Choose the right night care


In the afternoon, our skin is subjected to a large number of internal and external stresses (sun, cold, dryness, wind, environmental pollution, nerve overload, unhealthy lifestyle), which leads to a deterioration in the functioning of the dermis cells and epidermis. To return the skin a good condition, a full-fledged night regeneration cycle is needed, therefore, it is extremely important to sleep enough time (on average 8 hours) and create good conditions for cell recovery.

Up to 20-25 years, many people do not think about night care, and this approach is quite acquitted, because young skin cells have the necessary resource to self-restoration without additional assistance. However, over time, regeneration processes slow down, at first these changes are minimal and barely noticeable - just the face looks in the morning not so resteed, as before. But closer to 30-35, the violations of cellular functions are already reflected in our appearance, so most dermatocosmetologists advise more attention to the prevention of aging signs, that is, regular skin care using anti-age funds.

An important link in such care is night tools that participate in the reconstruction of elements that make up the epidermis and dermis. If we want the epidermis to play the role of a protective barrier during the day, it needs to be supported at night with special care. The same applies to the elements of the dermal matrix. During sleep, the aggressive environmental impact is minimized, and the skin can finally completely devote itself to restoring damage obtained during the day.

Skin biorhythms

Skin, like the whole of our body (and like all living beings), has its own inner clock. Rhythmic daily change has become the subject of study back in the XVIII century, when the French scientist Jean-Jacques D'Gorth de Mareng first described that the leaves of plants continue to move cyclically even in absolute darkness and the full cycle takes approximately 24 hours. Such rhythms were named with circadians (from Lat. Circa - about and Dies - day), they were formed for millions of years and are associated with a daily change of day and night. Biological watches are located in several brain departments and consist of a variety of genes regulating the physiological processes of the entire body, including the regeneration of skin cells.

"Violation of natural biorhythms leads to negative impact on health, appearance and well-being, says the Dermotokostologist Veronika Antosik. - The body has an internal system that allows it to be adapted and to predicate changes related to the time change of the day, but it can be quite easily broken. Anyone who ever traveled through several time zones is familiar with such a phenomenon as a malfunction of biological clock. At the same time, not only the set of sleep and wake-up rhythm suffers, but also many internal processes, including the production of certain substances and hormones. If we talk about the skin, then the last

Studies have shown the importance of biological watches in the regeneration of stem cells. With the normal operation of biological clock, stem cells are constantly updating damaged tissues and are able to minimize damage caused by ultraviolet or other negative factors. It is known that the process of cell division occurs around the clock, however, at night, it flows several times faster than in daytime. At night, blood circulation in the skin is 20-30 percent higher than in the morning or at lunchtime. If during the day, our physiology is mainly determined to process the accumulated nutrients in order to obtain energy for active life, then in the dark, on the contrary, the necessary elements, reparation and "repair" of tissues occur. The discrepancy between the biological rhythms of the real daily cycle leads to circadian stresses that serve the development of many diseases and premature aging. "

Life by the hour

The skin is rejuvenated at night and restores, and it happens at a certain time. If a person refuses night sleep or falls far over midnight, a cortisol hormone is formed in the body that destroys skin cells. And, on the contrary, with timely departure to sleep and obtaining, the cells are needed × 7-8 hours of sleep produce growth hormone, which improves the condition of the skin, updates it. According to experts, about around a night (provided

What you went to bed until 23.00) cells begin to share 8 times more intense, for which this period of time was called "Golden Hour of Beauty".

In the peak of activity of updating cells and amplification of vascular circulation (that is, from 11 pm to 4 am), the highest degree of penetration into the skin of the useful substances from cosmetics is noted. Therefore, all night creams and skin care products are applied directly for half an hour to sleep.

Such a temporary alignment to a greater extent satisfies "Zhavorkov" - those who fall early and rises early. But later the fallen "Owners" false and long sleep, you need to revise your schedule if they want to look young and fresh.

At night Looking

"One of the most important moments of night care is to purify the face - the further work of all applied funds depends on the thoroughness of it, the Veronica of Antosik continues. - If you use tone and powder in the afternoon, it is best to use a special sponge and soft cleansing gels for the best washout of cosmetics, suitable by skin type. One or twice a week To remove horny particles, it is necessary to apply a mechanical scrub or enzyme peeling - after exfoliation, the night tools will be absorbed most active. Wrouders of dry and sensitive skin can be advised by purifying oily emulsions or delicate milk to remove makeup and daytime contamination.

Skin Night Tools, As a rule, they differ:

• more saturated and dense texture;

• More concentrated ingredients.

Modern night creams are quite lightweight, quickly absorbed, do not form a unpleasant film on the skin and do not provoke the morning swelling. If you are not 25 years old, it is quite enough moisturizing agents with vegetable antioxidants, hyaluronic acid

and vitamins. When problematic skin, it is recommended to apply anti-inflammatory and sebulating agents overnight (on the T-Zone, forehead, cheeks).

It should be noted that the light gel textures are suitable for night use only young or oily skin, in all the others they can cause a feeling of grinding and lead to loss of moisture (as the composition of the corneal lipid of the horn layer changes) - as a result, the skin will be worse to recover.

After 30 years, for the prevention of aging, it is recommended to use funds with collagen, peptides, ceramids, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid overnight.

Since the 40-year-old age, it is necessary to take care of the intensive refreshment of the skin, and will help in this retinol, which restructures the dermis, increasing the thickness of the dermal layer of the skin. Due to the fact that Retinol causes the photosensitization of the skin (increased sensitivity to ultraviolet), it is recommended to apply it at night, and in the afternoon to use funds with SPF protection.

To help dry and dehydrated skin, it is recommended to use night tools with a squalene - universal light oil of vegetable origin. Being a source of fatty acids, the squalene powers perfectly, softens and moisturizes the skin, prevents the loss of moisture.

Age normal or dry skin often needs additional nutrition, which provide natural oils - they can be used independently or add a couple

Drops in the night cream immediately before applying.

Sometimes from the use of night creams on the face, especially under the eyes, edema appear. This is largely due to stagnation in vessels, which is why the liquid part of blood (lymph) is overly fills the surrounding fabrics, causing the morning endlessness of the face and swelling under the eyes. With a tendency to swells, it is not necessary to apply funds for night with a high content of hyaluronic acid, which is capable of attracting and retaining water. To improve the lymphatic drainage, the means that strengthen and restore the integrity of the vascular wall, for example, polysaccharides, vitamin RR, and also eliminate the election of the components are the extracts of horse chestnut, the Centlences of the Asian, ginkgo biloba, and a lacrychnik.

In general, the basic rule of night care: do not forget about it and pick up the skin type. "

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