Like Julia Samoilova found his prince


Each princess should have his own knight. Here Yulia Samoilova, which in May will go to represent Russia to Eurovision in Kiev, there is one who is always near. I remembered the wonderful history of love.

The seventh April singer Yulia Samoilova will be 28 years old. And eight years old with her there is her favorite young man - Alexey Taran.

When Yule was coming a year old, she was vaccinated from polio, after which she stopped getting up on the legs. Doctors could not put the correct diagnosis and treated from everything in a row. As a result, the disability of the first group and the ability to move only on the wheelchair. But it never hurt the self-popular with the guys. She always had a lot of workers. And as the actress itself admits, she also loved to sweat them the nerves: Caprissed, checked them for strength, harmful ...

When Julia was 20 years old, the guy wanted to get acquainted with her in the social network, but Julia had already met the young man at that time, so the stranger did not take seriously. And he was persistent. And Julia agreed to date.

As Alexey recalled later, at first he did not know that the girl liked him moves on the stroller. But their hometown of Ukhta is small, and in the musical environment everyone knows each other. And Leshin friend told him the entire history of Samoilova. Therefore, when Julia, with a challenge, he began to ask an insistent guy if he knows who she is and what with her, Alexey calmly replied that in the know.

Julia and Alexey met in social networks. They are already eight years old, two of which are officially married

Julia and Alexey met in social networks. They are already eight years old, two of which are officially married


Young people met. The singer did not see his new boyfriend in Alexey, and just perceived him as a friend. Somehow she admitted that at first he was unparalleled as a man. But gradually struck it with his male actions, calmness, readiness to always come to the rescue. And at some point, Yule wanted to take him by the hand. Since then, they go together, keeping each other.

Alexey for two years younger than Julia, but this difference at the age did not confuse lovers, and they began to live together. The young man had to take over all domestic duties: he prepares, and removes, and washes dishes. Of course, Julia, due to its capabilities, helps him. And it is she who instills in his beloved man confidence in his own talent. After all, Alexey is a wonderful musician and arranger. And he and the Self-soldier, and the producer, and the administrator.

They are always together. In the native Ukhta organized an advertising firm, then they tried to go to St. Petersburg University together. It was Alexey flew from Julia to "Factor A" and stood in line for audition. And supported at the opening of the Paralympic Games in Sochi, where Julia sang. It is he who resolves conflicts when Samoilov is not allowed in the subway or in a cafe ...

About two years ago, young people got married. Just went to the registry office and put signatures in the necessary documents. They dream of arranging a lush wedding and be sure to get married. But they will make it when they will accumulate money not to ask for help from parents. And, of course, they dream of children and a happy life, full of creativity.

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