Pleasant troubles: horoscope for April 2017



About such periods say the "white strip". Aries, indeed, in April everything will get quietly, stably and successfully - as they love. Perhaps you should not take sharp movements and make thorough deeds in the working sphere.


Stars strongly recommend the Tales to release their feelings and desires to the will. To restrain and make no sense, because sooner or later suppressed instincts will break free. Your emotional lifting will be favorable.


Which month twins are experiencing a creative rise, but it is April that will become a peak time. You are on top of your features. Now you can safely decide on risky enterprises and undertakings, they are all crowned with success.


Cancers are in a state of relaxation and can not focus on something one. Because of this, a professional sphere suffers: misunderstandings with colleagues are possible. Try to "join" as early as possible, otherwise the case will accumulate as a snowball.

a lion

The whole month of the lions will be surrounded by pleasant people, both close and random strangers. Any contacts of April should be carefully stored and developed, since the relationship acquired now will help you in the very near future.


Representatives of the sign of the Virgin are not in the best form: colds can happen, and the mental state is unstable. All Wine stress due to quarrels with favorite people. Stars dictate: In order not to exacerbate the situation, it's time to find a hobby that will become invented.


The entire previous month spent the scales in pleasant concerns - they were preparing for the journey, bought furniture to a new apartment or simply broke off in stores, giving up seasonal shopping. April will return them to reality - this is the time to build long-term plans.


For scorpions that are constantly on the poles of events - then everything is fine, it is terrible, - this April will become a truly boring, neutral, measured period of life. Stars have nothing to add: no reasons for violent joy, no reasons for longing and sadness.


Sagittarius are determined and even militant. Everyone who somehow comes in mind their territory will be surprised with what springs and passion they will defend their interests. Such a mood is the consequences of a successful novel, which, by the way, can turn into something serious.


In April, Capricorn, it is necessary to take everything into their hands, get enough for all offers and affairs, disappear at work and replace colleagues. Then by the end of the month they are not just a financial encouragement, but also new prospects that Capricorn were waiting for so long ago.


Aquarius began a period of melancholy and a crisis in love affairs, which can delay, if they give themselves the will and wander the days. Do not refuse the proposals of friends and loved ones - the society pleasant people will cure Handra.


In April, the fish are seriously risky to be between the hammer and an anvil, by taking part in someone else's imposed dispute. To avoid this, it is better to literally to hide and minimize contacts with foul people.

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