Menshikov, Rutberg, Vasilyeva, Safonova: Great actors in the metropolitan stage


What: play "Khanuma"

Legendary setting with such a strong cast that you do not even know who to buy a traditional bouquet of flowers. Just read what surnames - Yulia Rutberg, Olga Volkova, Anatoly Vasilyev, Vladimir Dolinsky, Natalia Bochkarev, Olga Artgolts, Alexander Nosk, Maxim Konovalov. True, it is better to clarify in advance which composition plays in the "Your" day. But what you will come out after the performance with a good mood and charge of cheerfulness for the nearest week, is guaranteed.


The plot, probably known to everyone. A rich Tiflis merchant wants to breed with an aristocratic family and therefore going to give her beautiful daughter for the old ruined prince. Girl in despair - she loves her young teacher, Prince's nephew. Well, then then the case will take two swipes - Kabato and Khanuma. Kabato promises to marry the prince on his bride and take away the title of the main matchman from Hanuma. Hanuma helps the beloved, and thus destroys the plans of Kabato's rival. Who will be able to promote the story in his own way and what tricks will have to go to each match? Even if the final is known, watch the intrigues of the main characters - one pleasure!

Where: Cdkzh

When: October 12.

What: The play "Macbeth"


In this time, the Shakespeare tragedy decided to personally take Oleg Menshikov. The difficulty of the task he himself, of course, understands fully. "Macbeth" is my personal challenge yourself, "he says. The work went long and not easy. "Macbeth" is a performance that has begun a long time ago, "remembers Menshikov. - But for some time I did not closed before the premiere, but stopped rehearsals. After some time I started rehearsals myself. Initially, I thought I could quickly cope with the material, but then it turned out that she was not fast with Shakespeare. After some time, the work continued, we were looking for a translation that suits us, creating a new stage composition. "

The tragic story about the Scottish General, Torzable Own ambitions and the prediction that one day he will be the king of Scotland, the attention of actors, directors and spectators attracted centuries. Interpretations of this play have a great set - you can say as much as the productions. But Menshikov the companions decided to return to the Shakespeare theater when all the roles are performed by men. In the play, Georgy Nazarenko, Nikita Tatarenkov, Philip Ershov, Alexey Katorekov, Alexander Kudin, Andrei Martynov, Egor Kharlamov, Artem Tsukanov and, of course, Oleg Menshikov himself.

Where: Theater Ermolova

When: 4 and 5

What: The performance "Catch me ... Can you?"


"Husband returns home .." - With this phrase, not one dozen jokes, united the theme of the wrong wives, and x of unlucky lovers and deceived husbands. However, the other situation is more common in life - the wife returns home and cares ...

What and who she cares, fantasize the authors of this light and insanely funny comedy. Fedor Dobronravov (in the second part of Nikolai Dobrynin), Elena Safonova, Tatiana Vasilyeva, Elena Sinilova (Maria Bolonkin), as well as Philip Vasilyev, is performed.

Yes, and if you go to the performance without your second half, be sure to warn how much you wait back home.

Where: Cdkzh

When: October 13.

What: the performance "Hits for hire"


Director Nina Chusova took the basis of Olga Nikifor's play, and the leading actors of the movie and theater - Oscar Kumor, Viktor Loginova, the hope of Angarskaya, Timur Yeremeev invited the leading actors. Also in production is occupied by a young talented actress Daria Pogodin, who declared himself loudly a few years ago, when the intellectual series "Readers" came out on the screens. "In this performance, the relationship of one couple, in which the crisis has come," Daria told us about the coming premiere. - The story is quite life: the spouses it seems that their life has become boring and monotonous. As often happens in such cases, the heroes in the head comes to "refresh" the annoying life with the help of Ajulter, and they want to do it in secret from each other. The desire to embody his long-standing fantasy absorbs them entirely. In pursuit of acute sensations, the spouses are ridiculous and very comical situations. And when they were already completely knocked out of the forces, not reaching the goal, Pasha comes to the rescue. Charming Domrack performed by Oscar Kucers. On his shoulders there is a difficult task to save marriage and bring happiness to their tenants to the house. And he will help them, but not without the benefit for himself. I will not tell further, but the events will develop very unpredictable! "

Where: Cdkzh

When: October 19.

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