Express hair restoration: professionals


Dry and brittle

If you have dry hair, be sure to use masks. Look for those that include olive, rapid, linen or castor oil, or add them to the finished product. Massive the skin of the head with the pads of the fingers, then distribute a few drops of the mixture over the entire length, lubricate the tips. Wrap the locomotion in the towel and leave for two hours. To achieve due effect, follow the procedures at least twice a week.

Dull and burned out

Many girls are thinking if it is possible to restore the original color of the hair after burning out. I want to disappoint you: if the curls burned out on the hot sun - you will not return the original tone to your care. True, there are good news: restore shine is possible. Good effect give restoring masks.

Stop, cross section!

Cut the securing tips every two months, and during the recovery period, try to use the iron, hairdryer, curly as possible. It is important to be "securing" the hair to stop the cross section. Salon procedures and home use facilities will help here.

Scroll scrub

Start the long way of reconstruction of the hair with the basics - with the restoration of the health of the scalp. The soft exfoliant will help you remove dead cages, and then you can begin the next important stage - hair cleansing along the entire length.


In the fall, it is necessary to include in its "ration" of a deep cleaning shampoo, which removes accumulated minerals from the surface of the hair, chlorine and styling residues. But here you need to be attentive - such means can dry the skin of the head (and in addition, the color of painted hair is still faster). Therefore, it is important to use them no more than once a week and alternate with moisturizing shampoo and air conditioning.

Return the hair color

Sun, sea water and chlorine - these are the main enemies of the hair that make curls faded, dull and non-styling. Intensive therapy, go to the salon to immediately get the desired effect. At home, do not forget to maintain the result using cosmetic oils (it is desirable that they are specifically designed for painted hair), serums or immentable creams and air conditioners.

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