Tatyana Vasilyeva: "I tried to replace everything with my children"


- When did you understand what you want to become an actress?

- For me, it is not clear. Because it is difficult to find a family more distant from the theater than our. I do not even remember that in childhood I was drove on some performances. Basically I watched movies. At the "carnival night" with Gurchenko went every Sunday, ten years in a row, probably. And then in our apartment one neighbor a TV appeared. Nothing particularly interesting there was not shown - news, football and some ballet. But I came to her, experiencing a colossal sense of awkwardness. I humiliately asked permission to look after the transfer and climbed until the TV was not turned off. I generally grew an incredibly parted girl. It was worth a teacher to call my last name: "Izitkovich, to the board," - as I was covered with a rash, stains, all, than just can be covered on the nervous soil. It was an absolute clamp, fear, awkwardness from itself, from what I exist. By the way, maybe the desire to become an actress from here. As a way to escape from yourself real. In high school, I was discovered in different studios: in the literary, in the circle of the artistic word, movement. They all were in different ends of Leningrad, but I myself went there after school. The family was not up to me, dad fell ill. The sister had its own family, a small child. And I used this forced freedom, often leaving, it was later returned. In me there was a crazy, hysterical desire to engage in creativity. On the same staircase, where Mom gave me a piece of oil, I chirped a razor for my finger and wrote my own blood in my diary: "I will actress." But you can write anything. But the fact that I really became the one who became a miracle. I am very sorry that Dad never saw me on stage. When I sent a telegram that I was accepted at the MCAT Studio School, he did not believe me. It believed that all my arrival is some kind of big scam, escape from the house. Dad died during my first tours with satire theater in Chelyabinsk. And mommy later moved to me to Moscow, helped to raise children. Now the older sister Allyochka and her family are my only relatives in St. Petersburg, we see, I try to come there three times a month.

Tatyana Vasilyeva:

"I do not even remember that in childhood they drove me on some performances"

"You work a lot, today only in one Theater" Millennium "you play four performances, how is it to live in such a tough schedule?

- I do not think so. Schedule normal. So it should be. There are performances, they need to play, so you are all the time on the road, on the road, on tour.

- And what attracts life on wheels?

- It lies in beautiful places in which it is difficult to get on their own will. We pass our entire country, go to the church, museums, we communicate with interesting people. And it stands dear. Many are specially traveled, and we have part of the work. And then, playing for people living in other cities, great joy, they are so frightened for a good mood, so kind of grateful.

- What do you think, why do people go to the theater?

- People go to theater and laugh, and swim, but must for the good finals. It seems to me wrong when otherwise. I do not take Shakespeare and all sorts of tragedies, but I do not like performances with a bad finale. In every house there is such, so why pay money for it in the theater? There must be a good bright story, love, you need to be able to make a lot.

- did not think completely immerse yourself in movies, how do many current actors do?

"So they have other options, and I have no." I am quite satisfied with this my rhythm of life. This hellishness is hard, but I'm used to. On the contrary, I firmly feel like a free day falls. I have a feeling that something tragic happened, and I just do not know. True, starred in two projects, but I do not even know what is called. I'm not interested in the movie. I see that now remove - investigations, murder. It is impossible for me. With horror, I think that the series will be offered, a big role - and again about all the same, you will have to refuse. My body will simply not stand this belieberd. Maybe I played at one time in good performances from great directors, now we must move aside.

Tatyana Vasilyeva:

"I took a razor on my finger and my own blood wrote in my diary:" I will actress. " But you can write anything. But what I really became the one who became a miracle "

- Do you have two children, grandchildren, what do you think most importantly in the upbringing of children?

- The word "upbringing" itself is some kind of wrong, dangerous. After him, I hear a certain superiority, even violence against the child. I watched many times for educated children. In 10-12 years, they have already established personalities. Perfectly feel in adult companies, they know that you can not put the elbows on the table, interrupt, loudly chakli. But this does not mean that children will grow decent people and at some point will not send their parents to the way. Education is not equivalent to the nobility of the soul. On the contrary, it seems to me that good manners are a shelter for which children learned to hide. But this is now so smart, and thirty years ago I did not know anything. I missed my children incorrectly. But you know what is important? Patience. When you come after the performance or with the shooting tired, the only thing you want is to fall into bed, cover with a pillow and that no one even fit closely. It is at this moment that you are shaking your shoulder, rather unceremoniously and say: "Mom, I have such a story that happened." And you do not have the right to say: "I went out, I have my own problems." You need to listen to the end, see the drawings, incorporing full force. Maternity is patience. And the ability to negotiate. It is impossible to put pressure on children. Because the first natural reaction in response is a protest: once Mom ordered so, I will do the opposite. I did not immediately, but I learned to answer and Lisa, and Philip: "You know, you can do what you think. It is not excluded that it will be right. But I would do something and that. "

- And when did you learn to answer so, did it help?

- Oddly enough, these words were magical. Philip falls very quickly on my side. It takes a little time, and he calls back: "You know, moms, you are right. I guess I will do how you advise. " With Lisa, it does not always happen. It is a maximalist, that is, for it, there is only "yes" and "no", "black" and "white". I say: "Liza, now you do not hear me, but time will pass, and you remember my words. And now do what you think. Although I think you are not right. " Only with such "maximum rigidity" I allow myself to communicate with it. Otherwise, the conversation will not take place, one of us hangs up. And I do not like it. When it happens, I go around the apartment and I think: "Life passes. Who is I showing? " And call back the first. I know, it comes a time when children need to be released from themselves. For a moment in my thoughts, I let myself, but immediately scared: suddenly something happened, and I do not know and run to the phone.

Tatyana Vasilyeva:

"I am not interested in the movie. I see that now remove - investigations, murder. It is impossible for me. " On the set of the film "Happy New Year, Mom"

- Is it true that you have always worked out your children?

- It may very much that it is harmful and wrong if you are about it. But so it was from the very beginning, from their birth. I apparently, too much a sense of motherhood, it is at some animal level. I did not spy to the keyhole, but all the time was alert. He knew that my children were doing where and with whom they went, how many were returned. And I did not have peace, no will not. Even when I perform on performances, on the set, on tour in another city, I don't care with them. I never turn off the mobile phone, he is always at hand.

- Your former spouses helped you put on the feet of common children?

- The fact that Philip has started to read both crazy, merit of Toli - and on this you can put a point (the first husband of the actress Anatoly Vasilyev. - Approx. Auth.). I was even afraid that the child would interfere with these books, because he did not sleep at night, he sat with a flashlight. Anatoly starred in the cinema, worked in the theater. That's just four years old, the Philip was, when we divorced him with his father. I and my life then coolly changed, and the life of the son. My second marriage with George Martirosyan, Father Lisa, also collapsed. And it turned out that I tried to replace everything with my children who had scattered in life. Philip is trying to congratulate his father on his birthday, sometimes succeeded. Three grandchildren, he is not interested. But me people from the side say: "Well, that at least so." Okay then. Lisa was lucky more, George adores her. She loves him very much too.

Tatyana Vasilyeva:

"People go to theater and laugh, and swim, but must for the good finals"

- What do you say about your children, how about parents?

- In fact, we absolutely do not know our children. They are special, individuals from us, as if sent here from the space. I was so shaking over Philip, that he grew up for my constant reservations: "They don't go here, you will fall there, do not do it, otherwise you will find yourself in the police." In his character there are pride, ambitiousness, explosive temperament - all mandatory quality for the actor. But at the same time he is very homely, crediting, many questions ask. He had mostly women who older than him and who were idle, because adult women like it when a lot of smart conversations, pleasant conversations. Suddenly Nastya appeared, his peer, his partner on the spectral. I remember how I and Philip standing behind the scenes, both were waiting for their release on the stage, and he said: "Nastya is pregnant. For three months already. And froze. In response, I said only one word: "Firth". And the Vanya was born. There was no year - "Bam": "Mom, we will have another child." And Grisha was born. Philip - the perfect father and husband - unexpectedly for me.

- What about Lisa?

- She is all different. My daughter in love very, she already had a lot, in my opinion, stormy novels. One hard for her ended. But we now have Adam. Such a wonderful guy. I think that for Lisa the birth of a son is a reward. Adam is a small man who already has power over it. And she loves her perfectly amazing, male. I feel that it will be for Liza the biggest wealth and support in life.

- The son of Philippe went on your footsteps. You, together with him and his current spouse Maria Bolonkina play in the play "Trap for a husband". Relative difficulties in work does not occur?

- No, this is a need. I want children to work and see how I work. And on the stage I do not have the feeling that my child is next to me. I do my job, Philip is my own. Of course, then we definitely have a disclaimer. I suggest something, he takes somewhere, somewhere no, but basically agrees. Basically, critique, yes, but sometimes praise. Philip has a good acting quality - open temperament. We are accustomed that emotions should be saved and issue a little bit, and it carries it. The main thing is that the roles can be used by this individuality. I know there are conversations that, they say, she pulls his son. Perhaps I gave him a push, but it is natural. Which of the normal parents would not do it? And then, he is not from those people who will open the door to the foot and demand something. I know his character, he will rather leave. I want the Son to take place, because it has all the data for this. If there were no, I would have taken it from the scene. There are offacarious miners, railway workers. In general, I do not feel a big problem, although I used to be afraid. Once we started playing a strange play about the actress, which went crazy and rehearse all the houses. A person began to come to her, he pulled her all the time with secret, to then sell the material as a "bomb." And she thought he was the director that she was finally recognized, a new story in his career would come. She begins to fall in love with him, he also experiences something. And then I told my son: "Everyone, they ran away. Next can not, we are just incisible to heaven. " Son he can play, but not my man.

- You already have grandchildren, four, how are they called you?

- Somehow I was not ready for this: Granny, granny, baba. Not mine. My name is Tanya. Somehow the grandchildren asked, and where the grandmother, they replied that in another city. And there lives the second grandmother. Then they clarified, and where the grandmother Tanya. What they answered that Tanya is not a grandmother, but Tanya.

- Do you pay them enough attention, in your opinion?

- Recently, very little, and suffer from it. They also bother without me. Only in the summer there is an opportunity to spend several weeks together. Basically, we communicate by phone. I have amazing me: and small, and big too.

- Heredity notice?

- Adam artistic, speaks well, while there is no fear of the camera. Mirra, Daughter Philip and Mary, also grows interesting. She has charm - it is important, for a woman actress is even more important than beauty. Senior children of the son, Vanya and Grisha, are also tightened. I would shoot them and filmed into the movies, they have such eyes bottomless, glances, but let's see that they will prevent fate.

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