How to return youth: all about new beauty methods


Trend number 1. without scalpel

In the late 90s, we observed a real boom of plastic surgery, it was especially noticeable for "responded" faces of celebrities flashing in a secular chronicle. Since then, not so much time has passed. And what do we see? Sorokaterechlery Julia Roberts, which appeared close-up in the next melodrama, looks as young and attractive as in the "eleven friends of Owen", film 2001. Computer effects? And here is not. It's all about the achievements of modern cosmetology. Age changes previously demanding cardinal intervention are now eliminated with hardware technologies and injection procedures. The patient spends a specialist in the office of an hour and immediately returns to his daily affairs. Abroad has long appeared the term Lunch Time Beauty Procedure ("Lunch Procedure of Beauty"). It is already clear from the name that it takes quite a bit of time and allows you to lose faces even with the most tense schedule.

The American Association of Plastic Surgeons recently presented a report in which there was a significant increase in non-invasive rejuvenating procedures compared to surgical correction in recent years. No one else wants to go to the operating table without any special needs, to undergo a common anesthesia and pass a long rehabilitation, because the modern beauty industry offers more gentle, but no less effective solutions.

Trend number 2. Magic Prick

There was no so many diverse injectable techniques in the field of aesthetic medicine: contour plastic, mesotherapy, biorevitalization, injections of botulinum-toxin. By the way, the number of drugs with botulinum-toxins introduced by patients into mimic wrinkles has increased by almost 600% since 2000. The popularity of these procedures can be explained by their simplicity and efficiency, they do not require a lot of time and large material investments, they are almost absent with the recovery period, and the result is noticeable immediately. The speed of the transformation is so amazing that it seems as if you visited the good fairy - waved the magic wand, and the next morning you woke up with a young princess.

Trend number 3. Avangard cars

When the possibilities of injection therapy are exhausted, "heavy artillery" is entered into battle - hardware technologies. To date, there are three undisputed favorite: radio wave lifting (thermal), fractional phototermolysis (frakwell) and ultrasonic lifting. All three techniques guarantee a non-performing skin suspension and rejuvenation for five to ten years, but each has its own characteristics.

Trend number 4. Nanoagrators

With the help of high technologies, cosmetics were created with specified properties and high efficiency. As is known, not all the ingredients can get through the horny layer of the skin, many of them remain on the surface. Search for new ways to transport active ingredients in deep layers of skin led to the creation of nanocuses. The "Nano" prefix means that the useful substances are placed in a capsule, the size of which is 75 thousand times less than the diameter of the human hair. Nanocapsules are easily penetrated through the epidermal barrier and reach live skin cells, many times increasing the effectiveness of cosmetics. There is every reason to argue that the future of cosmetology for nano-ingeniates.

Trend number 5. New names

The last decade pleased us not only by effective technologies, but also wonderful cosmetic ingredients. Many of them came from medicine, and therefore, have passed a major test for efficiency.

Among them:

- Peptides

As it turned out, these smallest proteins have high biological activity and prolong the life of the cells by a third! They "force" skin cells to produce better collagen. Specific types of peptides are able to protect DNA cells, and in a bundle with other ingredients, peptides provide their delivery directly by purpose to various layers of skin.

- ferulic acid

They discovered it in rice bran, wheat, oats, cedar nuts and other plants and cereals. In nature, it protects plants from various adversity and dangers, it remains only to be surprised at how much useful ferulic acid as part of cosmetics can be made. It increases the immunity and protective properties of the skin, strengthens the walls of the vessels, stimulates the synthesis of collagen and elastin, is actively fighting with various bacteria, prevents the destruction of vitamin E under the action of ultraviolet, contributes to the healing of skin damage, speeds up the removal of toxins, is a powerful antioxidant.

- Secret snails

In Europe, the United States, Brazil, Chile grape snails are used in the manufacture of cosmetics with excellent regenerating properties. It has been proven that the snails contribute not to the healing, but to complete skin restoration, help to fight scars, strolies (stretch marks) and other damage, improve the skin structure, well moisturize and remove irritation. Natural glycolic acid included in the cooler secretion of natural glycolic acid leads to oily skin, cleans the greasy ducts, improves the complexion. Cosmetics with a secret of snails is very popular around the world, and not so long ago it appeared with us.

Trend number 6. Smart Client

One of the most important aesthetic breakthroughs occurred not in the technique and preparations, but in the heads of people. A modern woman has changed a lot: she knows what he wants, is constantly trying something new in the sphere of beauty services. A visit to the cosmetologist has ceased to be fashion or luxury and turned into normal, as the need is always good to look good.

Excellent ladies are no longer with such a crushing score ahead of men in their desire to care for themselves. Sigor tech and forever busy businessmen are increasingly visiting the salons for the next portion of a variety of procedures or a relaxing massage - as you know, success in the negotiations depends not only from businessman's enterprise, but also from how it looks.

Women show special attention to the quality of drugs and cosmetics. Before choosing a tool, they consult with pharmacists and dermatologists, and before entrusted themselves to a specific specialist, help references about him. The negligence of the cosmetologist can do expensive.

Trend number 7. Where is your aesthetic passport?

A wide selection of beauty services made experts think about their compatibility. For example, currently popular Fillers can not be introduced into the same area where Botulovin injections have recently been made, it is undesirable to combine different types of filler, it is necessary to take into account the sequence of procedures and intervals between them. Patients themselves often show forgetfulness and do not remember that they are cololi and when, at what concentration and which zones. To avoid complications and confusion, the doctors began to make a so-called aesthetic passport for each client, where all the details of the procedures performed are indicated. With such a passport, you can walk from one doctor to another, change not only the salons and clinics, but even the city and the country, to be sure that the new visit to the beautician does not promise anything except beauty and youth.

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