How to behave on the first sexual date


Alexander Poleev, Psychotherapist, Sexologist, Candidate of Medical Sciences, Professor Institute of Psychoanalysis at Moscow State University:

"I think, with the first intimate date, anyone wants a favorable impression. Therefore, for both partners, it is desirable to bed in bed clean, nice smelling; Woman, of course, it is necessary to wear beautiful underwear, make depilation. And these simple rules should be adhered to the whole life, and not only for the first time. If a person loves himself, it is easy.

Self-presentation on the sexual debut of the couple matters, but from my point of view, not decisive. As practice shows, the first sex is rarely successful for everything one hundred: people, not knowing each other, often shy, men usually have problems with erection, a woman cannot immediately find his posture and movement, it is afraid that a man will notice her cellulite or Flowing mascara. Both partners are not solved directly say to each other, which affection is delivered to them the greatest pleasure. Therefore, rarely the first date brings orgasm at least one of the parties. So my advice: Give each other one more or more chances to show yourself after the first time.

If people have become regular partners or spouses, of course, they need to continue to follow themselves - let's say, take shower not only before sex, but just before bedtime, so that the smell of sweat does not cause hostility from her beloved. However, the long-term connection has its own almost inevitable trap - sexual boredom, which occurs around two years of living together. Whatever woman underwear would do, no matter how he experimented with hair, no matter how much the man has paid for his physical form, it does not insure it from the "sexy desert." In order not to cool down to each other finally, you need to learn to speak with each other about your sensual desires and fantasies. And further. It is impossible to imitate orgasm - otherwise they themselves confuse in their lies, in which it is difficult to admit to a partner.

Help each other sexually revealed! Otherwise, two thoroughly washed, dressed and scented "dolls", cold and non-dolls can be completely calmly sleeping under one blanket.

Anna Churkevich, Practicing psychologist, psychotherapist:

"And those who are just starting to build their personal life, and those who want to improve it, in order to avoid disappointment I advise that. Take yourself as you are, - and our social "me," and your physical body. Such adoption does not depend on public opinion, dictating, which is considered beautiful and sexy. Take yourself - it means to love your body as it is now. And here the wonders begin! A man who managed to make this step becomes unusually attractive for others in any sense of the word! It comes from a special charm. Happy people even smell like a special!

Positive perception itself does not depend on external data. It has been scientifically proven that among girls with a model appearance there are those who consider themselves ugly, they have low self-esteem and a protracted bad luck in love. Surrounding for some reason perceive them as unattractive. And many of the full girls feel beauties, and their friends and acquaintances relate to them, respectively.

So how to behave on your first sexual date to attract a person and like him in the future? The answer is very simple: naturally! Each person is unique and unique. If you are relaxed, spontaneous, then always interesting, because there is no such (such), there was no one. When you are natural, you do not need to strain and play some unusual role to you - let's say, the fatal seducer. Disappointing your partner may occur only when you did not meet it (her) expectations. If you are natural from the very beginning of your relationship and are not trying to meet the expectations of another person, the disappointment will not arise. As for the mandatory observance of the rules of personal hygiene ... If you love yourself and your body, you will not be difficult to follow yourself - to be taken, wash, holly and cherish yourself, dressing beautifully. Not because it is necessary for someone else, but because you like so much. "

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