Will in love with him: 5 chips acting trouble-free


Love is a complicated thing. You never know who in the taste of a person who attracted you, and whether you have a relationship in the future. However, each woman in arsenal has a couple of techniques that help speed up the transition from friendly communication to romantic meetings. It will share a pair of secrets with those who, due to tender age, has not yet learned to find an approach to men.

Smile - Main Weapon

Who would you want to continue communication - with a person who smiles to you or those who smisces or does not show emotions at all? It is logical that most people will choose the first option. We intuitively stretch to positive people - and this confirms the science. So the Forbes magazine writes about the study UC Berkley, which was held for 30 years: studied photos of graduates in old photo albums, and then analyzed their lives at the end of school learning. It turned out that people who are accustomed to smile became more successful than sullen peers in all areas - personal life, work, interpersonal relationships. So smile, friends, and you will definitely meet your love!

Watch him right in the eye

Watch him right in the eye

Photo: unsplash.com.

In love

"How can I simulate a look in love?" - you ask. And we will answer what to do it is simple: ask professional models as they turn this trick on stylized wedding photos and filming in Love Store style, where they have to portray a couple in love with a man model that they see for the first time in life. To tune in, you need to remember some kind of time of your life when you were in love or the act of a loved one. Then we enjoy the behavior inherent in love with a person: a little tilting the head of the lobby, smile with the corners of the mouth and periodically take a look from the interlocutor. You can correct the hair behind the ears or wind strand on your finger. Even the most indecisive man is aware that he likes you - and then you will see either a response sympathy, or a complete indifference and understand everything yourself.

Straight posture

As soon as you straighten your back and remove the shoulders a little back, your appearance is instantly transformed. Spark appears in the eyes, the figure becomes slimmer, and the tip of the nose pride is slightly up. At the subconscious level, the man reads your signal that tells you that you love yourself and appreciate. And people, satisfied with themselves and their lives, as you know, attract increased attention to others - they literally want to pull themselves. If you are often sludge, to be returned to help everyone exercise with a book and wearing shoes at a low heel.

Intimate talk

At the first meeting, you are unlikely to be able to talk perfoiting: during dating, many people unconsciously include the image - behavior that presents the improved version of the present person. But after a couple of dates, you will definitely find a common language and move from the stories of funny stories to more intimate conversations. When a person trusts you with his dreams and speaks about life peripetics, it is at that moment he appears to be real. People with developed empathia are much easier to fall in love with such a living person than in the image presented in public.

Hug a man for goodbye

Hug a man for goodbye

Photo: unsplash.com.

Light touch

Psychologists have a secret reception that works reluctantly. To arrange a person to yourself, at the meeting you need to touch the forearm of his right hand. The main thing is that the man himself does not notice this - check such a trick during a lively conversation when you are standing in front of each other. You can also periodically touch his shoulder, take a man at hand or hug on farewell. Tactile contact with a pleasant person to us provokes the development of hormones of oxytocin and dopamine, "relaxing" brain and give us a pleasant feeling of euphoria from the origin of a new novel.

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