Ben Affleck: "I don't want to think about what others think about me"


- Mr., Affleck, film is a shielding of the same book. Did you read the novel before the start of work on the picture?

- Hollywood is such a place where something suddenly appears and becomes the main topic for universal discussion. So it was with the book "disappeared." About two years ago, I didn't hear about it in Hollywood only deaf: absolutely everyone read it. And me too. I read, I liked the book, but then I thought: "Yes, it will be very difficult to adapt to the cinema." And soon forgot about it. As long as I did not call and did not say, "David Fincher wants to meet with you on the" disappeared ". At that moment I was just going to start my next director's project. But I could not give up a chance to work with Fincher, I could not. After all, this is a dream who suddenly became a jaw. Moreover, I was presented to me on a saucer with a blue car. And, fortunately, the producers went to meet me, and I was able to postpone my project for a while.

- In the plot, your hero disappears without a trace. And you become the main suspect in its disappearance. What was the person to play, to whom the media glued the killer label?

- We all carry shortcuts to one degree or another. Even in personal relationships. For example, you imagine her hardworking and executive wife, she is a quiet, submissive husband. And when suddenly someone behaves differently, the problems are contrary to the expectations of the other, problems begin. And even more so when the situation becomes public domain. All immediately begin to consider themselves psychologists and attribute you to one or another archetype. Especially press. This is a loving husband. And this - tyrant. This is a scandalist and traitor. And this is a killer. And when my hero behaves at all at all, the husband must behave, the media immediately call him the main suspect and begin to follow his every step, dig in his dirty underwear.

- You are well known what it means to be under the closer attention to the media.

- Yes, I have often come across it. I used to indignant: "How could they put me in such a world? After all, I'm not like that! ". But now I have to do so otherwise. At some point, I was terrified how much negative in me causes all these gossip and redistribution of facts, and thought: "What are you going so? Why does this give birth to you such hostility? Spit and forget. " And now I treat it like this: Yes, if it will be, I don't care. I want to just be myself and not think about what others will think about me.

Ben Affleck:

In the new film David Fincher "The disappeared" Ben Affleck played a man who is accused of murdering his wife. .

- And how do you protect against all these rumors, gossip and "sensational news" in the media?

- No. None of us is insured from this kind of sensations and hot news. Journalists move impatience. Everything is happening very quickly, you need to publish "news" rather, because there is a tough competition. There is almost no time to rechecking the facts. There are a number of publications that do not interest the truth at all, but only traffic on the site. Their "News" then reprint other, more solid publications, often without thinking: "Wait, all this somehow looks very believable, let's get rid of, find out a little more." The main thing is to publish faster to get ahead of rivals. Almost less and less publications are foreign correspondents, and therefore, in highlighting some events, journalists have to fully rely on other people's articles. By the way, it seems to me that from this can get a good plot for the film. Someone writes a big sensational article. Other newspapers cannot verify the authenticity of the facts outlined in it and simply reprint each other. And in the end, all this turns into a gigantic international deception.

- And if you see comments on most such articles, it seems that the Internet is inhabitually evil people.

- Yes, and comes to madness. I recently sought something on the Internet and came across a dispute between the fans of iPhones and Androids. And there were replicas exchanges like: "Yes, you went, goat!" - "Yes, you yourself freak, I'll wipe your heart!" And everything in such a spirit. I just do not understand how much a person can hate the phone. (Laughs.)

- The world became angry?

- I think it is impossible to generalize. Comments more often write those who are crowded with malice and pours it to everything that read on the Internet. But I personally do not know a single person who wrote such comments and led all these fierce disputes. In fact, the articles that deserve hatred, a little. And to those who can really cause the righteous anger, for example, the situation in Darfur or Iraq, comments are extremely small.

- In the film, Fincher also affects the topic of the economic crisis.

"Yes, my hero remains without work because of the abbreviation, and the whole quarry, which he built, flies the cat under the tail. This theme of the alienation of the middle class. The topic of frustration in their hopes and prospects. You can go to college, learn, get good grades, but not the fact that then you will get a job about which I dreamed. What you all get a job. And the deplorable economic circumstances in which the main characters are supplied, they are protruding in them not the best of them. Their well-being begins to eat rust. And this is a kind of erosion of the entire middle class.

- Your directing experience helps you in the actor's game?

- I think the director made me better as an actor. And, it seems to me that any actor who falls the opportunity to make a film - no matter, a large tape or a short film - is obliged to take advantage of this chance. It's a great school. Sit on the other side of the camera during samples and filming, and then behind the assembly table, very informative. At least, I began to understand more that it works in the frame, and what - no. Sometimes you can remove the entire double on one emotion, and then soak a few doubles on the fact that another emotion appears. And then mounted all this together and get something very interesting. Such experience is very important.

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