Pavel Prilum: "We have no idilation at home. Idyll only in some instagram happens "


Pavel Priluchny - an actor, each role attracts attention. True, recently they spoke at all because of the next creative good luck. Literally all the media rolled the powerful wave of publications about the divorce of primarily with his wife, Agata Minky.

- Paul, what was it for tsunami in the media about your divorce with Agata?

- This, unfortunately, not the first time, when such a "tsunami" happened in the media because of the allegedly someone with our wife's problem. But what is this problem? Well, people unsubscribed from each other in the social network. What is the difference? Idiotism has already become all this life in social networks. For me, so this is generally some big stupidity. People may not be signed at all on each other. And I do not see any problem in this. Why do some associate instagram and personal life with a married couple? The social network is just a business platform for people who are engaged. I do not care about their number. Some make big money from their microblogging, but it is not about me. I am not passionate about social networks. I have a number of people there. And if I liked something wildly, I took a picture and laid out. Everything. But to associate life and social networks for me - idiocy.

- Two popular actors in one family - is it like?

- It seems to me that it is a lot. (Laughs.) If my spouse was an accountant, I, apparently, would be more pleased with this fact. But then I would hardly meet, of course. (Laughs.) But I would be happy.

- If you suddenly quarrel, who is the first to concessions?

- We are somehow trying together. And I am harmful, and it ... not that harmful, but with character. We are trying to make it right. You are me, I am.

- Discuss each other working moments of each? Or a home zone - exclusively zone of comfort and rest?

- Of course, we are advised. And discuss absolutely everything. There are things in which she helps me very much. For example, the Chinese language is due to the Amber project. I absolutely do not own Chinese, and my spouse speaks me quite well on it. And she helped me on this issue. Just as in all the trifles, if I'm not sure. I'd rather try it all at first I'll see. So she often refers to me. There is mutual assistance, communication.

Pavel Prilum:

Paul and his spouse Agata Motsivaya quite often see each other at work. A couple of ten projects in which they were together in the frame. And the "closed school" (in the photo on the left), among other things, is called the series, on the set of which was born

- You have two children. They are friends?

- Like all children, then be friends, they fight. I honestly, I can not say: "We have idyll!" It happens only in instagram in some individuals. (Laughs.)

- Well, about "fighting" you probably exaggerated? Miya's daughter is still small ...

- I would not say that. (Laughs.) Bandinka is still. She, it happens, behaves faster Timothy. I, honestly, sometimes I am even surprised how much strength, tricks and gloating is in this little man. And all this in combination with a completely silent baby baby. She is already talking. Arguing. She has two and a half years old, and she already behaves like a four-year apartment. Very smart. Already starts to read a quiet. Chasing the eldest, trying to fit the brother to which almost six already. And due to the fact that it is very quickly developed, it sometimes suits concerts and me, and all other family members. But so basically as a brother and sister, they play very well and friends.

- You yourself did boxing, the Son is not going to give there?

- While spouse against. We gave him to hockey. It's closer. Separately, in Moscow, I personally do not see the traffic jams in Moscow. While we do so that he tried himself in all horses. I think maybe to bring to Kudo. Good sport. He is not very effortful. Let's see what happens.

- Who helps you look after your children?

- My mom really helps us. Often it happens to us. There is someone to leave, like our nanny faith. They both are friends with children. Yes, and with the children easily. I'm tryyon often take a job. Now they filmed a new television program, so Timofey went with me at the rehearsal. He likes. But, however, it happens that at some point he lacks baby patience. He asks to play on the phone or something else. But it normal.

- You have on YouTube your channel called "Privual weekdays." What it is? What for?

- This wanted agate. I do not really love it all. But, on the other hand, the future for Yutnub. It is not clear how much the TV will live, and YouTube will live for a long time. That's for sure. And he will only develop. And while there is an opportunity to join there, you need to join it. And Agatha shoots. At first she mounted everything herself. Now we took the mount member who helps to shoot and mount. It is interesting for her. This is some pastime. Why not? I bought all the necessary gadgets so that everything was professional: computer, camera, and so on. Human passion is there. And thank God.

- What is your hobby?

- I really liked to take pictures. There is even a small album that pleases the eye. Photo hundred, which I consider good. If it turns out, the exhibition Zabubenu. If this is someone interesting.

- How do you relax in your free time?

- Now we have taken a mortgage, so do not rest until you rest. (Laughs.) And we will work for the next couple of years while there are strength, opportunities and interest in us as performers.

Pavel Prilum:

Now Paul and Agata are again removed together. This time in the TV series "in the cage" (on the bottom photo), where the incense is not only an actor, but also producer


- And your work, apparently, will be very much in the near future. You have decided to still try yourself as a producer. I mean your series "in a cage". What are your production ambitions?

"I want to make a global product, imaging, for which will not be ashamed not only in Russia, but somewhere behind the hill. Actually, so I took up the producing, because from the inside already a lot felt and understood what could save on what could not be saved. The script is hard, a lot of mat and everything else. Half swearing will sound, probably, but the other half will be woven. In general, this is a very honest, very bold product about athletes and their relationship.

- Actor and producer in one person - is it hard?

- Wildly hard. I did not even think that to such an extent. But nothing, it seems to be sophisticated with the right rhythm. I hope all be fine.

Fans and fans

- Fantastic fighter "Rubezh" showed on the All-Russian campaign "Night Cinema-2018" at the request of the audience. What, in your opinion, so hooked the public?

- I think it was not without my hands of my huge fan club. In fact, this is a very big my army for which I am proud. And which I am very grateful. They really help me at some moments, help me, they are always with me. I constantly feel their presence. They are more and better than I know when I have a shooting where I am and where I will be. At first it scarecrowed me, and then I realized that they, so to speak, like an angel wing for me. I love them very much. Constantly communicate with the administration. In general, cool guys. And I am very glad that this film was shown at such a festival. On him, as I understand it, we went both schoolchildren and students, and all other age categories. This film has a big backgrund. We are talking about that it is impossible to forget the story in any way, we must not forget how our grandfathers fought so that we can safely smile to each other and live happily. This must be remembered. This must be proud of. And about such things as the "Nevsky Piglet", do not talk in school. It was a fighting point on the Neva. And people who defended Peter then there - the heroes of Russia. You need to know about it. The story is told by a simple, not a tongue. We all were preparing for this seriously. And the approach was serious. Therefore, I am glad that this essence, which we wanted to convey to people, understood and saw a lot of people.

- You said that with fans you have a good relationship. It turns out that they do not bother you, do not annoy, dudder at the entrance of your home?

- Previously, it was. But we have now moved for the city. True, not because someone was born to us, no - neither of them, in no case. Just easier. And children, and we are quieter than in Moscow. This evening and so takes out at work. Therefore, I want to come and not hear the neighbors. But fans and the city come. We had such a case when we just moved, three years ago. Under the New Year, suddenly they said that Santa Claus came to us. What is Santa Claus? We did not say anywhere that we moved and where. But the guard argued that he had our home. Drive up. No one, but there are traces from Sanok. I'm in a panic: I think, maybe some maniac made his way? He took the weapon, went to look, did not find anyone. Fifteen minutes from somewhere because of the mountain goes a guy in the header of Santa Claus with huge sleigh gifts. Fans somehow calculated where we live. But it was wildly pleasant. Thank you so much. They bring gifts to all holidays. Go to all performances.

- What do you have with the theater now?

- Now we make the entrepreneurs of "Aventurers inevitable". And we are preparing a story with Vanya Makarevich - "cosmetics of the enemy." Complex, but very interesting material. Only two people on stage. It will be pretty cool, because it is very hard to keep the half hour half an hour. But it turns out. I want to try my strength. I think it will work out.

- Is it true that you have long dreamed of playing in the entrepreneurs along with my wife?

"Yes, here we are already playing already in the" adventurists inevitable. "

In 2013, First Train - Timofey appeared in Paul and Agatha's family. And three years later, a daughter Miya was born

In 2013, First Train - Timofey appeared in Paul and Agatha's family. And three years later, a daughter Miya was born


Memory tattoo

- You have a tattoo on your neck, which you usually do not paint even during filming. Is this your principled position? And how do you manage to convince directors?

- For many years, this tattoo has become the burning spot. If earlier, in the nineties, it was possible to surprise the tattoo on the neck, now it is in the order of things. There are already some in front of themselves for yourself some kind of rubbish and calmly go through the streets. And my tattoo no longer belongs to some particular hero. Tattoo is quite normal, there is no longer anything terrible. Therefore, the producers are not allowed to paint it.

- And not pressed?

- Somewhere we painted. But if we remove the modern story, it does not hinder my hero at all, why not? Of course, if we are talking about the historical film, and I will now take it in such a scenario, the action takes place in 1812, then everything is painted there. But there is no problem. Now a lot of all sorts of creams appeared, ointments to disguise the tattoo.

- Are you going to do?

- And I already made a tattoo on my chest, something suffered me a little, it is impossible to stop, this is a disease. I do on the occasion. Each tattoo something means personally for me. Bars some secret meaning. There is no such thing: "But I will go to the nafigach penguin on the whole back!"

- What was bent on the chest, if not a secret?

- This is a cardiogram. History of recovery, revival. It starts simply from the line, and then the cardiogram is drowned. A life.

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