Apple Pie from the chef


You will need:

- 5 small sour-sweet apples (do not use apples like Antonovka, they soften); - a little lemon juice for splashing;

- 200 ml of sour cream 15% of fatty;

- butter for lubrication form;

- 1 egg;

- 250 g of flour;

- 100 g of sugar;

- 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar powder;

- 1 tsp by ground cinnamon (or special seasoning for apple pie);

- 0.5 h. Spoons of baking powder;

- a pinch of salt.

Beat the mixer with sugar, continuing to mix, add salt and sour cream. Mix flour with a breakdler and gradually add to the mixture - the dough should be like a thick sour cream. Depending on the quality of flour, adjust the amount of fluid, add more sour cream or kefir.

Apples Clear, cut in half and carefully teaspoon or a special curette to remove the core with the bones. Clipping with thin plates about 2 mm and slightly sprinkle with lemon juice.

Cut the parchment in the form for baking, put the parchment into the shape and lubricate with butter. In the dough put apples and push a little to plunge into the dough. Sprinkle with brown sugar and bake in the oven at a temperature of 190 degrees 30-35 minutes before a golden crust. We check with a wooden toothpick, if you stick it into the cake, it should get clean and dry.

Sprinkle with powdered sugar, cool and serve on the table.

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