Fresh and young: 4 effective way to make the skin beautiful


In pursuit of the beauty of the woman are ready to endure any "bullying" of cosmetologists: injections, peelings and other painful procedures. However, it is not necessary to resort to the "heavy artillery" immediately, you can well visually reset a few years, using our advice.

Light tan

Yes, we all heard about the negative impact of UV rays on the skin, and nevertheless ultraviolet can be useful with proper use. You do not need to hide from the sun rays, even if you quickly burn, take care of the protection of the skin and boldly substitute the face of the Sun: in the conditions of the city, use the sunscreen with the SPF 20 factor - this will be more than enough. On the young shore will have to raise protection to the SPF 50.

Regularly update the skin

Of course, our body is updated independently, however, at the first wrinkles or in the case when the skin is problematic, you have to use additional means. Cosmetologists advise to use at least once a week a peeling rice, which will help remove the buried layer and give the face even color, besides, if your skin is fat and dense, experts also recommend passing a course of peels in the cabin in the cold season, when the sun is not actively.

Regularly moisturize the skin

Regularly moisturize the skin


Yoga for health

Everything was heard about the classic yoga, but recently is gaining popularity of Face-Yoga - exercises aimed at relaxing the muscles of the face. The essence of this technique is to get rid of a woman from deep outdoor folds and strong wrinkles on the forehead, which often become not so much the result of years of years as the result of constant stress.

Do not forget about moisturizing

Water is a source of life, what we often forget about. Regular consumption of at least a half-liter of water will help to establish metabolism that suffers from improper nutrition and the same stress. Everything else, do not forget about external means, such as a light moisturizing cream, selected by the type of leather.

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