Denis Nikiforov: "A person's fear is a beautiful animal feeling"


Denis Nikiforov is no longer the one that before, it became more serious, wiser. Life is not standing on the spot, and the guy, the fan of extreme and sharp sensations, turned into a father of the family. He and his wife Irina were waiting for the appearance of their twins - Veronica and Sasha. About how Denis perceives his role of his father, which children taught him, and he, in an interview with the atmosphere magazine.

- Denis, if you used to be associated with a boxer, now, probably, with a hockey trainer Sergey Makeev?

- Well, it depends on who. A older people, from thirty to forty, still remember the film "Fight with the shadow". But their children will already recognize me exclusively on the TV series "Molodezhka" on the STS.

- Is this a significant project for you?

- For me, any cinema in which I agree to take off, some of my life. This is a profession, the work I is obliged to do well is as far as possible, given the different financial and temporal features of the paintings. There was a big film project with a fairly popular director Alexei Sidorov. After the "brigade", he had a lot of suggestions. But nevertheless, he decided to take off his movie. As for the "youths", no one even assumed that it would be even second season. This viewer has already decided to look at the story on, judging by the ratings. I am very skeptical about myself on the screen, and I have a rule: not to enter from one project to the next in a similar image. While there is an opportunity, I choose. Therefore, every my film is significant for me.

Denis Nikiforov:

The modern generation knows Denis on the TV series "Molodezhka", where he plays a hockey team coach

- Borrow something from the hero, with which you coexist for a long time?

"No, I give him some" Fishechki "- habits, hobby, to dress. In fact, this is a very serious topic, from such things and folds the bulk image. For example, I know that any hockey player, whether it is an adult, popular or just start-up, green, wears at least such a thickness chain and such a cross. This is an integral part of the image. Or good hours, the car is expensive. The guys are very reverent to this. At the "youth", I even first performed as a consultant, because with many hockey players a personally acquainted, suggested how they behave in life, as dressed. With Ilyashe Nikulin, the captain of the Moscow Dynamo, we have been friends for many years, as with Sasha Ovechkin - I spent it thirteen years ago in the NHL. By the way, at one time I told Nikulin: "Ilya, finish wearing" Louis Viton ", this is, forgive me for the pun, already just Moveton." And in fact, the bag "Louis Viton" for a hockey player is like a bundle for the ballerina. And these are such lifehaki, which must be memorable and taking a note.

- Shooting will end, and the chain will remain?

"This is directed by Sergey Arlanova chain and his own cross, which he kindly lent me for the shooting time. And although the decoration passed on, I do not want to wear it. So I will give with pleasure at the end of the project. Crosses can not change at all.

- But probably, the skills and skills obtained on the set will remain.

- I played football and hockey at Hsek on Vernadsky Avenue from early childhood. There was such an enthusiast of his business there, gathered the courtyard boys. And in the box with hives we chased in the summer in football, and in winter in hockey. There I got up for the first time on skates. So, having come to the "youthler", already possessed some basic skills. Of course, now my skills went to another level - before each season we have a month-and-and-and-and-and-and-and-aitor. But I feel easier: I do not play the active hockey player unlike my young colleagues. They have to go to the skates to ride twelve hours a day ... But it's even a kaif, more fun than long monologues to teach. And how it starts the season, my hero Sergey Makeev begins to talk a lot. The spectator sees this monologue once in a series, and we sometimes take a day on twelve and fifteen scenes, so the guys do not envy me. But, on the other hand, it is also useful - the memory is training. So I didn't have much skills for this project. Here in other pictures - yes. I had to learn to collect and disassemble the weapons, led tanker, steam locomotive, motor ship, the martial machine of the landing machine. In the interest of the profession that you open new spheres for yourself.

Denis Nikiforov:

"Five years old Irina and I drove through the holy places, put out children, and even goosebumps on the skin: as far as it was predetermined, the signs were given to us that there would be two of them"

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Nikiforova

- You also have a passion for parachute sports thanks to some picture?

- Not. I began to study them back in the nineties, when I studied in senior school classes. We had such a pioneerly named Sergey, then he became my friend. It was he who taught me to lay the parachute, took the "Volosovo" airfield, where we made our first jumps. And then I already returned to this sport in 2005, passed the AFF learning program. This is a kind of "Golden Standard", accepted all over the world. Thanks to her, she mastered the equipment of the free fall and control of a parachute with a dome type "Wing". Now I come to the airfield just for myself to feel bright emotions, catch adrenaline. Perfectly distracts from domestic problems and troubles. Fear of man is a beautiful animal feeling. And from time to time it is necessary to test it. Eighty percent of people go to parachute sports for adrenaline. Then someone finds a job for himself, someone is the meaning of life. For me, the airfield is like a cottage where you can relax, chat with friends. There you can always stay at night - there is a hotel, or at all come there with a tent.

- Adrenaline, probably, more and more is required?

- Yes, because you get used to everything. When fear is erected, you can already order an orchestra and wooden makintosh. How to explain? The sky as captivity, delays. There you get and remain forever. Already jumping more than once a day, and five, ten - as far as there is enough opportunities and strength.

- never the thoughts arose that it is time to tie with a dangerous hobby?

- I very soberly treated this lesson when children were born. I even stopped meeting friends, not to mention the hundred kilometers to drive to the airfield and stay there for two days. For three years I deliberately stopped jumping, because other life priorities appeared. Any technical sport is quite expensive. And spend a family budget for a hobby when you have two little children, irresponsible, in my opinion. Now my guys have already grown up, and we go to the airfield with the whole family. To climb the aircraft - the favorite occupation of my kids. They gladly play there with other children, because many people come with families. You go with a parachute on the start line and see moms, fathers, carappow in the strollers who escort their own. This is such an area of ​​like-minded people, people who are passionate about one thing. And fires, songs, kebabs and fishing - all this can be carried out in parallel with parachute sports. It's great that there are at least some kind of islands where you can enjoy the lively communication. We are now all with gadgets in social networks sit. Well, if people once every six months go to visit to visit. They say: it is necessary to meet more often. Guys, and who prevents you from? For example, I, for example, is not interested in shifting this hello machine, watching who for breakfast ate and who in which outfit on the red carpet appeared. And here you see the eyes of the interlocutor and listen to the jokes, told live.

Veronica grows with beauty and outwardly very similar to mom

Veronica grows with beauty and outwardly very similar to mom

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Nikiforova

- You spoke about your children, Sasha and Veronica. They were for you long-awaited. Remember the emotions that have experienced when Irina informed the joyful news that you still become parents?

"You can say that it was a double emotion: at first we were told that there would be twins. And then, when they arrived at the ultrasound, the doctor says: Wait, and it seems, there is three ... And when I have already started a quiet on the wall, she "reassured": it seemed. Well, what feelings? Normal human, tears of joy in their eyes, an idiotic smile in full mouth. It seems to me that in such moments a man becomes a soft, emotional creature, the whole female entity, in it the harmful, outwards. I remember, we laughed with Ira, rejoiced, built plans, as we will be a children's shut-off, which we will buy first.

- How far did the ideas about the role of the Father from Reality?

- I think most of the men, with the exception of singing fathers, still play this role. Someone has the memories of how her father brought up, someone's grandfather or uncle from the side. Many of the role of the father "taught": read different increasing books on psychology, raising children. Now ask any man: what does he rest in the upbringing of his offspring? None will say that on their own instincts. And why? Yes, because we forgot about them. We read the works of some psychologists, we take the experience of a person who did not see the eye. And if you deepen in the biography of these famous astroloral psychologists - it turns out that half of them ended the life of suicide or in a mental hospital was treated. I started reading, then I realized that most of the recommendations are complete nonsense. I ask my wife: "You're similar to the book of this author, do you even know how he lived, how many children raised? In general, do you know something about him? " - "Not". Why then read it? Go better somewhere in the Bryansk region, meet with a large family, see how these people raise their children. Here they live in instincts, it is necessary that the child from early childhood is independent to be acquired to work, the parents helped their parents, and a lot of comfort and civilization are closed. It is necessary at least sometimes to nature to come back: walking on the grass barefoot so that you have a bee bitten, the draftsman blew. And not in some kind of schemes a contrived of themselves and their child to drive.

With the birth of children, Denis had to cut his farements on the airfield, but parachuting did not disappear from his life

With the birth of children, Denis had to cut his farements on the airfield, but parachuting did not disappear from his life

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Nikiforova

- That is, in the upbringing of children, you are exclusively instincts guided by instincts?

- Not one hundred percent, but for each child there should be an individual approach. Just like the son and daughter you need to raise in different ways. From early childhood, we did not belong to them as children, namely, as to the girl and the boy.

- And now Sasha and Veronica for five years. They say about the mystical relationship between twins. Do you notice something like this?

- The veryirs of their appearance on the light was associated with mysticism. So accidentally does not happen. For five years, I was waiting for them with Irina, I was put out, we went through holy places. And if you analyze everything that we then did, then even goosebumps on the skin run, as far as everything was predetermined. And the signs then were given that the children would be two. Only not immediately we could "read". That is at least one story. Like us, my buddy Dima and his wife was put out daughter. And, like we, traveled to holy places, in Jerusalem. And somehow I ask him: "Dima, and you with Olga together for the cry of crying walked?" - "No, Olga one." And our notches were two - on male and on the female side. And the fact that twins were born, not a coincidence, not an accident. Yes, definitely, there is a strong connection between them. Sasha is one walk somewhere, and Veronica is already concerned. We look at them and understand that she will rush all his life with his brother as with a writer Tuba: to defend him, protect it. In fact, I do not really like that Sasha grows by a phlegmatic peasant in the female kingdom. But around him really some ladies: Mom, two grandmothers, sister, and even a cat - and that female. And everyone loves him and take care of him. He lives in Malnik.

Now twins - do not break water

Now twins - do not break water

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Nikiforova

- Do not try to distance Sasha with Veronica from each other?

- No, I do not notice it. There are some small clashes at the level of "My doll!", "My machine!", But there is no serious disagreement between them. Together it is a gang! I'll tell you a funny case. Once, my wife and I became searched together in the cinema and left them with my grandmother. And already in the door, I heard the phrase: "Here you do not listen, and my father and my mother forever prevented you, now I will return them back." And Veronica responds silently: "Granny, and you thought well? They will still leave later, and we will stay ... "I laughed very much. Veronica has started. Moreover, if Sasha is very straightforward, "in the attack, after me!", Veronica approaches the case with the ladies' cunning and diplomacy: it is calm all, and everyone as a result is followed by her. They are very different. Sasha Rolling from us, often comes home with encouraged knees. Although Veronica recently fought from the scooter, I was very frightened. In general, it is not bored.

- In someone, you will learn about yourself, your features?

- This is also very funny. We and Irina presented to the wedding compilation of my and her children's photo. Both snapshot were made for the New Year. We stand together the back to the back, I'm in some New Year's cap, and Ira holds a rabbit on the hands. Everyone who comes to visit is asked: what are you familiar with childhood? And also note that we are very similar. In general, psychologists argue that if there is an external similarity between the spouses, these are twenty percent of a successful marriage. You, what is called, found their half. And if the example of this picture is also back to the back, put Sasha and Veronica, the same feeling that is one face. I recently put a photo of a family on fishing in Instagram, and people wrote in the comments about Sasha: "Mordashka is dad!" And Veronica we have chameleon: the week she may be like me, a week on Iru. Moreover, it seems to me, she does it specifically. (Laughs.)

- It is said that the daughter is always daddy princess ...

- Yes, that is right. My princess, Fairy Ding Ding. Suitable, trimmed - and the heart melts. And the son should be for tenderness and love to go to the mother. To his father, he must contact the case either with some kind of problem that cannot solve.

- You have everything.

- Yes, I have never surcedured with them, talked with adults. And grandmothers strictly-setting forbade any "Musi-Pusi". Therefore, Veronika has already spoken up to eight months for eight months, clearly offered all the letters and built normal logical proposals. I am not a fierce beast and I understand that at some moments with children you have to be tough, in some - to show soft, but even the speech therapist at the Studio School MCAT warned me: never to surfacitate with them, the kids should hear a normal speech. Then they will learn faster and say, and think.

The actor tries to bring up a man from his son and be an example for him

The actor tries to bring up a man from his son and be an example for him

Photo: Personal archive of Denis Nikiforova

- In one interview you told that my father raised you as a man. And what can I invest in this concept now?

- At least a man should be able to do something around the house: Consider, build, pinch, dig a shovel, not to mention that the light bulb will change. With this, even any woman copes, because many men do not know how. Or lazy to them, or I don't want to spend your time - let the wife better call another "husband for an hour." Sadly all this.

- Do you teach your son's home?

- Sure. He helps me on the grass area to mow. I did a gate, and the children were painted with me. If you need to pour flowers - we went to water. I do not deprive them of children's games, and they look cartoons, but when you need to do something around the house - always ready. Sasha has his small set of tools, which he immediately takes out when I get something to fix something. And it does not matter whether he will continue to hang this cornice with me, most importantly - he opened his boxes. Let in their four years he will even spend on this business - well. He sees the father, a man, solves some kind of problem around the house. Mom asked us to hang hanger - please, she hangs. And if the son himself accepted at least some participation in the process - even better.

- And the attitude towards a woman sees son? Dad is still coming home with flowers?

- Certainly. Flowers in the house periodically appear, not only on holidays. And Sasha knows that according to the rules of etiquette, he, as a man, should miss the lady forward. With the exception of the elevator, where the man includes the first, since this is a place of increased danger.

- Now many skeptical attitude towards marriage. What do you say about this?

- A good matter marriage will not be called. (Laughs.) And besides jokes, it is a serious, hard work. Not by correcting yourself, but by adaptation to each other. My dear colleague and the new artistic director "Tabakcoque" (Moskovsky Theater Oleg Tabakov, - approx. Avt.) Vladimir Mashkov appealed to Tolstoy: Tech man and therefore can change. I do not agree with this: people do not change. That genes are laid and upbringing parents in childhood, he will germinate. During the life of a person accumulates experience, knowledge, but its essence, the rod remain unchanged. Under fluidity, it seems to me, the classic understood the ability to adapt, search for a compromise. And in marriage it is a very important thing. If you are not a fool, you will not destroy what he himself created. And still need great patience - also a great thing and assistant. To tolerate the hair on the sink, the unclosed toothpaste, the unbearable dishes - if you love a person. Of course, there are things to close your eyes, but some household shoals can always be forgiven. I do not say that everything I have everything with Irina, you can not even imagine how we sometimes reached.

Denis Nikiforov:

"Ten years old marriage I can tell my wife without every sunburn:" You have a smart, beautiful, wonderful woman, which I madly love "

Photo: Margarita Nikolskaya

- Are you a car in everyday life?

- No, I am broken. But I am accustomed to care: I can feed yourself, obstine and contain a house clean. In this sense, I am not dependent on the woman. And grateful for this her grandfather and father - they were for me an example.

- You have been married to Irina for ten years. Decided for themselves formula of a successful union?

- After ten years of marriage, I can tell my wife without every twilight: "You have a smart, beautiful, wonderful woman, which I am insanely." I don't want to reveal now, for what exactly. Recently, Irina was even offended by me: when I was asked a question in the TV show, for which you love your wife, I did not answer. Or maybe I just did not want to talk about this by the whole country? The main thing that I know for what. And the other, and even Irina herself, it is optional. She only needs to enjoy the result of my love. In general, we recently brought the formula for ideal family relationships - in marriage a woman it is important to hear three words from her husband: "I love", "buy", "we will go"; And a man from his wife: "You are my well done!" That's how we live. (Laughs.)

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