Oh, this cat: how to disguise tracks from claws


Take an animal in the house - it means to take responsibility for all his petty squirrel. Be prepared that the kitten can start gnawing the wires, to climb where it fell and drop items from the table and shelves. While it can still be brought up, try to commit to cut the claws and do not take in my mouth. But if your pet has already grown, it remains only to eliminate the consequences of his pants - we will tell about it in the material.

Scratches on lacquered furniture

If your pet clogged with claws for a table cover or a sofa handle, remove shallow scratches using wax. Take the candle and read the damaged area - the wax is soft, so I will score dent and ensure the shine, indistinguishable from the glossy coating. In the case when scratch raised the paint layer and damaged it, markers or paint will come to the rescue - buy a set for furniture repair can be used in any online household store.

If the pet is sleeping with you, traces from claws not to avoid

If the pet is sleeping with you, traces from claws not to avoid

Photo: unsplash.com.

Restoration of leather sofa

The only remedy for the full recovery of damaged areas is the sofa coverage. Partially hide scratches from claws will help polymer paints, which can be found according to the code words "liquid skin", "skin reducing agent". First, the surface needs to be cleaned from the garbage, rub the damaged area with a soft bladder for nails and degrease the surface. After drying a thin layer, apply paint on a scratch and a couple of millimeters around it. After the paint is driving, apply a protective coating on top, which comes in the kit, or leave the paint without an additional layer.

Worded laminate species

Floating can suffer greatly if your animal loves to accelerate and rode from all his legs to meet you from work. It is good that hide scratches on a solid coating can be much easier than on a soft furniture. Take the wax chalk for drawing, color pencil or all the same candle in the tone of the laminate and circular movements stuff material into scratch. Then with a dry soft cloth, remove the surplus from the laminate. As an alternative, you can use the walnut core - oil contained in it disguise the scratch, making it smooth to the touch.

Lacked flooring comes in disrepair from customic claws cat

Lacked flooring comes in disrepair from customic claws cat

Photo: unsplash.com.

Torn wallpaper

With wall coverage, things are much easier. The painted area can be seized and sharpen again, and then apply a layer of paint. In case you are a lover of wallpaper on the wall, buy a composition with liquid wallpaper is a universal coating, which can be repaired literally for half an hour. With paper wallpapers, everything is more complicated - you need to cut a damaged piece by a stationery knife, and it is better if the cutting lines are curved - it turns out to recreate the smooth seam when gluing. Then you need to find the remaining piece of wallpaper from the repair, cut into the stencil the same shape and glue the wallpaper.

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