Zakhar Prilepin: "Family is also my work"


The first novel Prilepina "Pathology" brought him fame and several literary awards. It was exactly ten years ago. Now on the shelves of his eleventh book - "Resident". And it is difficult to imagine that there was a time when no one heard such a name - Zakhar Prilepin! However, at birth, he was called Eugene. Zakhar is a creative pseudonym. By the way, the rustic relatives could not foresee that the boy was a world-famous writer from the boy. According to the confinement itself, it was not waiting for a big sense from him. Strange was, the poems did everything, and even out loud ... Father worked as a rural teacher, mother - nurse. In the village of Ilyinka, that in the Ryazan province, the future "ruler Dum" lived with his parents and sister to nine years. Then the family moved to the "Capital of Chemistry and Other" (Local Folklore) - to the city of Dzerzhinsk Nizhny Novgorod province. The colorful "capital", taken into the ring of chimsaws, was shrouded in the Soviet years I could ... Zakhar says that he felt an adult when he was still a teenager - he lost his father. Differently looked at the world. Without illusions. However, with his future, he did as a true poet: hesitated him on a samotek, trusting impulses and feelings. So, left the university philka. So, signed up in Omon, it was sent to the commander, I went to fight in Chechnya. Returning from the war and to civilian life, recovered at the university. At one of the exams, I met the future wife Masha, which is still in love ... By the way, Prilepinskoye monochiev and many hours are affecting no less than Chechnya and Riot. Four children! Two sons and two daughters. House, full of beasts (cats and dog), outdoor for friends, "acquired" talented mistress - clean happiness! Unexpected, even indecent for the writer. After all, the writer is supposed to suffer in his personal life: fall in love, disappointed, all shaved, fall in love again - and draw in this inspiration. Zahara is different ...

You believe Writers who seriously say that this is not they write themselves, and they allegedly dictate more than?

Zakhar Prilepin: "I hate so much and always want to beat the stool on the head. Because most often, this seriously pronounce people who write amazing garbage. And it comes out - either God's fool, or ... In general, there is clearly some kind of disorder. I won't hear any votes, no one dictates anything to me. I am writing only myself and not the blood of the heart, just picking words on a laptop, they are going to suggestions. Not bleeding ... "

So you could not write at all?

Zakhar: "Probably might. I did not write up to thirty years. And lived perfectly. In principle, I would prefer to sit on the shore with friends, drinking beer and that the children around ragged hopping, the dog is a big bumblebee ... all this is much more pleasant than writing. But I fish myself sometimes for the tail, because there are some important things that this type of activity gives. Feeling the need for a considerable number of people, utility ... I received the insane number of letters - both from Russia and from other countries. Of course, it's very pleasant to know that someone in life you are very important. So, everything is not accidental. "

Since childhood, Little Zakhara talked to work. The first place for his work was a bakery shop, where he worked as a loader. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

Since childhood, Little Zakhara talked to work. The first place for his work was a bakery shop, where he worked as a loader. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

For many, you are not only a wonderful writer, but also an example of a family man. By the way, one day at a meeting with the readers, you said that you would like the experience of your family to broadcast on the whole of Russia ...

Zakhar: "Well, it was told with the share of humor, the audience was pleasant, benevolent, so I allowed myself ... After each such phrase it would have to stand a smiley. (Laughs.) Why take an example with me? Well, we made a certain number of children with my wife, and otherwise the same story. " (Laughs.)

However, not the same.

Zakhar: "You see, a family is also my work. There is a job associated with books, but it would not be the main one. Somehow my friend Sasha Vyedensky (and he directed, screenwriter, films take off) Journalists asked: who do you feel who you feel? Having in mind, probably, profession. He: Father. And I suddenly realized that if I was also asked who I feel - a writer, a publicist, a journalist, I will answer the same way: the Father. Because any of his classes I can stop for some long time, maybe for years. That's once I wrote poems, then stopped, and I don't care about this question today at all. Maybe this happens with prose. With journalistic activities - all the more, she tired of me for a long time. But what about my family, my children ... It will always be. Because this is the main sense of my life. Remember how Yesenin said: "How is scary that the soul passes, like youth and like love." The soul passes, like everyone else. And the most faithful means to maintain his human being, its human consistency is a family and all that is connected with it. "

It is unlikely that you thought about all this when they married. You were young and just loved the right person. So?

Zakhar: "Yes, just coincided. Apparently, the intuition worked well in my wife, and I have. We sometimes laugh at this. Partly ironically, no partly. I remember that when we met, I worked in OMON. An ordinary riot policeman, then the commander of the department. In any case, some jerk in other spheres was not supposed. "

Future writer with parents. Father, Nikolai Semenovich, taught history at school. Mom, Tatiana Nikolaevna, was a nurse. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

Future writer with parents. Father, Nikolai Semenovich, taught history at school. Mom, Tatiana Nikolaevna, was a nurse. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

Unprotected was the groom?

Zakhar: "Yes. Masha was engaged in some business, was one of the first business women in Nizhny Novgorod. I didn't do something grandiose - I just thought quickly, I quickly thought, I bought something, something resold, some offices removed, then they handed them out. In any case, she all had already worked in the nineties. And suddenly she challenged the case and connects his life with the Omeon. To the surprise of all the girlfriends. Moma Masha (already deceased, unfortunately) was a wonderful person, but she also puzzled that the daughter no longer brings money in the family. " (Laughs.)

However, the choice was correct. You are the perfect husband, all have time and books to write, and raise children. With girls, probably, is it more difficult?

Zakhar: "The girls are much easier. That is, I and sons simply. We are fine and ladies. In the summer I lived with four children in the village. Actually, every summer I do it until the wife rests a little. And without problems. If I had no so many trips, I would generally lived all year round with children in the village. It is clear that they need to learn, and so I cope with life easily. But the girls are more deployed to the Father, of course. And boys are more to the mother. I felt it from some moment clearly felt. If we sit down at the table with guests and places a little, the son of the youngest is always to my mother on your knees - OP! And daughter - to me. Well, the youngest, she turned three, can still go there, and here. But those that older are looking for, apparently, some samples of male or female behavior. To better understand ... And the eldest is already a separate person. He is sixteen. "

Father you experienced. And you also call you a young writer? You are in the literature for ten years.

Zakhar: "I thought everything I thought that I was a young prose. But it turned out - no longer. Russia generally returned to the previous gradations of age. And then, in our nineties, due to the fact that the shaft of the prose was returned, Pelevin went to young people, Sorokin, Tatyana Tolstaya, Yuri Polyakov ... And they were already for forty-forty-forty years. And really young writers then practically did not appear. Time somehow did not favor. Remember, Yesenin wrote in 1923: "I feel like the owner of Russian poetry"? He was twenty-eight. Now what kind of young poet will say that? Pushkin at thirty-three or thirty-four years already included in the textbooks of literature! And today there are things of this sense. My works are also held at school. So I decided to boast. "

Zakhar Prilepin:

"Sit on the beach with friends, drinking beer and that the children around ragged hopping, the dog is a big bumblebee, - all this is much more pleasant than the writtenness." Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

And who, from your point of view, today is a young promising prose?

Zakhar: "Let's say, Sergey Samsonov. He is from Peter. I wrote several novels. A book called "Anomaly Kamlaev" turned out very well. And he is really young - thirty years old. I made an anthology of the modern male prose of zero years. It is called: "dozen". And there all plus-minus - from twenty eight to forty two. All prose. Ten people. And then I published another anthology, female prose, called "Fourteen". It turned out that among women is more good prosaikov. Who! Alisa Ganiev, Polina Korbinina ... We have where to find a reader's eye. And young poets are a lot of good. But I'll tell you a little bit. In general, the perception of the world with young writers is not even skeptical, but an apocalyptic, it is very heavy. And the literature has always been such a thermometer measuring the "body temperature". And so, if you judge in literature, we are definitely not all right. "

The book "Books", which you called a benefit on the latest literature with lyrical and sarcastic deviations will be continued?

Zakhar: "Will, of course. Because I actually read a large number of books. Most often in airplanes. That's when they say, they say, no time reading, it is not true. There is always time. At least when we ride in public transport. Of course, it is much more important and more important for a person to read a book than to spend forty hours on the Internet. I also sometimes go to the social network and freeze for a long time. You know, it only seems to us that we live in the age of information and something important to understand something from infinite news feed. All wrong. For example, you can read all newspapers for that year, when "Anna Karenina" was written, and you can read "Anna Karenina", and this will give a man much more than all newspapers. So now. I saw some friends, heard in the social network, and I feel good. But when I sit there for four hours, then I get out like a bum from the trash can. What did I do there? Unclear. But I spent the same time for reading the novel "Germans" Alexander Terekhov and immediately learned a lot about life, about love, about a woman, about Luzhkov. " (Laughs.)

What is the plans besides the "booking"?

Zakhar: "After the" abode "there will be two collections of the essay. And then, probably, sit down to make a book about music. "

Zakhar Prilepin:

In addition to literature, Zakhar has another passion: its own music group "Elefonk". Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

By the way, where can I listen to your Music group "Elefonk"?

Zakhar: "Elefonk Group" is not even Nizhny Novgorod - All-Russian. Musicians with whom I do this project is a very serious level. Partly this tribute to youth. Then the music meant a lot - for me and for the people of my generation. Elefunk is available on my site. Listen. I will be happy if you like it. First of all, for their comrades. Because I had everything in my life and even more than I expected, even more than my mom expected from me. And my musicians who play so well, they ... as they say, karma. Karma destroyed by all sorts of broken-water processes, abandoned children, drunkenness, addicts, all the rest. And I hope my bright karma pull them all ... This is my personal experiment. Maybe it will not work. "

Do you watch movies?

Zakhar: "Angel's Heart" Alan Parker I watched forty. He shook me back in his youth. I will not say that I am a great specialist in this area, but I saw a lot of good movies. A few days before the death of Herman, I wrote in the article that all his paintings looked at three or four times, except for Khrustaleva. Germany's films are enchanting me, they live in me as part of me. Some heroes from there are more real for me than living people. I have long been very bad about the modern Russian cinema, until he began to be friends with the dunge Smirnova. And she, for his part, said that we have a very bad modern Russian literature. I: "Dunya, now I will write you a list of ten books, you read them and say that it is not possible." And wrote a list. She read. After that, I heard: "Zakhar, I was a fool, I did not do what it was necessary. I start reading books again. " You see, you just need to have a good conductor. Dunya also offered to choose Ten films. And I looked at the "free swimming" Bori Khlebnikov, looked at Popogrebsky, Vyropaeva (I liked the "Euphoria" more than "oxygen"), "Shapito-show" Sergey Loban, "Treason" Kirill Silverinnikov ... I realized that we have every year Comes out of several great paintings. Of course, there is a huge amount of every kind of cinema rubbish, which is removed by some non-professional and fools. But there are guys who work surprisingly. "

To sit down for a written table, it is important to wait for inspiration?

Zakhar: "I do not know this feeling. Without any coquetry. It is unfamiliar to me. Sometimes I think that is not quite a real writer, because I have never experienced the delight of the creative detection from what's work. Never. And not that I start to do with the flour to this, but always with some, you know ... Thank God, in the village, in which I live, I have no Internet, mobile communications and television, so I have nothing to take. Nevertheless know: when there is nothing to do, it is necessary to run on my page in the social network for a minute and there you can stick to four hours. So what should I do in the village? I went jumped with a dog, fed, looked at the river and sat down to write. Sometimes in the process there is a feeling that work somehow drags. Well, this is a well-known topic: the novel is first dragging down to the middle, and then he rolls himself. We just need to sleep after him. "

As commander of Riot, Prilepin was sent to Chechnya. Military actions in the Caucasus became one of the important topics in his novels. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

As commander of Riot, Prilepin was sent to Chechnya. Military actions in the Caucasus became one of the important topics in his novels. Photo: Personal archive of Zakhar Prilepina.

And the heroes of their line begged?


"You know, I perceived a long time as a certain coquettery of the word Leo Nikolayevich Tolstoy, they say, that's what he studied Natasha Rostov - married Pierre Progness. But this is true: Sometimes heroes themselves change the plot. If we are simplified, there are two types of writers: "Dostoevsky" and "Tolstovsky". Dostoevsky - Writer ideas. He has ideas, and they attack his novel and everyone will be subordinate to themselves. In Tolstoy, there were also many different ideas, but he is a writer, roughly speaking, life. All that happens in his novels corresponds to the real life development of the personality. Of course, I am a writer "Tolstsky" type. The real model of human behavior, the movement of his spirit I am important to me than all my cigal ideas. You noticed, say that the diaries and journalistic work of Dostoevsky and its novels do not enter into any contradiction, are largely capable of moving one thing to another. And the difference between the philosophical view of Tolstoy and many of his texts is often impassable. It is because of the fact that Dostoevsky subordinates the narration of his ideology, and Tolstoy cannot resist life. Let's say I wanted the novel "Sanya" as a manifesto National Bolshevism. I am a revolutionary self and wish the immediate man-made riot. But when I wrote this text, everything entered into a contradiction with this my installation, and the novel turned out to be such that, say, Leia Ahacedzhakova found in him how she said, "a lot of loved ones." And Sergey Yursky said the same. People who have hated all this to reading the novel. Anyway, our liberal and any other intelligentsia, to my happiness, discovered some things in the novel that they are clear and organic. God forbid you think that I compare, but it was perceived at one time "Quiet Don": And the "white" and "red" considered him with their novel. "

What is your main sadness today?

Zakhar: "Time is missing for family and children. And it is necessary to have enough. Because children grow very quickly. This is your childhood is a huge one - no end, neither the edge, but here ... I remember, I left once again, my younger daughter Lily was still leopard, but I returned - she already says "I will not" "for any reason. And I did not hear when it happened for the first time, and I's offensive. And always in some long trip, I dream that I will soon be back, I will write a shova and will write all day and look at them ... "

Where do you get energy from?

Zakhar: "I think the thing is that I have no very serious complaints about life. And because of them, a person is usually selected. I am always pleased with everyone. Such since childhood. And the logic of the higher forces that we all give up, probably, the following: Once you are happy, then - on, here you still have a little strength. I'm trying to inspire my wife: Be everyone is happy, and everything will be fine. And we have everything, thank God, everything is in order. Although, I understand, we had no strength for four children. And these money I should not have earn. When we gave birth to them, we were completely crazy people - the midnight. But every time we committed these illogical irrational actions, a new child appeared, the space of life somehow revealed more and more. There is such a statement: every child is born with her bread. Not only the child with her bread, so also parents and bread and bread, and other goods. And life is getting better and more fun. Now the last premium has been over, and I think: maybe another one to give birth? "

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