Crowdsourcing: How to participate in Muscovik in the city management


Moscow residents will be able to express their ideas and influence decision-making in various areas of the city's arrangement: in 2020, the government of the capital will continue the development of the crowdsourcing platform, that is, bringing to solve certain problems of a wide range of persons thanks to modern technologies.

In January, the "Moscow central diameters" project was completed - more than 11 thousand participants were registered on it, which were suggested over 1.7 thousand ideas.

The nearest projects in which Muscovites will be able to participate are the "skills of the future" and "electronic services and services".

Project "Skills of the Future" allow Muscovites to discuss topical issues of urban life and take part in educational programs:

one. Promotion "Day without turnstiles" In which children and adults can visit the leading innovative enterprises of the city for free, familiarize themselves with their business processes, products and staff.

2. Children's technoparks helping the career guidance of the younger generation.

3. "Business Weekend" on which high school students and students master entrepreneurial skills'.

And the ideas proposed during the crowdsourcing project "Electronic services and services" , Help the city to improve the proposed functionality.

"Today, the application" State services of Moscow "is actively used by more than 1.5 million Muscovites. And many of his functions that have already become familiar to users appeared thanks to the active participation of citizens in crowdsourcing projects. So, following the results of the project "My", the application has been implemented the possibility of paying for utility bills and other services. It also appeared custom push notifications. For example, they remind the user that the meter readings should be transferred, if in one or two days before the expiration they have not yet been made. Such innovations give Muscovites the opportunity to enjoy an increasing number of urban services and services in a convenient online format, "said Eduard Lysenko, head of the Information Technology Department of Information Technologies.

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