after the holidays


New Year holidays is always a pleasant time! You can forget about the concerns and daily bustle, devote yourself to a family, close, loved ones and, of course, to relax. But this period is sometimes very cunning, and we, without noticing, without noticing, are rapidly gaining extra kilograms in the most notable places, and in general, they are embarrassed from the usual rhythm of life. With its little secrets on how quickly returning to the form after the protracted holidays, Russian celebrities are divided.

Irina Bezrukova, actress, TV presenter:

"Return after the" lazy holidays "to the usual rhythm of life is easy if you have learned not to fall in extremes. This year I celebrated the New Year on the islands, alternating holidays and excursions by Bali. Raised to the top of the battur volcano, descended into the gorge, bathed in the sea. Olivier was. But only the new year itself, and the sausage was in it Vegan.

The transition to a healthy nutrition was smooth, sometimes allowed themselves different goodies and sweets, compensating for it physical activity. I love to eat tasty and not a supporter of very hard power systems, it seems to me that people who prohibit themselves too much are in constant stress and less smile, joyful.

If you are lucky, and your work you like, then after the rest you will gladly return to her and to your favorite team. And it will be easy and without problems. It seems to me that the feeling of measure is the secret of the balance in everything. I'll go pick a croissant with coffee, by the way (smiles). "

Irina Slutskaya

Irina Slutskaya

Irina Slutskaya, Russian figure skater:

'After such long holidays, you need to return to the mode and stop there is! (laughs). Of course, it is very important to rebuild on proper nutrition and drink more water.

Do not forget about exercise and cardio, walk more, ride ice skating, any activity on the street - the weather allows you to. Plus I advise everyone to massage, the body will tell you thanks! And, of course, not to miss inspiration, it is necessary to ask new interesting goals that will motivate to come into form! "

Oscar Kucera

Oscar Kucera

Oscar Kucher, TV presenter:

"In order to return yourself to the system after the New Year holidays, I have only one recipe: a sharp jerk. No gradual attempts! We get up sharply from the bed, it is advisable to take an ice shower, and ideally also get to the gym. To me, a person who is engaged often and a lot, sports helps best. Do not go with you on the compromises - the rear of lazy once, it will be easier to enter the mode! "

Anfisa black

Anfisa black


Anfisa black, actress, model:

"I think that the most important thing in any business is a mood. Think positively - here is the main lifehak that will help easily return to mode. Instead of regretting the past holidays, thank you for the opportunity to spend time with loved ones, go on a journey or just walk around the city with friends.

A couple of days ago I returned from Thailand and immediately went to the theater, for the rehearsal. I am not no one about this, on the contrary, I am a buzzo from what I can share with the audience with warmth and energy accumulated during the holiday time. And it is important, of course, love your life and the matter to be happy to return to it. "

Vlad Sokolovsky

Vlad Sokolovsky


Vlad Sokolovsky, singer:

"Many Annual Tradition - 'Felt" until the last day of New Year's holidays. I, on the contrary, is the most productive time to form goals for a year. For several years in a row in the first days of January, I fly to Bali and enter the regime here. The first and most important is a dream. It is important to lie down until 23.00 and wake up until 07.00 in the morning. This normalizes all biochemical processes, including metabolism. So the most effective way to get rid of New Year's Olivier is a healthy dream. "

Alina Grosu.

Alina Grosu.

Alina Grosu, singer, model:

"After the holidays, I try to use unloading days, and then proceed to proper nutrition, after them is the simplest and optimal solution. Food delivery services are very helpful, which independently pick you up dishes on a given amount of calories - it all goes in 1000 calories, gradually weight returns to normal. And, of course, you must force yourself to go to the hall, do not postpone everything for tomorrow, care for yourself and drinking as much water as possible! "

Katya Plotko

Katya Plotko


Katya Plotko, "Vice-Mrs. Universe 2014", Coach:

"In all exercises, they talk about the global transition to a new dimension. And 2020 will be key and significant. He will show how much each of us is ready to rise to a completely different stage of evolution. And go there it is possible, only rejecting the negative, voltage, claims. So that the transition was smooth and non-flammable, the first, where to start, is our body. Training after a long break must be gentle. I am not a supporter of sharp changes and violence over yourself. Everything should bring pleasure. It should be started with minimal load, even if you regularly played the new year and feel beautiful. I advise after such interruptions to recall the yoga, since it is this type of physical activity that allows you to use the maximum number of muscle groups of the body and return the tone to him. And then add load gradually. "

Group #appolonovgang.

Group #appolonovgang.

Sergey and Andrei Grigoriev-Appolonov, group #appolonovgang:

Sergey: "In the first days after the New Year, it is very difficult to motivate yourself, so I share the proven method. I warn you, you need to sweat a little to come to the pre-New Year shape, or even better! First of all, I went to the gym and to have real benefits, I took 2 coaches and signed up for two weeks ahead. This is a prerequisite, increases responsibility, because for missed workouts the money burns. "

Andrew: "In a day, three times a week I have been engaged in power training, I go to the pool or running, at the end of each workout I definitely do a stretch. Once a week we arrange yourself a day off and spend it in the bath. The healing forces of mineral springs were open at the time of the Roman Empire: the Romans knew the use and benefit of bath procedures and built their swims only on sources. Due to its natural temperature and the thermal water contained in it, the thermal water contributes to the absorption of microelements, minerals, the excavation of slags, stimulates blood supply, and of course, significantly strengthens the human immunity. Nutrition corresponding to a sports mode: no simple carbohydrates, only proteins, vegetables and complex carbohydrates at lunch. After two or three weeks, you can even on the red carpet. "

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