Together with sympathy, we take on other people's problems: 5 rules of real friendship


Well, how can it be refused in sympathy of a crying friend? Do not talk to your brother, who threw another bride? In condolences to a neighbor, who has a dog died?

They need us. Only we do not think how much forces - physical and moral - we are worth it.

You need to give advice if you are asked about it

You need to give advice if you are asked about it

We do not sleep at night, forget about loved ones, thinking how to help Ira. Once, the other - and Ira is tightly sits on our neck, and we solve her problems. We do not think that Ira in life is given this lesson in order to become smarter, kinder, humane, we throw her reprint. As a result, the girlfriend sits on the neck and ceases to respond generally for his life and actions.

And we begin to offend it, to make a claim: "From the neck of the tears", and it in turn is indignant: "Why. It was all ok? "

Tastes could not be discussed

Tastes could not be discussed

It turns out to be friends, it is also necessary to be able to. This is not an easy science.

1. You can help and need when they ask. Do not ask - do not climb.

2. Do not decide for a person his problem. This is your vision, and he can solve his problem differently.

3. Let's advice only if you are asked about it.

4. Everything in the world exists by exchanging. If you helped someone disinterestedly, then you will take something. Equilibrium law. For any help, take or ask for even chocolate.

5. Help, if a person is ready to apply your advice in practice. And you do not just shake the air.

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