In the apple: what to give, if you go to visit the baby


Probably, each of us has friends or relatives with at least one baby in the house. It is believed that with each visit, even without reason, the child must bring a small gift. However, people who have no children, this moment puts in a dead end - and what can in general can please the child? If you consider yourself to the number of difficult to answer this question, we are ready to help you.

Sweet surprise

The most elementary one. On the way back to friends, they will cover up a nearby store, where there is a large selection of sweets, a child, as a rule, there will be enough chocolate egg with a surprise or a biscuit of an interesting form. However, before you take with a half-colored bag, call the parents of the baby to clarify whether it is possible to pamper a child something tasty.


Option if you are going to visit the newborn: capes, diapers, sliders and everything in this spirit will become a great friendly gesture to mom's baby. It should be borne in mind that small children are incredibly growing rapidly, so never buy clothes for the child strongly in advance. It is best to ask parents, which would specifically please them, and what does not take out of clothes. A few days before the campaign, go through specialty stores and look at what they agreed with parents.


For the guys older, from about 2 years, you can look after the interesting book. In any bookstore, you can easily find a book for every taste. Children under 5 years old are less interested in the text, so try to choose such books that contain not so much text as high-quality color illustrations to the plot. An additional advantage will be the sound option in the book - such books you can look after the stores of educational goods for children.


The second gift after sweets is in popularity is toy. It is already more difficult to make a choice here, as it is necessary to take into account the accurate age of the child. Let's figure out what toys will satisfy parents, and, of course, children depending on age.

From 0 to year

Selecting a gift for a newborn pay special attention to the musical toys. A completely small child does not need complex toys, much better child perceives things that make pleasant sounds and look brightly. You can look after a set of toys for the bathroom, which will be an excellent rescue for a young mother if the swimming process turns into a nightmare.

From year to three years

At this age, the theme of musical toys continues, but during this period you can already give something more complicated than a rattle that plays classical music. You can stop the choice on toy musical instruments, animals and other toys, from which you can extract sounds. Of course, parents may slightly indignant, because now these sounds from the toy drum will accompany them all day. This moment is better to discuss in advance with adults.

From three years to six years

At this age, the child can independently take himself, children begin to divide the toys on "for girls" and "for boys", from this and it is worth repelled. A great gift will be a fashionable doll that has Dasha from the nearby entrance or the railway, which later several generations does not lose its relevance. As an option - give a learning toy: a child in a game form will gradually prepare for school.

For older children, it is better to acquire what matches their individual preferences, without consulting parents. Just specify a child in advance that he would like to get - so you will not spend the money in vain, but also do not upset the child.

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