Taming the plump: how to cope with fatty hair


A negligent look, loss of volume, and with it and sentiment - unpleasant symptoms faced by the owners of oily hair. Moreover, the girl can follow the cleanliness of the hair daily, however, it's not so easy to cope with the problem. We decided to share tips to help if you do not fully cope with the problem, then significantly improve the situation.

My head in the morning

As you know, more active than the sebaceous glands work at night, so the idea to wash your head before bedtime, in order to sleep a little longer in the morning, does not fit the owners of oily hair. Trichologists advise you to wash your head in the morning or before lunch: the hair will not lose freshness until the evening.

Carefully choose hair care products

One of the main mistakes of girls is the wrong selection of caring tools that can only aggravate the situation. Often we think that we have fat hair, and buying products for this type of hair, in fact it turns out that the problem lies in the fatty skin of the head, and the shampoo you only exacerbate the condition of the hair. If you can not independently decide on the appropriate means, do not hesitate to consult with your master in the cabin.

the thick hair, the more time you need to wash them completely

the thick hair, the more time you need to wash them completely

Photo: www.unsplash.com.

Rinse your head several times

After you have found a means of dream, you need to learn how to use it correctly. If you think you can rinse your head one time, you are mistaken. The longer the thick of your hair, the more time you have to spend on a water ritual. If you do not pay enough attention to the hair, over time, the purified pores will be scored and local inflammations may occur, and problems with the flow of nutrients into the hair onion will begin.

Food - Key to Healthy Hair

"You are what you eat" - it is difficult to disagree with this expression. Permanent fast food, weakness to acute and salted food leads to a planning state not only hair, but also the whole organism. Instead of the next portion of FRI potatoes, make a useful salad refilled by olive oil - after a couple of weeks of the adjusted diet, you will notice positive changes.

Use scrub

Consultants in the professional cosmetics store will offer you a lot of scrubs to choose, but the best scrub is made on your own, especially you can cope with this.

What do we need:

- A quarter of the tablespoon of sea salt.

- tablespoon of oat flakes.

- Purified water.

Mixing all the ingredients to a homogeneous cleaner, apply a mixture on the scalp, slightly massate, then rinse with water and rinse the hair with shampoo. The procedure is recommended to repeat once every two weeks.

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