How to fulfill dreams with astrology


It is the first lunar day - the basis of your happy life. Unfortunately, on this day you do not have much energy to act, but the power of your thoughts and intentions increases significantly. The new moon since sincerversion is considered to be the best time to work on goals and projects, as well as for spiritual and mental practices.

How to use new moon energy to execute desires?

First, you need a lunar calendar (just for your region). According to him, you will determine how the new moon will come soon and you can prepare effectively to it.

So, upon the onset of the first lunaries, you need to spend the next ritual - to light the candles and write to the notebook or notebook the purpose you want to achieve. It is important that the goal is written in the present time.

Try to describe the target as much as possible and be sure to specify the result you want to achieve. For example, my salary is 100,000 rubles per month.

Now daily throughout this lunar cycle (21 days) you need to prescribe this goal in a notebook 10-15 times in a row. Exercise is quite simple, but you need to fulfill it every day. In case you missed at least one day, you will have to start again.

It is also important to comply with the following rules for the realization of the goal:

- The goal should be achievable. It is not worth spending your time and energy on unattainable goals.

- The goal should be environmentally friendly. It should not bear the harm of the life of other people, it is better to refuse it right away.

- The more people are involved in achieving, the less chance to get it. If in your plan exercise the goal you constantly depend on someone, then you need to change it. The ideal goal of that, which almost 100% depends on you.

- The goal should be true. If you feel how the subconsciousness rejects your goal, then it is worth thinking - and is it right for you?

However, it is not necessary to think that immediately after 21 days your desire will sharply come true! We are just laying the foundation and program in our subconscious, which allows you to adjust the life and a line of fate with the help of the Moon's energy into the direction we need.

At the end of the practice, you will notice that around you gradually everything will begin to change - the environment, people, information, you yourself. And finally you get exactly what you need to achieve the goal.

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