"Favorite younger than our difference in the age ..."


Seeing a couple in a cafe or cinema, where a very adult and a solid man kisses young beauty, we are contemptuously snatching: "She is good in his daughter!" Or are watching with surprise, as a young boy jumping into the car to a completely mature lady. Of course, this is not our business, no one is right to condemn someone else's personal life, no matter how causing it. At the same time, such couples are cut into memory, forcing us to think that it pushes them into each other's arms if there are many worthy partners of their age and status.

Let's figure it out in order. In such respects there are always your pitfalls. As, for example, many young girls become mistresses adult married men. For a girl, this is a way to declare, as an adult interesting woman who can count on not only inexperienced peers, but also the men. Our philosophical base, the structure of our personality is formed by 28 years. The basic principles, the foundations and dogmas about themselves and the world we gain up to this age. So, while young people are looking for their own way, their rows grow close to the already sustainable partner.

But here is not so simple. Married men become easy prey for young girls. Most of these novels do not lead anywhere, as these girls do not need long-term partners. Most of the representatives of the finest gender, agreeing with married men, is the daughters of alcoholics fathers or children grew into disadvantaged families. Close relationships are associated with pain, punishment, painful addiction and loss of themselves. Therefore, they are fully satisfied with the relationship at the distance with the inability to close in real.

In men, their reasons for such novels are: the middle-aged crisis, an attempt to catch up, most likely, the strongest crisis in married relations, when parental roles weaken, children grow up, and the couples discover that they have long cooled to each other.

The reverse case is the relationship of a young man with a lady in the years. The people there are many words mitigating the inexorable wiping of a woman. "In 45 baba - berry again," perhaps the most common expression. Women in many ways associate their femininity with youth, freshness and youth. Therefore, tons of effort are investing to preserve "commodity species". They know that it is youth, beauty and sexuality pulls men. Therefore, the young lover is a way to tell himself that "I am still early old," evidence that it is still in a high ranking.

For her young partner, this is also a certain act of the soul. As a rule, it is more interested in the maternal aspect of these relations: patience, adoption, wisdom and loyalty to his partners to the stages of his mature. Such men seek themselves the best mother than it is in his experience.

Such a compromise between people, which is wrapped in a shell of passion, love and personal life.

Reading this article, probably, you might think that relationships with a strong senior or strongly low partner are solid games, manipulations and hidden motifs. However, this is not an absolute truth. Genuine relations and love are possible with any defolds and a difference in age, especially when partners consciously and ripe treat themselves, their needs and tasks.

In such cases, the difference in age is only a feature with which it will be necessary to learn to live: find common interests, tasks, interested in each other's life and respect the experience of another.

Maria Dyachkova (Zemskova), Psychologist, Family Therapist and Leading Training Personal Growth of the Mary Khazin Training Center

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