Acid attack: get rid of scars and scars


Beautiful pictures on which perfect perfect faces are sparkling without a single piping, - now we understand that it is most likely the result of the use of filters, rather than reality. Nevertheless, this is not a reason to abandon the struggle for the purity of the face and against all sorts of scars, spots, pedestal, pigmentation ...

We do not accidentally encourage you to "work" with imperferences on the face from October to March: all manipulations that will need to be carried out will influence the photosensitization of the skin, that is, its susceptibility to the sun. It is important to emphasize that the problems associated with the presence of scars and scars on the face, the most burning and painful. Psychological discomfort comes to the fore: in the world of ideal handsome handsome from social networks, it is very difficult to have a far from perfect person. Supports, depressions, red and brown spots - According to statistics, it faces almost eighty percent of the entire population of our planet. Someone safely converts the period, and the epidermis will independently cope with the pedestal, someone suffers all his life and not finding their own funds. And even those who did not encounter inflammation in adolescence or adulthood, can feel the whole "charm" stains - so, closer to menopause, women face hyperpigmentation, which happens even with regular year-round use of funds with SPF. In short, we will repeat: this is an actual problem. How to be? We get acquainted with the nature of the scars and choose the healing strategy.

Zries in the root

All unwanted elements on our face can be divided into three categories: pigment stains, including those who appeared after inflammation (read: acne), stains, stagnant phenomena and directly scars. All these categories have different origins and, accordingly, different ways to eliminate. So, brownish stains of different sizes, the result of the very hyperpigmentation, appear in people with sensitive, tender, light skin, in people with endocrinological problems, in those who press acne by trauming the epidermis and depriving his last protective forces.

Acid attack: get rid of scars and scars 51310_1

"Work" with imperferences on the face best because of October to March


Stagnation stains are the reddish elements that appear in place, where the pimples only "pissed". It is important to know that they are a natural skin response to inflammation, this is just an abundance of new microscopic blood vessels that appeared on the site of destroyed. Such stains can and must pass on their own, but only if you do not disturb your face, do not break the healing process, trying to speed it up, migrating or squeezing the pimple. "Hands off!" - This is the main and most important rule that must be followed by everything. The more often the more intense you act on the inflamed area of ​​the skin, the more new vessels appear more active, and now instead of natural redness, which will definitely leave in a week, another, we get a lilac-brown stain with which it will be necessary to thoroughly fight.

Finally, the scars are the most noticeable and most difficult unwanted element for the homework. It is distinguished by three types of scars (or scars, these are complete synonyms): going to the skin with skin, westering (so-called pits) and towering (those whiskers). Among the raised the most severe case are called keloid scars, that is, several tubercles who united in a whole archipelago. It is almost useless to fight with cosmetics. But you can support yourself with it.

In order to avoid the appearance of scars, we must repeat the rule as a mantra, which should not touch the face, and even more so to break the integrity of the skin. All people have different metabolism, and the synthesis of collagen that affects the scarring, everyone has different. Someone can crush inflammation years, and it will not affect his epidermis, and someone stands once a risk - and here he is a terrible scar. It is better not to experiment.

Acid Attack

So, we understood what the nature of our imperfections, and is the time to choose funds that will help them say goodbye to them. Remember that you can be the owner of several problems - for example, simultaneously deal with pigment and stagnant stains. This means that you must have two sets of cosmetic products, each of which will work with their problem.

The volatile pigmentation is no different from the usual, so here we choose the means to speed up the update of the cells of the epidermis. Traditionally, these are acids - home is better to use soft alpha hydraulic acids, also called AHA, or fruit. These are natural substances that contribute to the weakening of the links between the scales of the top layer of the skin - due to this, the peeling is often invisible to the eye, then the update and the desired leveling of the relief. Another important advantage of cosmetics with AHA is the fact that fruit acids help other active ingredients deep into the skin, significantly increasing the efficiency of your favorite cream or serum. The expected minus acid is photosensitivity, and therefore their active course is recommended to edit the onset of the sunny season. The use of protective creams even in winter and even in cloudy weather is a prerequisite for the use of acidic. Glycol and lactic acids are considered the most popular and safe for self-use. The latter can be cautiously applied in summer, naturally, in a duet with SPF products.

Another faithful assistant in the fight against pigmentation becomes salicylic acid. It no longer belongs to the fruit list, this is the so-called BHA, and its use must be started with minimal concentrations.

The path to health is often exhausting and long requiring patience and systematic approach.

The path to health is often exhausting and long requiring patience and systematic approach.


Famous retinoids - Vitamin A and its derivatives - the Golden Standard in the struggle for the perfection of the skin: they help both people with pigmentation, and those who suffer from small and medium protruding scars. Also, vitamin C, a proven and universal means, which helps the skin does not accumulate melanin and "breaking" its existing stocks. The "army of salvation" also calculate the extracts of soybeans, licorice, cranberries and lingers, water-soluble vitamin B3, known as niacinamide. It is worth looking at a concentration of at least five percent, otherwise it is practically useless.

All of the above works and against the normatrophic (leather), and protruding scars. But the messages will not be able to pull any cream, you will have to turn to the dermatologist.

As for stagnant stains - the most impersonal blue or redness on the spot of acne, it is necessary to choose any means that the microcirculation of blood will be facilitated. The fact is that it is impossible to remove the vessels with cosmetics, but help them restore the normal function using arnica extracts, centers and the same niacinamide. Local massage of ice cubes can be shown. Just do not get drunk! It is important to influence a specific problem place.


A few words about what you should not do. We have already mentioned the main rule, and more than once, but there are others. For example, you should not experiment with lemon-based homemade masks. Of course, citric acid is the same aha, which can help, but it is better to work with proven means, as part of which the exact percentage concentration of active ingredients is indicated.

The famous Badyaga - a freshwater sponge put into powder - very often advised how almost the best medicine from any scars and scars. Alas, but there is no evidence under statements about the miraculous properties of Badyagi, but the side effects are found, and often. He fascinated with a spiny powder masks, you can earn irritation and even burning burns without that exhausted and thin skin.

In no case do not buy professional peelings for home use, designed to work with them in the salons. You may seem that this is a reasonable course that will save funds on the campaign to the beautician. But risk, conducting procedures with highly concentrated drugs, it is impossible in any way. It is better to regularly and carefully perform surface manipulations than once to earn an injury of epidermis with median peeling.

The path to health is often exhausting and long, requiring patience and systematic approach. The creation of the relief can resemble the routine that you must do from day to day. Do not throw and use mass market products that promise the result in two days. Sooner or later (rather, if you, if you choose a strategy using a professional), you will notice the changes that will be literally evident.

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