The whole truth about cellulite


The concept of "cellulite" (Cellulite) first appeared in the United States in 1973, when the owner of New York

The cosmetic salon Nicole Ronsard wrote a whole book about terrible fights, lumps and irregularities on the skin. The news about it quickly appeared in the next issue of Vogue magazine,

And American women began to carefully look closely to the relief of their hips and buttocks. The new "disease", open by Mrs. Ronsard, laid the beginning of a new area of ​​cosmetology.

Dozens of newcomer techniques began to appear to combat this attack, but official medicine still does not see any crime and consider cellulite in the accumulation of subcutaneous fat and considers cellulite only as aesthetic problem. The exception is only acute inflammation of fatty fiber (Cellululitis) - a disease that is accompanied by the destruction of tissues and requires immediate medical intervention.

"When it comes to correction of cellulite and modeling of the figure, it is necessary to immediately make a reservation that cosmetology is able to help only people with normal weight, - explains the cosmetologist Evelina Gusoyev - with overpressing body and obesity, treatment should be carried out simultaneously with different specialists - psychologists, endocrinologists, nutritionists , therapists. Only one cosmetologist will be powerless here. And another important point that is often forgotten is the need for an integrated approach. We know that the reasons for the appearance of cellulite a lot:

• metabolic disease,

• hypodynamia,

• bad habits,

• Unbalanced nutrition and drinking mode,

• Stresses,

• hormonal failures,

• Reception of contraceptive tablets,

• Internal diseases of the body.

While these factors continue to act, no miraculous means guarantee a strong result. Therefore, we will immediately warn our clients that you need to work together and fulfill all the recommendations of a life skills and home care. Only when we affect all the links immediately, leading to aesthetic flaws of the shape, the result will be long and noticeable.

Treatment always begins with the collection of anamnesis. It turns out that the patient has bad habits, diseases, tendency to allergic reactions, contraindications to one or another influence or component. It is also necessary to visit the gynecologist to find out if the hormonal background is fine and there is no contraindications to certain methods of anti-cellulite therapy.

At the same stage, an analysis of food behavior and water-drinking mode is carried out. As is known, the abuse of simple carbohydrates, pastries, fast food, sweet carbonated drinks, alcohol, coffee leads to an excessive load on the liver and the gastrointestinal tract, excessive accumulation of fat, deterioration of the condition of the connective tissue.

In turn, the adipose tissue has a tendency to accumulate toxins, and when we begin to lose weight or go to lipolytic procedures, all slag cells are sent straight to us into the blood and poison the body. Therefore, it is extremely important to comply with the correct drinking mode, in which it is recommended to drink 1.5-2 liters of pure non-carbonated water per day. And also eating as many fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Thus, toxins will be quickly displayed without causing harm. "

"One of the most important stages in the treatment of cellulite is a hemolympodian, which allows you to bring extra liquid and toxins, - Evelina Gusoyev notes. - To do this, use manual and hardware massage, myostimulation, pressotherapy, mesotherapy, wraps. Lymphodrenage struggles with stagnation in the lymphatic system and provides normal fluid circulation. An important feature of the procedure is its focus on general recovery. In our body, everything is interconnected, and cellulite can only be a private manifestation of more serious disorders. The result of the lymphatic drainage massage is to increase immunity, performance and organism resistance, activation of metabolic processes. Patients often note that after the local study of the problem areas of the body, they suddenly improve the complexion of the face, which indicates a comprehensive effect on all internal systems and metabolism.

In the salon conditions, manual or hardware lymphatic modeling is used. Manual technique implies manual effects of various intensities that promote the acceleration of the movement of lymph, the restoration of vascular and muscle tone. At the same time, professional leaving and special oils are additionally used.

Hardware lymphatic drainage is appointed not only in order to activate the movement of lymph

and the withdrawal of toxins, but also to enhance lipolyase, that is, fat splitting. Vacuum massage is carried out due to negative pressure in the instrument's nozzle, it accelerates the metabolism, stimulates venous and lymphatic outflow. The volume of circulating blood is evenly distributed between the muscle tissue and the skin, which leads to a decrease in edema and restores the normal sensitivity of the skin.

For deep study of problem areas, pressotherapy is used, which is a dosage and consistent effect of compressed air supplied through a special suit divided into sections. This costume is put on problem areas (for example, legs, on the stomach and hips), under the control of the computer in its section, the air is injected or sucks, which then squeezes, then the defined sections of soft tissues goes. The procedure contributes to the removal of excess liquid and the exchange products from the intercellular space, eliminates the edema, tones the walls of the vessels.

During the session of the minion, a weak electric current is served, which affects the smooth muscles of vessels, stimulates venous movement and lymphatic drainage. With the help of electrical stimulation, congestive phenomena in adipose tissue, characteristic of all cellulite stages, are removed by peripheral arterial spasms and blood supply is improved, cellular exchange is activated. "

And remember: whatever the lymphodroenge method is selected, salon procedures must be complemented by special domestic products. As already noted, cellulite arises as a result of impaired blood circulation in the tissues, therefore, first of all, focus on drugs that improve microcirculation and strengthening the walls of blood vessel should be made.

The main ingredients here will be the needleer is sprawered, Indian horse chestnut, arnica and trocserutin in combination with a complex of vitamins and bioavailable calcium. They will not only protect veins and capillaries, but also contribute to the restoration of calcium balance and vitamins inside the skin tissues, as well as enhance the circulation in the lower limbs.

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