Jan GE: "A man is not such an important thing in life"


The name of this talented girl is GE, surname - Yang. Gasha began to be called (and for him all the rest) director Kirill Serebrennikov. He invited her, then still a student Vgika, try to role in his performance. As a result, Gachen became an actress of the Gogol Center. Then there were roles in the movies: "Matilda", "crew", "attraction" ... on blind listening in the show "Voice" she came herself. And became a finalist. The own directorial debut of GE is the film "Nu" - the ICF Prize was noted. Some kind of fantastic luck! Or not it? Details - in an interview with the magazine "Atmosphere".

- Gas, here we say: you will change the name - you will change destiny. You got it!

"Yes, I never thought I would live in Moscow, playing the theater, to star into the cinema, sing on stage, shoot my films. And now I'm a hash, and I really like it. The name is fun - and I am very cheerful.

- What was your childhood? What then dreamed of?

- From childhood almost nothing can remember. I just studied. All my dreams were how to achieve a better assessment. I was very boring. Rather, not boring - I did not realize it then. When you do not see another life, you do not understand, well you live or bad. Girls at school were not friendly with me, but boys - yes. In China, it is considered very bad. And I didn't care - my mother really brought me up so that I would not pay attention to what they were talking behind. But I did not walk with the boys, just talked. However, even this is condemned.

Director's debut Yang GE - Painting "Nu" - was noted by the prize of the Moscow Film Festival

Director's debut Yang GE - Painting "Nu" - was noted by the prize of the Moscow Film Festival

- What about the first school love?

- We have such a thing to fall in love, there is no. We are all in sight, everything is very strictly - like in the Caucasus. I came from school and immediately sat for the lessons, my corn was on Pope - I wrote, wrote, taught, taught ... So now they ask me: "Why don't you read? Need to read! " And I no longer want. We read not just for pleasure, it was necessary to disassemble - why the author said so that I meant in these stitching. And even accurate sciences - chemistry, physics, mathematics ... and I just studied. Not walked, did not tusil, did not drink, did not smoke, did not make any stupidity. And did not paint in general to twenty years.

- Gray mouse?

- No, no, I have always received a lot of attention. In Russia, it is clear: I am the Chinese woman, the appearance is different, so everyone looks at me. People with blond hair and blue eyes in China are also looking. But on me and there they paid attention. First, because of mom. I have a singer and a very beautiful woman. And people were wondering who her daughter. Also in our school it was customary to wear a form, and Mom believed that it was not necessary. She was balung me with beautiful things, and I also loved to wear all sorts of strange outfits, which others would not have decided to wear. And I sing. Sitting did not study, it is from mom - genes. That's because of all this, I always had a lot of attention. There was a time when singing in China was considered a profession. It's now you can just take and go out on the scene. And then - only if there is a certificate that you are actually a singer. And my mother was included in the first group of such professionals. And therefore earned a lot. And I could dress me up. How I loved to dress beautifully! It was such joy! In the center of the city there is a friendship store, the goods in it are only for dollars. And all my things, all the foods were from this store. Then due to the problems with the health of the mother had to leave the profession. And we immediately became poor. But still rejoiced lives.

"I whispered behind my back: she has no father! I didn't care: I knew that happy, because my mother loved me very much. She gave me double love "

"I whispered behind my back: she has no father! I didn't care: I knew that happy, because my mother loved me very much. She gave me double love "

Photo: Personal archive Yang GE

- One mother raised you?

- Yes. Father changed his mother, and she put it out. Just rigidly kicked out. I was very small, so I did not remember him. Grandma, she has old upbringing, said: "It is impossible to divorce, it is indecent!" And mom: "What should I do - tolerate if he changed me?!" We had shock in the whole area. Then very rare people were divorced. So poked mom after: whore! And behind my back whisper: she has no father! And I did not care. I knew that happy, because my mother loved me very much. She gave me double love. Therefore, I did not torment her question: why didn't I have a father? I just saw him. Little was. I remember, he stood all such a planted, I came up, he hugged me, looked somehow strange. Then I said my mother: "How did you choose it? He is so ugly! " I was very surprised that my father is not a handsome. Because Mom for me is the most. But, despite the fact that he did not participate in my life if he needed help, I would not refuse.

- After school, you traveled to Russia under the student exchange program - to the Tula Pedagogical University, studying the translator. Did this profession really attracted you?

- I didn't think about the future profession. Flew to Russia, because there it could get a higher education for free, it is impossible in China. Flew with fear. And at first he was just intensified. For me, for example, it was a shock that the rooms were located in the hostel near the rooms of the girls were the guys. We have sure - a house for women, a house for men. But a month passed, and I already perceived normally that I wake out of the room and I see: guys sit, drink, eat ... And I suddenly felt like it is cool that no one controls you, you decide myself, how much to come back, how much to sleep go to bed, and that it is not always necessary to learn. But I am a man with a head, though, maybe I look sometimes frivolously. If you need to learn lesson, I will not walk, I will not sleep. Now, many are surprised, as I do everything - both movies, both theater, and the album to write, and in the "voice" to participate. But that period of life in China, when there was a tough study, I was very disciplined. For me, no longer a problem for me to sit all day at home and write a script, for example. I did this and Russian to learn helped.

- And until they knew the language, who were communicated with?

- In Tula - only with girls from the Faculty of Foreign Languages. They spoke English, and I know him well. They remained my girlfriends, although we are very rarely seen. But recently, I even with very, very close friends, with whom in Vgika studied, their three, rarely meet. Because very busy. But they understand ...

Jan GE:

"I believe only in love at first sight"

Photo: Personal archive Yang GE

- You told in one interview that in a year of study in Tula decided: I do not want to be a translator! They took a sheet of paper, wrote a profession on it, to which an interest was made, and chose the most out of the invalid, but such tempting ... In general, we decided to go to Moscow to act in VGIK to the acting and directorial faculty.

- I thought: why can't I try? Who hurts me? A month before the exams, Pushkin's poem was learned, Krylov's fables - and went. I scored the maximum of points and entered the course of Sergey Solovyov. Here are many students think: it is necessary to prepare, read well. Not! I myself am now removing the movie and do not even satisfy the casting. Because it doesn't matter how good you read. If everything is wonderful, why go to learn? The potential of man is immediately visible. He is charming or not if it will be able to liberate. I saw me, I was lucky. But in order for I can pay for study, Mom sold our house in China. And now we live in Moscow on a rented apartment. I do not worry that there is no housing, but torture conscience in front of my mother. As soon as I earn enough money, I will buy her home!

- Why did you still choose the acting?

- Because engaged in art is the most interesting job. It is like love. As in love - people have different tastes, and here. This is the only story when you can't say, do something well or bad. I like an actress to somehow like me, someone does not. This does not mean that someone is wrong. Just see differently. Therefore, it will be better to concentrate on people who love me. For the sake of working. I do not choose the way, just following it. I do not even define who I am: actress or singer. I am asked: in which direction do you want to develop? I answer: not the point where I want, the main thing - what you like. If you love me as director, I will shoot. If you love my songs, I will sing. I am in any case happy. Here, my picture really liked people, received prizes at the festival - and I am now removing the second film. And this is such joy!

- In Sinopsis to Nu, it is written that the main character is looking for love in Moscow. You said that you had a novel here. By the way, did you forgive this person?

- I can not forgive him. I remembered the pain forever. But if it did not happen to me, I would not withdraw my movie, there would be no "voices." Many good would not happen later. So everything was justified. And my film is not about what is written in Sinopsis. He is about the search for himself, salvation itself. I wanted to awaken in people a desire to create. If such a fire lights up in their hearts, then the world will move on, art will move on.

- Will you stay in Russia?

"I would like to love Russia." But I do not make it, what will happen next. I will stay only with your loved one. And I enjoy life. I wonder what will happen next who I will meet. It used to be so that I really wanted love, and I was looking for her. After parting, I have not been looking for anything, just cried. But a man is not such an important thing in life, like food or water, without which I die. I can live without a man. But it is important: if he is like a vase, for example, then for me it's not any vase ... no, wrong. A man is not a vase. Most likely, he is a bed. Now I can sleep on the sofa, a chair, anywhere, even on the floor. And a man is a bed. It seems necessary, but also ... it will be easy. He must be a very good bed so that I wanted him.

The talent of this girl is multifaceted. In the free time, the gesh also writes pictures

The talent of this girl is multifaceted. In the free time, the gesh also writes pictures

- That is, a man is, where can I do and do?

- Yes. And if you have it, then the best, perfect one. Otherwise it makes no sense to take. But this does not mean that it will be perfect for everyone - only for me! He can be crazy: if I love crazy, then it is good, it suits me. Someone prefers blondes, someone brunettes. I like blonds like me, but suddenly fall in love with a dark-haired? It is unpredictable. And so interesting! How will it look like? I would like it to be a high height, having worked beautifully and wore me on my hands. (Laughs.) And yet - so that he is a man with taste. I would like this. But it is impossible to guess! This is chemistry. When you see a person and - oh-oh-oh, mine! That's all. I believe only in love at first sight.

- Why?

- Because at such a moment neither character nor appearance, no money - you do not know anything about this person! They saw each other - and your hormones coincided. I like that. And so that I do not think a lot. Because we, women, especially with age, begin to decide whether he is suitable for the family, how much money he has ... Why am I not looking for a rich man, as usual do? I do not need it. I earn quite well. Let him be interesting and beautiful so that I could fall in love with him. And yet: he must be steeper me. I think a woman should look at his man from the bottom up, then he can love and love him. And if he drags you, then ... no, it's not for me. I believe that he is somewhere in the way to me, just ... slows down. For that, angry with him: Well, where are you?! Could and go early. I do not know, maybe late for the bus and is waiting for the second or the plane should fly, and the weather is noterable. But he is somewhere. I know.

- Mom, probably, is bored in China?

- Not. She is here, next to me. She has so much interesting in life here! For example, we love to travel with my mother. In general, I think that people themselves need to arrange themselves and their favorite adventures, some pleasant events to have something to remember in old age and tell grandchildren. And in order for I can afford everything that I want, you need to work a lot. I'm bored without a business.

- Happy character! From everything you get joy ...

- In general, in Russia with me a lot of good things happened. And the fact that was bad, difficult, - for me it really is not an event. So I was asked questions: "You became a finalist" Voice "- how do you feel it?" - "How? Well, ok. " - "You do not enjoy?!" - "I am glad." And they still seemed to them that I somehow not clearly pronounce my emotions. And I understand that it is necessary to continue to work, develop. I do not feel: all, I'm now a star and went to heaven! Absolutely no. I will always stay by a person. I understand why now so much glory came to me - because I was ready. Ready to not be lost in these noise. That is, fate - it will not change, will be the same no matter how much life will give me. I'll just work further. I met a lot of celebrities, starred with them, sang with them. They behaved not like stars, but as ordinary, normal people. I was told: "Do you know with whom you sang now?! This is such a star! I, when it was small, I dreamed of marry him! And you sang with him, and he kept your hand! " About Dima Bilan, about Ilya Lagutenko said so. And they are good. I can not treat people in a different way. I do not even listen when they say: he is bad, cunning, angry. Only when I see the person herself, I will talk, then I will judge. I do not need someone else's opinion.

Jan GE:

"I used to wanted love, and I was looking for her. And after parting, I didn't want anything, I just cried. But a man is not such an important thing in life like food or water"

- And you are a good person?

- In general, I think yes. But probably there is some kind of dark side. There is no other way. And about this is my second project that I am doing now. I was very inspired by the film "Three Billboards on the border of Ebbing, Missouri", which had many nominations for Oscar this year. As a result, Francis McDormand, who played a major role there, received a reward as the best actress. In this picture there are no specifically negative and positive characters. So in life. Super thorough and super blunders do not happen. It is honest. And it is interesting. My second film is about this honesty, about love, about faith in God. I used to do not believe - in China do not accept God. It seems to me that it does not matter - Allah, or Buddha, or Jesus. The main thing is faith. I believe that he exists, everything sees. There are laws invented by people, but anyone can be circumvented, everywhere there is a hole. And you won't go through the conscience. Who has invested this in us? .. But my faith does not mean that I will sit and wait for help and protect against God. Not! I can't say that God does not help me. Helps. But my works also help me. Together. And only so correct.

- You might think: how easy you are given!

- No, I'm not at all easy life. I just do not treat it so - oh, how hard! I shot a movie alone, and then it was necessary to still mount, voice ... In addition, I am Chinese woman, and it complicates it twice. But it is not necessary to dwell on it. While others think: oh, it's hard for me how to do that everything happens - I just do it. I do not spend time on thought. I shot a movie through strength, but I knew that I would finish it. And he will not be bad, since I put all my love in him. I did not count on prizes. And you do not need to expect in advance so as not to be upset. Russian girlfriends taught me, they said: everything will be fine. Here is the main idea with which I live ...

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