Healthy and beautiful teeth - inheritance


During pregnancy, the future mother should try not to take antibiotics. And quite accurately - abandon the drugs of tetracycline. Tetracycline is tropen enough, that is, it easily penetrates the dental enamel and changes it. Future mothers who for some reason still took this medicine during pregnancy should be prepared for the fact that their children will have problems with teeth. What kind of problems? Mounternly, gray teeth with incomprehensible anatomy. Growing, these people are trying to put veneers at the first opportunity. Because other options to bring "beauty" - no. "Tetracycline teeth" are practically not whiten. And even if you succeed at least a little change their color, then the form will remain non-standard. Such teeth will immediately notice not only an experienced doctor, but also a sophomore student of a medical university.

There is another problem that can directly affect the quality of the kid's teeth. This is the use of the future mom of fluorinated water. And in Russia there are still regions where drinking water is active fluorinated. So, if a pregnant woman drinks in a large number of such water, the kid will necessarily have diseases of solid teeth tissues. This will affect the structure of Enamel and its color. Perhaps the pathology will be expressed not as much as in the case of "tetracycline teeth", but at certain stages the disease also gives an unsightly picture. And in adulthood, these people also fall to orthopes. For the quality of drinking water, you must keep track of constantly. Since the dairy teeth, and constant are also affected by excess fluorine. Especially if at the earliest stage, when there were still dairy teeth, the primitives of constant teeth were already damaged. But one of the most important Mom's task is to teach the child to the hygiene of the teeth and the oral cavity. This skill should absorb the "Mother's Milk".

As soon as the child is shouted the first teeth, the mother must clean them with special attacks. It would seem - for which infants brush your teeth? The mouth is an ideal place for bacteria, there is warm, there is always something to "eat." And in the end, even my mother's kiss can convey the child to the "portion" of bacteria, which will come down, multiply and with time will lead, for example, to caries. Therefore, it is necessary to take a raid, which is formed even at the first two milk teeth. There is an erroneous, but very common opinion - why to care for dairy teeth? After all, they will fall all the same, permanent will come to replace them - here for them and we will care. It is necessary to understand if the Caries is formed on the milk teeth, he can reach the pulp, which will cause a pulpit or periodontitis, the infection can leave even lower - where the main of a constant tooth is located. And if it is damaged, then the child either remains without a tooth, or the tooth will grow damaged, incorrectly formed. Therefore, it is necessary to brush your teeth from the moment they appear. First - without pasta, then with the addition of a small number of children's paste. And when all the milk teeth shovel - in two and a half or three years, you need to teach a child to engage in hygiene yourself. Now there is everything to make this process are exciting - singing brushes, vibrating, the baby will clean your teeth, and even have fun. When the first bite change occurs - it usually happens in six to seven years, a child can be left to mini professional hygiene, where special brushes and pastes will be removed from the teeth.

To make sure that the baby is all right in the oral cavity, in two years it needs to show a dentist - this is exactly the moment when all the milk teeth are cut. Early visit to the doctor will lead the child to the culture of teeth care. In America, children are not fighting in hysterics before the office of the dentist just because they already know that there is nothing terrible. We may sometimes be able to persuade to sit in the chair and open your mouth - this is such fear and horror before the dentist, which, of course, is not correct. Therefore, the task of modern and truly caring parents is to instill a culture of teeth care culture, to find the clinic where they will regularly drive a child for preventive inspections, and later - professional hygiene. I don't know what many moms are worried about diasthemia in children - these are gaps between the front teeth. I want to calm down - most often this phenomenon is temporary. Other teeth will grow, the jaw will grow, and as a result, a number of teeth come true, the diasthem will close. In the meantime, this gap is a kind of "reserve of place" for subsequent teeth. The final replaceable bite is formed about twelve years. It is at this time that the fifth teeth and the dental row acquire their permanent look and shape.

Surely, many have noticed that some kids at the earliest old teeth are already dark. This disease is called "Dental Enamel Dysplasia". The reasons for its occurrence are many. It may be an error in a child's diet when it uses food in which many acid agents. It may also be a congenital hereditary disease that causes a change in enamel at the chemical level. Treatment is the removal of a changed affected area. If the child is completely small, the doctor may invite to observe the development of the situation. The main thing is not to confuse dysplasia with caries. Because the dysplasia will not grow further, and the caries will be. For diagnostics, there are caries detector and markers. Even if the preschooler baby was diagnosed with enamel dysplasia, they should not be afraid and despair. This disease can be on milk teeth, and it may already be on constant. Talk about "bad heredity" regarding the teeth in principle I do not support. Even if the child got from someone from his parents is not strong enamel, it can always be strengthened to the required level. Genetic predispositions are always integrated issues that are related to the quality of enamel, and to the composition of saliva, and to her abundance, and to the work of the local immune system, that is, its ability to kill bacteria. That's all together and gives either a healthy or problem cavity of the mouth. That is - heredity is not bad enamel, but a general picture of health. Therefore, moms should not think about what the teeth were inherited by their child, but how to strengthen them and maintain for many years.

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