Screens for the whole house: how to make repairs without violating the law


People became with zeal to guard the boundaries of their comfort - this is a fact. If earlier it was possible to wrap the drill on all weekends, now significant restrictions are superimposed on this type of repair work. Neighbors will not wait for you when you finish, and call the police and register a violation of the regime. What to talk about more serious things in the form of redevelopment or change of the facade. Simple language explains the laws established for Russians in the field of construction and repair.

When to carry out noisy work

The capital operates the law "On compliance with the rest of citizens and silence in the city of Moscow", which allows for noisy work on the repair and redevelopment of residential premises from 9 am to 19 pm on weekdays and Saturday with a break from 13 to 15 hours. On Sunday, such works are prohibited. The restriction is removed only on new buildings, where for one and a half years from the moment of putting the house, the repair can be done at any time. As for the cities of the Moscow region and the rest of the country, each municipality establishes its prescriptions about the regime of repair work.

Do not disturb the peace of other tenants

Do not disturb the peace of other tenants


How to redevelop the law

The main document regulating questions on redevelopment is the Housing Code - all rules are registered in it. First of all, you need to find a technical passport of an apartment - with him you go to the architectural bureau where you will be a new plan of the premises and will release a technical conclusion about the safety of work. Then you get permission in the housing inspection, make repairs and invite a commission to verify the changes made. According to the results, a new technical passport of the apartment is drawn up. Be careful: if you decide to make changes without harmonizing housing inspection, curious neighbors during repairs can complain about you in the inspection. As a result, you will receive an administrative penalty and will be forced to either restore the initial view of the apartment, or from scratch to go through the procedure for negotiating changes.

Is it possible to dismantle the fire ladder

At many balconies in the houses of the Soviet construction, hatches and fire stairs are installed. Snip 21-07-97 "Fire safety of buildings and structures" regulates the features of their installation and operation. By law, this property belongs to HOA and dismantle them you have no right. In theory, the presence of stairs and the availability of hatches should control the fire inspection. However, in fact, no one does this, so you can remove the ladder. In extreme cases, pay an administrative penalty.

Evacuation staircase and hatch belong to housing and communal services

Evacuation staircase and hatch belong to housing and communal services


As for the rest of the work, it is worth studying the housing code to make sure that your actions will not entail the consequences.

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