The scene of the series "Operation


The scenario suffers the viewer in the USSR of 1975, in the midst of the "Cold War": American spies, new Soviet ballistic missiles, leakage of secret information and, of course, an honest lead character, dismissed from Moore and working ordinary precinct. However, it is he who provides invaluable HBB assistance in the capture of the overseas spy.

"My hero was demoted to the district," the artist leads the leading role Andrey Smolyakov. - And it is in a pessimistic mood and light alcoholic intoxication. Cherkasov gradually begins to dig up from it. In his area there is a crime. And then everything is growing like a snowball. And the initious mind Cherkasov brings it to the point that he goes to the international industrial espionage. "

Jan Sexteh had to learn their role in English. According to the scenario, the Russian actress plays the Chef of the Moscow Residency of American Intelligence

Jan Sexteh had to learn their role in English. According to the scenario, the Russian actress plays the Chef of the Moscow Residency of American Intelligence

"Satan", according to NATO classification, called Soviet intercontinental ballistic missiles R-36 M, said the director of the picture Yuri Moroz. - American special services are trying in all ways to get information about the new Soviet weapons. In parallel, Major Cherkasov investigates the murder of the station prostitute. In the course of the investigation, he involuntarily turns out to be in the epicenter, for example, spy disassembly. My task was to make our story look with no less interest than previous four seasons'.

To transfer the atmosphere of those long past years, the creators of the series had a lot to ride in Moscow and the surroundings in search of Soviet Nature. Classified Scientific Research Institute (according to the plot is the main design bureau, which develops the Satan missile) was filmed in the real Zelenograd Research Institute of Electronics, where the atmosphere of the Soviet era is still preserved. By the way, this institute made an Ernst Unknown himself. Moore's interiors were discovered on the Peace Avenue in one office building, where the Soviet spirit remained absolutely unexpectedly in complete inviolability.

Director Yuri Moroz initially doubted how much the image of a non-bright laboratory was suitable for Victoria Isakova. But after the first scenes, all doubts disappeared

Director Yuri Moroz initially doubted how much the image of a non-bright laboratory was suitable for Victoria Isakova. But after the first scenes, all doubts disappeared

The actors also had to be transferred to the past. The main characters who played Marina Aleksandrov and Jan Sexte, appeared in the images that today can already be boldly called "retro".

"In the film I am with a kara and bangs to the eyebrows - a la french movie star Anuk Eme," said Marina Alexandrova. - I generally like such feminine retro images. And my heroine Sonya Timofeyev works under the guise of a representative of an ancient profession. There I am blonde, the first time starred in the wig. "

Jan Sextehe, who played the American spy, generally constantly changes the appearance - after all, her heroine is "coming from surveillance." Interestingly, in initially this role was written under a man. Yana said that she even met on the set of American actor, who was jokingly, she stole the role of a spy - after all, he also tried her.

Find in the modern capital of Moscow of the mid-seventies is not so easy. The film crew had a lot to ride in search of Soviet Nature

Find in the modern capital of Moscow of the mid-seventies is not so easy. The film crew had a lot to ride in search of Soviet Nature

Actress Victoria Isakov appeared in the new picture in an unexpected image: she played a modest laboratory and a research institute in strict glasses and a white coat, which after the car accident seams on one leg. "I did a Vika at all, which one I have never seen the audience," the director admitted. "At first I and the producer Denis Evstigneev doubted whether the dissonance would not sound this unusual image. But after the first stage, it became clear to her that Vika was absolutely in his place - everything came out! "

At the star of Soviet cinema Larisa Udovichenko, who just remembers the mid-70s, in the picture a small job. But the actress is pleased with his work: in her opinion, it is just the case when a small spool, but roads. "I have a small role, but it is very well written by an excellent screenrist Alla Crowning, it is generally distinguished by a very attentive approach to each character: all the characters are interesting, with their experiences, fate, philosophy, - with delight, tells Larisa about the new job. - Also I am impressed by the manner of Yuri Claus. The series has no extra "clipness", which is so trying to surprise modern directors. Intrigue is maintained to the end. "

Vladimir Ilyin is a real reincarnation wizard. And you need to admit that the role of Soviet scientists is also great

Vladimir Ilyin is a real reincarnation wizard. And you need to admit that the role of Soviet scientists is also great

Since there are quite a few complex tricky scenes in the series (for example, an episode with a burning machine and its fall into the river), the shooting was tense. Yes, and the weather did not complain the film crew. Because of the snowfalls, it was more common for clearing the snow to hire tractors and special equipment, without which the cars could not drive up to the right job. Sometimes, in order to speed up the process, the director and his own shovel in his hands. Not easy this work - Cinema to shoot!

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