Star "House-2" made an abortion?


Last week, one of the participants of the Dom-2 project Aliana Gobozova was absent, and many media wrote that the reason for Suicide was the reason for this. However, these rumors were not confirmed. The other day the reason for the absence of a gobozova on telestroy was known. Aliana, who recently became the mother, decided to make an abortion. This was reported by a great secret by one of the participants of Realvest, RIA FederalPress writes. Apparently, the girl did not decide to give birth to a second child from her husband, with whom recently planned to divorce.

Recall that on the project "Dom-2" Aliana appeared to make a couple with Oleg Miami, but the relationship with him did not work out. Evgeny Kuzin, Alexey Samsonov and Sergei Sicar, with whom the participant tried to draw up the Alliance, remained indifferent to the girl. Only Alexander Gobozov after a long disappointment could not resist Aliana's spells. Couple relationships were different. There were also quarrels, scandals, and jealousy, but the couple asked the test and each time reunited again. And recently, the Gobozovy son Robert was born.

True, after the first primary relations between Aliane and Alexander worsened. The new mammy began to suspect her husband in treason, the case almost came to the divorce. However, the permanent quarrels with his spouse did not prevent the Gobozova to win an apartment, becoming the winner of the "man of the year" contest on "House-2".

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