Babes in a cage: how to adapt a child to school


Problems with teacher

In the first grade, the child appears a new king and God - the teacher. It can be the full opposite of the mother, demand strange at first glance, and demand hard. You need to build a child with her - and very quickly, since the impression of a person is developing in the first three days of communication, and to change it later, only the most experienced intrigue, but not a child of seven years old.

In front of the teacher, you can be sent out (raise your hand in response to the question, the rest of the time to sit quietly), you can look tragically, and when she calls aside, tell any sad story ("Mom does not understand me, and dad does not live with us anymore, and still My dog ​​died "). And you can spoil everything, from the first day I started to spit, pushed and tweak, to comments carefully: "I cho? I'm nicho. "

The overwhelming majority of teachers create great problems with both their pets and hated heales. First, they are deliberately torn, brings the jealousy and envy of the rest of the class. Children and the truth is not clear why this sad ridiculous girl is allowed everything - and on the lessons is late, and go out without warning, and the control add to change. Maybe the class for the sixth they will understand that the girl remained without parents with two small brothers and an old grandmother, behind which you also need an eye and eyes. Then they will start helping the poor man. It may be the most respected person in the classroom. But so far the plugs and nicknames roll on it as an abundance from the horns.

Similarly, they suffer to read beautifully and loudly (they are forced to read the class instead of a tired teacher) and quickly decisive tasks (they will soon be forced to perform all the options for the control under the fear of reprisals). Any public praise drawn against the praised. The attention of the teacher with a sign minus acts on the children's team in the same way - future adults will flood anyone anyone-like-all. If a teacher points daily to one student as a source of Disame, children will support the idea: tell parents, they will discuss, once again tell children as the bad one boy from the family visits / alcoholics / janitors.

Sometimes there is no ambigidity at a completely ordinary child, which in the first days it seemed stupid. The teacher begins to make fun of the child first, the class happily picks up.

The case of a sadist teacher is the only one in which the rapid flight can be advised without waiting for the end of the quarter. Grab the child, carry it into the next class, and even to another school. You will go on, but without tears.

Problems with children

The brightest type of problem child is called the aggressor. It is constantly dissatisfied, tormented by mood swings. He himself climbs a quarrel, easily comes into a fight, wants to be friends, but can not. Studying such a child does not go, since its problems with focus becoming the headache of the whole class. The aggressor prevents all students and teacher. No one will rise on his side. In the future, he will have the opportunity to organize a gang of rinsing, listen to noisy music and drive on a motorcycle. But the first four classes he will spend alone, inventing humiliating teases.

Council parent : Create a child an alternative reality. If the school is hateful, find a secret interest from the baby and take the corresponding circle. Explain the situation to the teacher. Tell your child: "Everything will be different here." In a friendly atmosphere, he will learn to be attentive, perfected, enthusiastic.

The head pea is in every class. Without him, the team is like an army without a banner. The jester comments on the situation, he creates public opinion and is often the only one who expresses this opinion. Usually the jets have a big future. Which will begin at the time of school, where he will have to undergo all the flour of hell for his sharp tongue and acting abilities. The jokes are insecure children with a large deficit of love. Parents in them do not believe or carefully hide pride in the child. Shuza - choleric in temperament, freeware and prone to rapid deep depressions. Their life looks like American slides - up-down. What an already study! In high school classes, all strange incidents fall down, up to beds in the toilets.

Council parent : Tell the child that most of the actors, TV presenters and pop singers were clowns and suffered in the same way.

Stukach - humiliating position. Why does the applicant always find on it? The teacher eats the teacher who eager to be close to adults, the power of it, who wants to manage the team imperceptibly, become a "gray cardinal". Declare "I press Marywall" only revealed fools who will be bits and will not achieve anything. The claimed stukach becomes in the class of non-graphic person until the end of the study. Secrely can act under the cover for many years, but sooner or later it is waiting for retribution.

Council parent : If your child touched for the first time, and he liked it, tell me what they did with traitors in wartime.

Adhesive. He hugs peers so that they have bones crunch; He climbs with her conversations, pulls his hand, looks into the eyes; He grabs other people's things to pay attention to him. Like a jeta, he lacks love. It replaces the spiritual warmth with physical contact, literally hangs on the mother, causing her irritation. At home, he was accustomed to an aggressive response to any of its own action (such a child is truly difficult to love), so at school, it is satisfied with his nicknames and climbing - just not to be in complete isolation.

Council to parent: The more often you will throw off the child with yourself, the more school problems will be. Your child is a reflection of you. Find at least something interesting in it. Tanning with him themselves. Contact it more often - not about your homework, but just like that. Enter it in your affairs. Tell him full assistance. Load it to the maximum communication, work and love.

The most miserable in childhood, but the most promising in the future the type of problem children is botan. He seems to be a thin cane, which is about to break. In fact, the botan is not needed. Yes, it is teased, but it will not be a moral problem for him for his life. Botana has a bunch of interior. The noise of the outside world comes to him so far.

Council to parent: If you want to make life easier to your beloved botan, find him a company. This may be a child of a friend, the same covered. Together they easily turn the house. The secret is that Botan is not flawed. He has no internal problem. He is just another. Frequently a special pleasure from his originality.

Problems with the program

The strongest stress child gets from the first weeks at school. Often it gets ill, it begins to lose sight of vision sharply or suddenly - not with this - to write. He has a dream, he cannot focus, he eats badly, every day every day.

The late Council of the parents of first-graders (may be useful to parents of five years old): Look for a kindergarten at school or school with a zero class. I studied the year according to the scheme "three or four lessons twice a week", the child is able to start learning from six years without injury and tears. For the year he has time to make friends with the class and comes into an adult life in the company of well-known obtols. As a rule, the teacher in the class remains the same, only the mode of classes is changing.

Obviously, the school program is compiled not the most intelligent people, and the textbooks are written and at all detonatets. Every five years the number of knowledge that the child should sneak increase. Children between those who do not evolve. They also want to play and run, as the eyelids, when the textbooks were easier, and the items are less, and the TV did not pour oil into the fire.

The current child is overloaded information. It is taught reading, writing, mathematics, history of the city and land as a whole, not appealing to imagination. And all because scientists have proven: small children are well born. Just to read the tutorial in Moscow for the sake of interest. The textbook is designed for an 8-9-year-old child, but written by an adult language with offselerances, with a lot of dates and names without unnecessary explanations. It is said that such a year founded that year. Learn, Bestoch, native history! Thank God, this textbook is issued to someone in the third, who in the fourth grade. But without him, the kids grabs stress. According to statistics, nightmares will shoot sixty percent of first-graders. And the sleep disorders, and Enurperse should be treated with caressing, participation, good, and not drag the already exhausted child to the doctor, for analyzes.

Brew the child to mint, sedative collection. Before bedtime, to make him a bath with sleeping herbs, grate it with aromatherapy cream of "good night", put the bag with mint, Melissa, at the pillow. Talk to the night fairy tale - as a little. Sorry. Remember how you also did not fit at first with objects and classmates, and then everything went like oil.

It is written that 98 percent of the current graduates have at least one violation of a psychosomatic nature. Someone acquired myopia - myopia, which even the most conservative doctors now explain to the reluctance to see in the distance (that is, look at the board). Someone all the ten years had a stomach - "on the nervous soil", and together with the certificate he received a certificate from the gastroenterologist, with which the boy may not be afraid of the army. Psychologists say this is a reaction to the overestimated environmental requirements for the child. Do not play on the side of the medium against your own Chad.

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