In bed with a star: the film "Main Instinct" - 25 years


This week was 25 years since the film "Main Instinct" came out on the screens. The success of this erotic thriller was incredible, and for the executor of the leading role of Sharon Stone forever the title of fatal seducer and one of the most sexy actresses Hollywood. In honor of the anniversary remembered curious facts about the filming of the painting.

The main heroes of the film - Detective Nick Carrene and writer-bisexual Catherine Tramla - had real prototypes. The script writer Joe Esterhaz earlier worked as a police reporter. "I knew one kopa who loved always to be in the thick of the events. If some shootout is always there. On the one hand, he was a very good policeman, but on the other, it was obvious that he loves to play with fire. Nick was written off with him, "Esterhaz told. "And once I met a dancer in the bar, and we poisoned with her to the hotel," continued the screenwriter. "And at some point she took a gun from a handbag and put on me." "Tell me at least one reason why I should not press the trigger," she said. "But I did not do anything wrong. You myself wanted to come here, and as far as I understood, you liked everything, "I replied. "All guys make it with me, and I'm tired of it," she said. We then talked for a long time with her before she finally lowered the gun. Catherine is largely similar to her. "

After the release of the film for Sharon Stone forever the title of fatal seducer

After the release of the film for Sharon Stone forever the title of fatal seducer

Frame from the film "Main Instinct"

Paul Verkhoven was appointed director of the film. Main role performers were looking for a long time. The whole color of Hollywood was visited on the role of Nick: Al Pacino, Harrison Ford, Robert de Niro, Mel Gibson, Bruce Willis, Sylvester Stallone, Jack Nicholson, Richard Gir, John Travel, Kevin Costner and other stars. As a result, the role got Michael Douglas. And it was he who offered to take off as Catherine Kim Baisinger, but the actress refused. As well as Julia Roberts, Meg Ryan, Michelle Pfaiffer, Demi Moore: They were all afraid to be filmed in too frank scenes. And then Sharon Stone appeared. Stone, who had already shot down at the Vervene in the film "Remember everything", passionately wanted to get this role, but did not want to ask himself. "We had to meet with the floor for the renorming of some scenes" remember everything "to display in airplanes. And I specifically came to the studio in a tight tight dress without underwear in the style of Catherine. Men can be excited by one appearance, and it worked: my role was, "the actress recalled.

Verkhovlen's bedside scenes specially removed on debt, from different angles, in case the censors will say something to cut, it will remain quite a material in order to replace remote episodes by others. By the way, Stone sexy scenes did not scare at all. Unlike scenes of violence. "During the filming of such episodes on the site, a doctor was always on duty with an oxygen mask, since it seemed to me that I would like to faint now," the movie star admitted.

After filming Douglas and Stone began to attribute a novel

After filming Douglas and Stone began to attribute a novel

Frame from the film "Main Instinct"

And the most famous scene, where Catherine crosses his legs during the interrogation, demonstrating the lack of underwear, and not at all was spelled out in the script. The director came up with her himself, and Sharon knew about it from the very beginning. "But I did not expect it to be so frank," the actress later told. "I was in such a shock that after the first viewing of the finished film came to the floor and gave him a slap." And Esterhaz later crushed: "This scene was simply gorgeous. It is a pity that I have not written it myself. Of course, I do not think that it was because of her a picture became a hit, but the fact that she played a role in the success of the film is a fact. "

After entering the picture around Michael Douglas and Sharon Stone crawled rumors about the fact that they had a novel. In fact, the actress really had an intimate connection with one of the creators of the painting, namely Joe Esterhaz. "To be honest, I'm glad that I slept with her. It was only one night, and we both never treated her seriously, "the writer of the script was recognized. - But I was nice. Probably, so she wanted to tell me "Thank you" for writing a role that made her star. And I felt that she was deserved by Sharon. "

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