Sex after menopause: what changes in intimate life await you


After fifty, many women offer "second breathing": children grew up, now you can again devote most of the time for yourself, and therefore, it is not all smooth before that it was not smooth. However, in a rather mature age, Intim has its own specificity, and most often not in favor of a woman. It is known that a saturated sex life prolongs the youth of the body and the soul, so what should be done if age begins to negatively influence intimate life? We tried to figure out.

Sex after menopause

The female libido is largely dependent on the hormonal background, and therefore with age inevitably the desire comes on no, and that is why:

- The body is rebuilt. After menopause, the body does not intend to spend resources on the reproduction function, and therefore the level of genital hormones is reduced, and with them the cause of attraction decreases.

- Changes in physiology. The thinning of the walls of the vagina and its dryness wish sex more unpleasant process. The orgasm is not so bright due to the reduction of the tone of the vagina. A woman begins to seem that sex is no longer worth it to endure unpleasant sensations.

- Loss of energy. After fifty, as a rule, chronic diseases are exacerbated, which move sex almost not least in the list of necessary cases for the day: agree, the nunning joints or pressure drops will not be allowed to focus on the proximity to the partner.

Cut more time with a partner

Cut more time with a partner


Is there a good sex after menopause?

Of course have. The physiological difficulties that you experience before or during sex are quite solved, but for this it is necessary to obtain a consultation of a specialist, first of all - a gynecologist. However, in any case, you should adhere to the following rules:

- More activity. Menopause - not a reason to close in yourself. Find hobbies that imply activity, for example, do yoga, pilates or start visiting the pool. Do not refuse cultural outlets with friends, because a good mood directly affects the overall condition of the body. Refund on bad habits - sex, smoking and alcohol badly "get along" at any age.

- Confidence. If you are awkward or want to discuss with a partner some moments associated with improving sex life, feel free to talk with him. Explain that you like and what a man should pay attention to you to experience as much discomfort as possible during proximity.

- Do not lose romanticity. It only seems that the atmosphere for sex needs to be created while you are still young with a partner. In fact, the right attitude is half success in sex.

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