Lyadova and Widickens secretly hit?


It seems that Vladimir Vdovichenkov's romantic relationships and Elena Lyadovy moved to a new level. The celebrities were engaged, as evidenced by the ring appeared on the nameless finger of the artist. With this decoration, Elena appeared on the presentation of one of the Moscow boutiques, where it was photographed by Paparazzi. On the pictures with the naked eye you can see a diamond ring on a ring finger. There was a rumor that Lyadov and Widovichekov were engaged, Hello writes!. However, the actors themselves categorically do not comment on the details of their personal life.

Recall that Roman Vdovichenkova and Lyadova can be called service. Their relationship began during the filming of the film "Leviathan", which became the triumphant of the film festival in Cannes. The rapid continuation of the relationship happened literally on the red festival path. Lovers of Widovichenkov and Lyadov barely restrained their feelings and showed unequivocal signs of attention to each other on the photo photo. Vladimir gently kissed Elena to his head and kept her hand. The actors did not hide their passion even before hundreds of photographers.

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