5 secrets of long-livers


Sociologists drew attention to several islands on the planet. There, people live longer, and they get sick less than on the continental territory of states. It turned out that residents of the Greek Island of Ikaria, which is located in the Aegean Sea; The Japanese, living on Okinawa, with the largest in the world by the number of women long-lived; Italians from the province of Olsaster - Mountainside on Sardinia; Citizens from scrap Linda, which in California; And Niko Peninsula in Costa Rica has the same habits.

Secret number 1

Many move. All long-livers surveyed by researchers worked a lot in their garden and garden, and to work, visit and the church went on foot.

Work on Earth adds 10 years

Work on Earth adds 10 years


Secret number 2.

Philosophical attitude to life - they have a goal and plan. They have a slow, calm, measured pace of life. And all long-livers do not refuse themselves in small joys, for example, in meditations or sieste.

Do not refuse to relax

Do not refuse to relax


Secret number 3.

Proper nutrition plays a big role in the longevity of the inhabitants of the islands. Location implies a fairly limited amount of food, so they do not overeat - this is the tradition. In the kitchen of these people prevail the gifts of the sea, fish and plants. All in the diet are various legumes.

Eating natural products

Eating natural products


Secret number 4.

How would this be contrary to the recommendations of the doctors, most of the long-livers people drinking. They regularly use wine in small doses, and have already lived longer than their peers-sober.

Drink good wine

Drink good wine


Secret number 5.

Strong roots - a pledge of a large family. Most long-livers are constantly surrounded by numerous relatives. Usually these are believers, but what kind of denominations adds a person years, scientists did not find out.

Live together with children and grandchildren

Live together with children and grandchildren


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