5 signs of a hairdresser who spoil your hair


Each person should have his own master of hair - the one he who certainly trusts and appreciates his "light" hand. For everyone, who has not yet been lucky to find his specialist, we have compiled a list of the features inherent in the unqualified hairdresser. Noticing them in your master, it is worth looking for other options.

"Yes, you will go to the blond at a time!"

Even the top stylists do not guarantee that the lightening of the hair to the tenth colors will be the first time. Many factors are influenced on the hair: previous staining, leaving procedures, water rigidity, styling. Each of them is postponed in the form of pigment in the hair, which when oxidizing the powder can go into a copper or dark yellow shade. The competent master first will consult and test the material on the test strand to find out whether you are a high percentage of the oxidant or it is worth lowering the bar. Usually, the clarification from the second to the seventh-eighth tone of the painted hair is carried out by 4-6% oxidizing agent. This is enough to change the color, but not worsen the quality of the hair by making them similar to the straw.

Disinfection tools should be carried out after each client

Disinfection tools should be carried out after each client

Photo: unsplash.com.

"Oh, a comb was falling - I'll have enough for it."

Compliance with sanitary standards When performing procedures - almost the most important point when choosing a wizard. If your hairdresser can drop the clamp or comb, and then raise them and, as if nothing had happened, continue combing your hair, run away from him. Such a sloppy person may well do not disinfect comical after other customers, as a result of which you will have dandruff or allergies on the skin of the head from contact with other people's bacteria.

"Wait, now I'm going, noticing paint"

Remember: Colorist should knead the compositions only with you. If he goes into another room, no one guarantees what kind of means your hair will be painted. Such a trick is used in some salons to reduce costs when purchasing consumables - instead of paint and oxidizing agent of a foreign manufacturer, Russian paint and hydrogen peroxide. Then generously lubricate the hair with oil - you leave the happy, and after the first wash you detect the straw on the hair. Ask to photograph the packaging of the paint that you were applied to the hair - an adequate master will never refuse to you.

"Oh, you have so spoiled the tips!"

This should be a proposal to make a haircut for which additional money will take you. And well, if the master spoke this time in 3-4 months, but some hairdressers convince the clients that in their case it is necessary to cut every month. The competent wizard after the haircut will advise you how to care for hair - will tell about the means that I like him, and will recommend salon care. It is necessary to make it once a month to fill in a keratin hair structure, and then close the cuticle and protect it with the composition of external influence.

After visiting the hairdresser, you must feel the queen

After visiting the hairdresser, you must feel the queen

Photo: unsplash.com.

"Look, I have a new certificate"

If the whole wall near the workplace of the hairdresser is taught by training certificates, know: he simply has no customers. People who do not sit without work are usually trained once every six months old, when top stylists come to the city, whose work technique they would like to be taken. Training from such mastodonts is tens of thousands - no one will spend so much money every month. For work, the stylist is enough to undergo basic training on haircuts, then learn from coloring on the basis of a cosmetic company, on the products of which he wants to work, and then fill the hand. For a person, his work and customer reviews will be better than certificate stack.

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