5 recipes so that lemon cured the body


Recipe number 1.

If you want to cure the heart, then buy cheeks and lemons. Squeeze juice from six large fruits and mix it with chopped large head. The mixture must be kept in the refrigerator and take courses on the tablespoon of an empty stomach, water.

Lemon will help any disease

Lemon will help any disease


Recipe number 2.

The following means is useful for cleansing the intestine. 8 lemons, 400 g of garlic, 4 kg of celery, need root and leaves, 400 g of shit. All this must be crushed and leave to appease when the mixture will give juice, it must be squeezed and put in the refrigerator. Take 1 tsp 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals.

Lemon tea will save from a cold

Lemon tea will save from a cold


Recipe number 3.

To reduce pressure, you need to skip 2 lemon through the meat grinder, pour honey, and insist for 6 days. This is a kind of diet - in addition to lemons, you need to limit yourself in food. After 2 days, prepare another infusion and arrange the same partial starvation. Arterial pressure decreases after 3-4 courses.

Citrus will give impact vitamin C

Citrus will give impact vitamin C


Recipe number 4.

Impact dose of vitamin C. 2 lemon and 2 orange cut into parts, remove bones and skip through a meat grinder. Mass mix with 2 tbsp. Honey spoons, withstand 1 day in glassware in room conditions, and then put in the refrigerator. Eat just like that, with tea when remember.

It's time to support immunity

It's time to support immunity


Recipe number 5.

We raise immunity. Grind 500 g of lemons with peel, but without seeds, 500 g of cranberries, 500 g peeled from the seeds of rosehip fruits, add 500 g of honey, mix everything. Insist 1 day in tightly closed dishes.

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