Psychology of uniqueness: how to develop a toilem


The fact that every person has been unique since birth is understandable to many. But some come to this conclusion through the thorn of self-vaccination, hatred and eternal negatives. It is especially true for a beautiful sex, initially more emotional and living sensations. What kind of she, the psychology of uniqueness, is it possible to develop a toilem in yourself and how to make a woman, I will tell further.

Psychology of uniqueness - theory

The question of personal uniqueness was thought of not one light mind. It raised by representatives of various scientific areas and schools (not only psychological). A variety of theories allows you to consider it from several sides.

The first is physiological. In nature, there are no identical patterns of skin or retinal. Moreover, neural communications brain are unique. And they are unique, not individual. The first concept is much wider than the second. For awareness, this can be resorted to metaphor. Two near the growing tree of one breed have their own personality. With detailed analysis, unique differences are detected - fruitfulness, root system, annual rings.

The second side of the question is genetic. Many practices believe that the uniqueness (especially neurons of the brain) is laid upon intrauterine development. The condition of its actualization will be the maternal experience fixed in the body of the genome, that is, what made it possible to form a phenotype (the principle of the brain structure) based on the initial genome.

Every person is unique from birth

Every person is unique from birth


In the postnatal period, an important role in the manifestation of uniqueness plays the environment, family and society. This is the third side of the question. Children whose beginnings are supported and encouraged by their parents, more actively show their uniqueness than peers, whose needs families were ignored.

The actualization of uniqueness in the first case is inextricably linked with joyful sensations, passion from the processes, ease and spontaneity of actions. The second case is fraught with psychotrams, trafficking, a burden and fear to exercise its uniqueness.

Any theory without practicing is dead. Therefore, the following clause of the article will be the advice on how to wake their uniqueness to wake up their uniqueness and competently express it.

From theory to practice - expert advice

As we already understood, people are unique from birth. But reworked factors can prevent them from manifest themselves properly. I repeat that it is especially important for women. How to be in such a situation? The answer is simple - follow the following advice.

Do not compare yourself with others and take all decisions yourself.

Do not compare yourself with others and take all decisions yourself.


Firstly , stop looking at others and compare yourself with them. It is unproductive and energy consuming. It is better to carry out something for yourself something that I liked in a person (an interesting haircut, but only if it approaches your face, a pretty outfit and so on), and implement.

Secondly , do not chase the fashion (on habits, appearance, gadgets and so on). Fashion - lady Capricious and changeable. Playing with her in the cabin, you can lose myself and your uniqueness.

Thirdly Forget about the words "normally" and "abnormally". Such shortcuts are probably invented for hidden manipulation. Do not give in.

From the third council comes fourth . Try to be confident and make decisions yourself, and not under someone's influence. A confident person is independent of everything that holds back and interferes, - someone else's opinion, others, Caverz and so on.

Fifth my advice - Be independent as possible. For your decisions and answer your life yourself, and do not hope for anyone.

A confident and independent person who does not compare himself with others and is not chasing the ephemeral ideals, in the end comes to the realization of what uniqueness is for him, and understands how to demonstrate it. Is it not the happiness?

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