Garlic afraid not only vampires, but also toxins


A low-wear urban lifestyle contribute to the accumulation of harmful substances in us. The need for detoxification is known since a long time. Of course, special funds are now sold, but their price is sometimes unreasonably high, and many signs are encountered in many. This is fast fatigue, problem sweating, irritability and many others.

We advise you to stock up a new crop garlic

We advise you to stock up a new crop garlic

You can speak infinitely about the benefits of Luke and garlic. Among the folk recipes there are recommendations of our grandmothers on the use of these products to purify the body. Lymph and blood circulate throughout the body, including legs, of which we will pull out toxins using compresses. Weekend - It's time to use the folk wisdom, you do not frighten your colleagues at work.

Onions need the most ordinary

Onions need the most ordinary

You will need: large bulbs and garlic head, 300 ml of water, march, wide plaster and socks. Grind products and throw them into boiling water, negotiate 5-7 minutes and let cool. Cool and strain the decoction. Moch in liquid gauze, it can be a wide bandage, folded several times in the "pad". Attach the mark to the foot and lock the wide plaster. Also do with the second stop, put on the socks and go to bed.

Getting to cleans

Getting to cleans

Detox compress will pull out all the toxins from your body through the foot. Over the night march changes color. Rate the result of the purified organism. After this procedure, you must start feeling much better.

The body will say

The body will say "Thank you"

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