Love Story: Melanie Griffith and Antonio Banderas


They met in 1995 on the filming of the film "Two - is too" director Fernando Truway. At that time, Antonio Banderas was happily married. With the Spanish actress of any forest, he lived for almost ten years. However, literally fell in love for a month, divorced and married again - in the Hollywood diva Melanie Griffith.

Many then perceived their union as Mesallians. They rummed that the Banderas was beneficial for this party, because thus he opened the doors to the American "Dream Factory". Others, on the contrary, they assured that this Griffith won a large kush, coming out married a sultry Spanish Macho. Because no one in Los Angeles, knowing her crazy nature and passion for drinking, would not dare to tie his fate with her. To some degree of right there were both parties. Career Banderas after marriage in Hollywood actress really went uphill. But at the same time, Melanie finally found family happiness, which she was so lacked in the previous life.

Non-poor Don.

Melanie Griffith was born in the famous Hollywood family. Her mother is a model and actress Tippi Hedren, shot from Alfred Hichkok in the birds and Marni. Father Peter Griffith - an advertisement, his only daughter also perceived as a model: For the first time, Melanie starred in a commercial roller at the age of nine months and thus earned his first weighty fee.

Melny's parents divorced when she was only four years old. Since then, it can be said, no one has done particularly melanie. Later she admits that for this reason, and began to drink: "I lacked love. And so I treated my children's fears with alcohol. "

Everything in her life was too early: the first role, the first sip of wine. And the first man including. With his future husband, a handsome Don Johnson (we love him on the TV series "Miami Police: Department of Mravov"), she met when she was only fourteen. Moreover, it is said that at the very case Don had a novel with Mother's Mother - Tippi Hedren. However, the daughter turned out to be a whether ...

The Don Johnson at that time was twenty-two. And his blue brazen eyes and sneakers on the cheeks drowned with many Hollywood dives crazy. "He was the most beautiful man of all that I saw for my short life," recalled later the neck of the first meeting with Johnson. - Soon we began to live together. It was wonderful!"

Despite its "sweet" appearance, Johnson was not at all a Pai-boy. Today, he himself does not hide that in his youth, he broke into a complete coil. "I drank, smoked grass, sniffed cocaine, ate cucalud. Could drink a liter of vodka just for workout. " It is clear that with such a "mentor", all the vicious habits of melanie were only bloomed in bright color. Now she has already drank in the company with a handsome husband. It could not continue for a long time, and after a few months Melanie and Don divorced.

However, the next chief of Melanie also did not differ in approximate behavior. Steve Bauer was born in Cuba and Ernesto Esteban Echevarria was inflicted when baptism. However, the career decided to do with a new, more familiar to Hollywood, name. Already during the filming in his second series (the name of his Russian viewer will say little), he met Griffith. And soon led her under the crown.

Despite the presence in filmography of a decent number of roles, the Bauer has failed to become a real star. Including because, according to rumors, he loved experiments with the expansion of consciousness. So Melanie again fell out of the fire and in the hollow. Nevertheless, she lived with Bauer for almost seven years. In this marriage she had a son Alexander. Only here brought up his third husband. Who is he? Meet the Don Johnson to his own person. Yes, yes, these two later many years decided to give each other a second chance. And at first it seemed that everyone was doing perfectly. But it was only visibility. "Our second marriage for some time was beautiful, passionate, wonderful, and then everything ended. Because of your own egoism, we moved away from each other. In a word, everyone spoiled everything, "Johnson will tell.

Nevertheless, after parting, the spouses managed to keep good relationships. After all, they smashed daughter. Today, Dakota Johnson is also a noticeable person in the film business. She debuted in 1999 in the film "Woman without Rules", then played a role positively estimated by critics in the "Social Network" (Nominee for the Oscar Prize). But, most importantly, it was she who received the leading female party in the film by the sensational erotic novel "50 shades of gray." The premiere is scheduled for February 2015, and the paparazzi is already watching every step of Dakota. And it is already known that the young actress is incomprehensible: she meets with actor Jordan Masterson, famous for the series "How I met your mother."

By the way, the father of Dakota Don Johnson, said that he would not go to the premiere personally. "I do not consider it relevant to look publicly as my daughter is engaged in love with someone." And it says a man who has been nailed on the screen more than once, and not two, and not even ten! I became famous including the fact that a whole chapter was written about his male dignity in the book of memoirs of the famous American party-friendly Pamela de Barr!

Johnson really did not differ in Puritan behavior. After the divorce from Melanie Griffith, he changed one passion for another. From the singer d'Arbanville he had a son of Jessie (today he also actively tries himself as an actor). With the rest, they simply have fun outlook. He had novels with Barbra Streisand, Country singer Tanya Tucker, and even with the very Pamela de Barr. And what sex parties he arranged! I invited several buddies, and then called the model agency of the famous sense and asked to send more young beauties - at least five on my brother. And so that all girls were different: blondes, brunettes, black ...

Johnson must be said to be a rampant lifestyle continued until he met his third wife - famous in Hollywood circles with a secular lioness Kelly Fale. Although she was surrounded by male attention, Johnson did everything to become one of the only one.

And it turned out. Kelly replied "yes" on his proposal of his hand and heart, and Johnson himself immediately calmed down, turning into a respectable family man. For many years now I'm not heard of his throats. He lives in his chic mansion in Santa Barbara surrounded by a favorite family: Kelly's wives and three children - Grace, Jasper and Dicon. It is rarely removed, but aptive: the last role of Don in the picture of Quentin Tarantino "Dzhango liberated" many critics called one of the best in his filmography.

Saint Antonio

Young Spaniard Grezil about acting glory. At fourteen, Antonio got a job at the Theater of the city of Malaga - he became indispensable for the scenes: he was a worker, costume designer, makeup, illuminator. But it was not possible to reach the scene yet. But the representative of beautiful gender admired his other talent - lover. Little not every evening with handsome Antonio was a new girl. The sibling mother did not crawl, on the contrary, secretly proud of his victories. In Spain, the behavior of the young man is not considered reprehensible.

At the age of twenty, Antonio completed the National School of Dramatic Art in Malaga and went to Madrid. Soon he was accepted into the troupe of the National Theater, and in six years Banderas came out for the first roles. But in addition to acting glory, he was still accompanied by another - the reserved Donjan. The marriage in the Spanish artist named An Ana Forest is radically the situation has not changed. Although rather, this ladies gouted a sultry handsome than he rather than them. Take at least a story with Madonna. Pop Diva met Antonio when he arrived in Madrid on the shooting of the painting "in bed with Madonna". And so "smelled it" to him, that in the film about myself, I had to frank about my feelings for the Spaniard. The singer has always got used to achieve the desired. Therefore, acted directly and called Banderas to dine in her room. He did not refuse, but led to his wife Anu Forest. Dinner passed in a tense atmosphere.

Meanwhile, the first great success came to Antonio himself. Picture of Pedro Almodovar "Women on the verge of a nervous breakdown," where Banderas played a major role, in 1989 nominated for Oscar. And here, the Antonio first saw his future wife, which he had seen only in the movies. "It was a white dress with pearls. For some reason it was imprinted in memory. "

Melanie Griffith Second parting with Don Johnson worried very hard. But all that is done - for the better. Antonio Banderas turned out to be a completely different man than all those that met her earlier. So, he personally attended the birth of Stella's daughter, and then literally did not move away from the baby. I changed her diapers, fed from a spoon, sang before bedtime lulled. And when the common familiar couples were surprised that it was he who performs all the "maternal" functions, only laughed: "Well, Melanie already has two children, and for me it is a real debut. So let it relax. "

Not only that Banderas turned out to be a wonderful father, she also became excellent husband. Although, as Hollywood gossip warned, he had to survive a lot. Melanie's character was never distinguished by special accurateness, and at some point she was completely disappearing from the coils.

It all started in 2000. Melanie fell into a serious accident. And it became the beginning of the end. Due to the fact that she had damaged cervical vertebrae, the actress had to drink painkillers. And the demons from which she seemed to escape, returned. Melanie, many years did not have any problems with alcohol, nor with drugs, hooked on pills. She increased everything and increased the dose, and then also began to drink the medicine alcohol. At some point it became clear that he would not cope with this whip. Antonio pleaded his wife to go to the rehabilitation clinic. And although these institutions of Melanie hate from the young age, gave way to her husband.

Treatment gave good results. Over six years, the spouses did not remember their former problems. And when journalists did it for them, they were openly talking about the past. "Yes, Melanie was dependent for many years, and we have always come out of this situation," admitted Antonio Banderas in one television interview. "And the same truth that over the past six years she has been a clean and sober."

Idyll lasted until 2008. Then during skiing skiing in Aspen, Melanie damaged his knee. Not the most serious injury, but she had to go under the surgeon's knife. And ... again resort to painful. And after, the time of Melanie again came to the state when without the help of doctors it was not to do.

All this time, Antonio was constantly next to melanie. Patiently endured her nervous breakdowns and protracted depressed and knew how to find the necessary words to persuade the spouse once again to undergo a course of rehabilitation. During her last course of treatment, he even went to her clinic with it: there is a type of therapy when doctors work immediately with the whole family. In a word, he behaved almost like a hero. But, apparently, at some point tired ...

"We weigly decided to complete our almost twenty-year-old marriage, retaining the honor and respect for each other, to our family, friends, and the time held together," the official statement of the spouses, which they distributed this summer.

Of course, the "yellow press" immediately decided to steal on the bones. The tabloids proposed several options for the possible causes of divorce. Someone assures that the Banderas has a novel with a novice Ukrainian actress. And someone launched a rumor that in fact Antonio is now happy with Sharon Stone. But truth, as you know, somewhere there. In any case, the world lost one of the most stable pairs. Although, maybe they also change their mind: because Melanie has already come out twice married to the same man. Why not repeat the experiment?

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